ABCDE religious

Classified in Religion

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NEWS: The most current thinking N. The are several fundamental principles: the creation of individual values, defense of worldly values, creating new values ​​arising from the death of God. 1 in our present value that pays more worship is freedom. With the emancipation of women is set equal freedoms for all humans. 2 º the time in which he sinned against God or religious precepts is overcome by sexual liberation, but most people judge negatively that sexuality is not it is associated with fertility. The truth is that love, commitment, and has nothing to do with sex. Nowadays sexuality is no longer a taboo and is consumed as a commodity. 3 ° it is undeniable that our society has undergone a process of disassociating secular

religious tradition and Christianity. When N. Uses the term "death of God" refers to the need to free belief, absolute values ​​and the existence of heavenly afterlife. From the aesthetic point of view supports the manifestation of the Dionysian as a value from reality as this is composed of pleasant and unpleasant aspects. For N. life is pain and joy, there have Dionysian presence as a representation of pain, chaos, disorder. From a moral standpoint N. Raises the suspicion of everything that is considered true. In "Thus Spake Zarathustra" helps to reveal to every way of life that exalts values ​​that go against it. Psychiatric illness increased the uncertainty in eco-are also symptoms of a crisis of values ​​and nihilism that continues today.

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