Concept of education

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The set of actions that undertakings (companies) take to obtain the preference of consumers, these actions include rivalry among companies and are only feasible because there are conditions that facilitate open and participative markets.  COFECE

Competition is a multidisciplinary field that includes elements from areas of knowledge such as:

  1. Law

  2. Economics

  3. Political

  4. Science

  5. History

History of Competition in Mexico

We have had competition law in the country since 1993, as well as agencies, and these were strengthened as part of the economic reforms of 2013.

  1. 1824 CPEUM.- The need for free market access and competition is foreseen

  2. 1993.- Competition policy exist since 1993. (Competition law, as agencies)

  3. 2013.- Economic reforms

  4. 2014.- The publication of the new Federal Economic Competition Law (FECL) and the earlier reform of Article 28 of the Constitution, the competition regime in México was strengthened

Involved subjects

  • Agencies (Public Sector)

  • Private practice (Private Sector)

  • Companies

  • Consultancy firms




Preserve the most valued elements by a given group through mechanisms of standard setting, information gathering and behaviour modification (Baldwin, Cave & Lodge)

Examples of Regulation

  • Mark competition, supply and demand in regulated sectors (economic regulation)

  • Education and social welfare (social regulation)

  • Security and justice (criminal law)

Regulation can purse different objectives of public policy, whether this is a matter of social justice of efficiency, but it relates to direct of indirect government action to steer particular behaviour.

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