Air law

Classified in History

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The Six-Day War

The Six-Day War was fought in June 1967 by Israelis and Egyptians, Jordanians and Syrians.

Following the 1948 war, the relations between Israel and its neighbors were never fully formalized. In 1967 tensions became heightened. As a result, in reaction to the mobilization of Egyptian forces along the Israeli border in the Sinai Peninsula, Israel launched a series of airstrikes against Egyptians airfields. The Egyptians were caught by surprise, and nearly the entire Egyptian air forces were destroyed, which gave the Israelis air superiority. 

In addition, the Israelis also launched a ground offensive into the Gaza Strip and through the northern and central routes of the Sinai which caught again by surprise the Egyptians. After this attack, the Egyptian leader, Nasser, ordered the evacuation of the Sinai, letting the Israelis to conquer the Sinai, which was accomplished in few days. 

Afterwards, the Israelis continued with the encirclement of the East Jerusalem by launching again an offensive, but this time, against Jordan. After a heavy fighting, the Israelis conquered the East Jerusalem. The Jordanian king Hussein ordered to retreat across the River Jordan, which gave freedom to the Israelis to conquer the West Bank cities. 

Also, the Israelis were battling against the Syrians, and through an air offensive, the Israelis achieved air-superiority against the Syrians after the destruction of more than a half of the Syrian air-forces.

However, on June 11th, a ceasefire was signed as Arab casualties were far heavier than the Israelis’. 

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