Composition environment
Classified in Biology
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An ecosystem is the combined group of living things, The physical factors of the environment where they Live, and the biotic and abiotic relationships between Them.
-The components of an ecosystem are:
– A population is a group of organisms of the same species That live in the same territory and can reproduce together.
– Biocoenosis: the communities that form the ecosystem.
-A communityis the group of populations that live in the same Area and have relationships between each other.
– The habitat is the place where a species lives.
– The biotope: the physical environment in which all living Things live. It also consists of the relationships between the Abiotic factors
– Theecological niche is the role a species plays in an Ecosystem.
An ecotone is the transitional area between two
Communities in a particular ecosystem, where two
Communities meet and integrate. In most ecotones
There is a transition area between both communities.
Ecotones are considered to be rich areas, as there is
More biodiversity in them than in areas around them.
Adaptations to Cold in animals
-Many Antarctic animals have Either a windproof or waterproof coat (emperor penguins)
-Whales, seals and some Penguins have thick fat layers. These fat layers act like insulation, trapping Body heat in.
-A round body with a small Surface area to volume ratio, to minimize heat loss.
-Small ‘extremities’ which Means less blood is required to these areas, thus less heat is lost.
-When an animal hibernates, Its body temperature drops and all metabolic functions slow way down.