How do computers affect the way you spend your free time

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Dear editor,
I am writing in response to an article I came across in Tuesday´s edition of your newspaper. I was disappointed to read comments stating that travelling by train is a thing of the past. As a person who travels usually by train, I would like to point out the advantages of travelling by train.
Firstly, there is the obvious advantage that it doesn´t cost a lot of money, It is cheaper tan, for example, travelling plane or bus but that is not the only thing. Trains are safer tan other means of transport.
Next let´s talk about, confort. Compared to buses, cars or planes, many trips are bearable. Travelers don´t have to wear seat belts and you can walk up and down the length of the train while it´s moving. Some trains have a restaurant. If you travel during the night, you can sleep in a bed. You can abo carbe provided with free Wi-Fi.
Finally, I travel once a month by train to Sevilla. The journey is wonderful. I spend less time tan if I´d travel by bus or car. During the trip I have the chance to see sights that I would never see from a plane or a bus. Moreover, I have my suitcase always by my side.
Kind regards,

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