
Classified in History

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58. 1905 revolution. Bloody Sunday.
Bad harvests, and the increase in unemployment as a result of failures against Japan, thousands of people who were raised against the late Tsar. 1905. January 9, a peaceful demonstration in the late Tsar jauregirantz winter began, St. Petersburg. The event was the result of the public sorrow and desperation and lack of freedom and suffer the misery of the people to denounce the situation. The Tsar's troops and was very hard to respond to more than 1,000 dead and 2,000 injured in the impact area. This day is known as Bloody Sunday.

64. April theses. Relevant list.
· End of the war.
· The former Soviet republic to create.
· Refuse the protection of the Provisional Government.
· Nazionalizatzea land.
· A single national bank to merge all of Dublin.
· Proletarian power to take.

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