Concept of education

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+ International style:created by architects such as Loos,Gropius,Wright,Garnier,Hoffmann. Features:1.Simple volumes,white boxes.2.Straight planes volumes treatment.3.Flat roofs.4.Rejection of ornament.5.Structural skeleton,concrete or façade&plan.7.Ingravity.8.Concept of horizontal fluent space.9.Ribbon windows,tranparency.10. Industrial conception,mentality. Prefabrication.National variants;France:LeCorbusier.Modern mov:group of trends&styles of architecture that were developed along the 20th C.Features:simplification of shapes,absence of ornament,rejection of academicism substituted by an aesthetics based on cubism,expressionism, futurism etc.Use of new materials.Art Nouveau:England style,liberation of shapes from the past.Linear accent,use of wrought iron and many materials,variety of colors, naturalist themes,geometric shapes.New architecture:pilotis,roof garden,free design of the plan,horizontal window,free design of the façade.(ville savoye)“There is no Art without emotion, nor emotion without passion”LeCorbusier

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