Different conceptions of education a child

Classified in Geography

Written at on English with a size of 1.38 KB.

Total population is low and population growth is the slow

Population is balance due to high birth rates and high death rates
It is typical in preindustrial countries
High birth rate due to:
Children contributed to the economy of the household from an early age
Raising a child cost a little more than feeding him or her, there were no education or entertainment expenses
Raising a child cost a little more than feeding him or her, there were no education or entertainment expenses
As they became adults they became a major input to the family business, mainly farming, and we are the primary form of interest for adults in old age
High death rates due to
Lack of sanitation and public health made houses and streets unhealthy 
Free famines due to droughts, wars...
Feel progress in medicine and prevention

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