Concept of education

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Woman Question: Mary Wollstonecraft. Vindication: 1792. New Woman subject of fiction: 1890s. Stream of Consciousness: mode of narration that undertakes to reproduce, without narrator, the full spectrum flow of character's mental process. Wollstonecraft women & education: quality of person's mind, no difference between men & women. Virginia Woolf: involvement women's suffrage, Women's Cooperative Guild, Labour Party. Shared Elliot's interest in past literature, but for her, the relationshi`s complicated by the values inscribed in the cannon. References to continuing presence of prehistory are not far to see. Civilization rest on fragile foundations. Juxtaposes the Victorian world-view with a feminist, liberal consciousness. Fanny: her characters were female. Era particularly directed to describe women. Samuel Richardson: he wrote about society and community, employing reason. With this influence she was more inclined to reason and logic. But she has also romanticism, she is between. Realistic backgrounds: it was relevant to be loyal to realoty (better than imagination), so she described what she saw. Real ppl, real landscapes. Chatsworth House in Derbyshire inspiration of Darcy's house. Austen morality: her father was preacher, he was inclide to act with morality. She thinks prejudiced ppl cause harm to others. Tries to improve women's situation. Society in Dalloway: Conservative and hierarchical. We see how deeply aware characters are of their social standing. Lower class difficult to move up in the world. British ppl were meant to admire upper class.

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