Concept of education

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1.1-Defining quality: Quality=Performance(how it works)/Expectations. If Q is bigger than 1=good feeling.  The customer determines his expectations. Quality df: Group of properties and characteristics of a service or a product that has the ability to satisfy different necessities. Some dimensions of quality are reliability, durability, service, reputation... These dimensions are independent.

1.2-Enemies of quality: -Lack of definition: Responsibilities are not fixed and it generates the search for someone to put the blame on. -Lack of rigor: deviations, particular interpretations(Joanes). 
It will be necessary to modify many "cultural behaviours" so that it reforces this 2 ideas: 1-There is no one to blame 2-Justifications are not admitted, responsibilities!!
1.4- The Deming Philosophy: It is the benefactor of the modern concept of quality. Dr walter sheward pioneered statistical proccess control (SPC) at bell laboratories. Armando ta elektrizista zan.  American companies (ford) took on Dr ideas after becoming famous in 1980 in USA industry. It was thought that it was the 3 industrial rev.  . Japanese companies did big profits in second half century as well as American did it in the first mende. Jaguar companie was rescued in UK. Continious improvement was based in these principles: -Statistics are the base -CIOQ must be used to redefine the proccess -The deming circle is used to get cont. Impr.  
The aim is to improve quality productivity and competitive position.
1.5-Obstacles:  1-Lack of contionious training and education 2-Imprper planing 3-Inability to change organisational culture 4-Inadequate use of empowerment and teamwork 5-Lack of commitment in management.
1.6-PDCA circle: Plan- Before doing anything everything must be documented and standarized. This requires that the process is studied carefully and recorded. Do-Begin the plan on a small scale if its posible and document any changes. Check-Evaluate the do phase and analyze the data we have collected to continue with the plan. Act- If the goals have been achieved, save the new methods used and communicate it to people who need the new method. If goals not reachen, why not reachen? May repeat may abandone.

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