Basic problems of political science

Classified in Language

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1.According to Newman, which are the main opposing Forces which intervene in Translation?:
a.SL writer, SL norms, SL culture and SL setting And tradition
b.SL writer, SL norms, SL culture and SL setting
c.SL Writer, SL norms, SL culture and SL tradition
d.SL writer, SL culture, SL tradition and SL Setting
2.Which of the next statements about translation Is not true:
a.Translation is an art
b.Translation is a science
c.Translation is a matter of taste
d.Translation Is a matter of fact
3.The comprehension of the source text involves Solving the following problems or steps (tick the wrong):
a.Parsing of text
b.Access to specialised knowledge
c.Rely On your intuition
d.Access to intended meaning
4.When translating a text, the translator should (tick the wrong option):
a.Search the intention of the text
b.Find One-for-one equivalents
c.Consider the style
d.Consider the setting where the target language Is going to be published
5.Dynamic equivalence is:
a.The equivalence of effect on the source reader
b.The Equivalence of effect on the target reader
c.The equivalence of form on the target reader
d.The equivalence of form on the source reader
6.Basic requirements of translation are the Following (tick the wrong option):
a.Making sense
b.Conveying the spirit and manner of the original
c.Having a natural and easy form of expression
d.Producing A different response in the reader
7.Tick the Wrong option:
a.Meaning Can only be carried out by words
b.Meaning can be carried out by morphemes
c.Meaning can be carried out by lexemes
d.Meaning can not be carried out by morphemes
8.The expressive meaning of a word:
a.Arises from the relation between it and what it Refers to
b.Arises from co-occurrence
c.Relates To the speaker’s feelings or attitude
d.Arises from dialect and register variation
9.The presupposed meaning of a word:
a.Arises From co-occurrence restrictions
b.Relates to the speaker’s feelings or attitude
c.Arises from the relation between it and what it Refers to
d.Relates to what words and utterances refer to

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