Notes, abstracts, papers, exams and problems of Vocational training

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Soil Dynamics: Composition, Properties, and Factors

Classified in Geology

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Soil Dynamics: Composition, Properties, and Influencing Factors

Soil Composition

Soil is a dynamic system influenced by various factors, including temperature, water, plants, wind, and animals. Its composition typically consists of:

  • Water: Approximately 25%
  • Air: Approximately 25%
  • Minerals: 45-50%
  • Organic Matter: 0.5-5%

Soil Profile

A soil profile represents the different horizons observed in a horizontal section of soil.

  • Eluvial Horizon: Materials are transported from horizon A to horizon B.
  • Illuvial Horizon: Horizon B accumulates materials received from the eluvial horizon.

Soil Texture

Soil texture refers to the characteristics of soil that depend on particle size. It is determined by the proportions of different-sized particles.

Soil Structure

Soil structure... Continue reading "Soil Dynamics: Composition, Properties, and Factors" »

Umayyad Al-Andalus Art: Ivory Carvings of Madinat Al-Zahara

Classified in Geology

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Theme 6: The Art of Umayyad Al-Andalus (III): Sculpture and Luxuries


We found rooms with patios and a pool in the center, next to the mosque. We do not know whether they were designed for ablutions or were homes for people guarding the mosque.

The Caliphate carvers were mainly located in Madinat al-Zahara. In the tenth century, the rulers chose a lifestyle of opulent luxury, pretending to emulate the eastern Abbasid court through luxury goods. Cordoba became a focus of production and consumption of enormous quantities of these goods. The pieces are uniform in their artistry because they are all carved. The technique comes from Byzantium but disappeared after the Taifa kingdoms. In the twelfth century, the monk Theophilus wrote about these... Continue reading "Umayyad Al-Andalus Art: Ivory Carvings of Madinat Al-Zahara" »

Quality Assurance in Business: Roles, Costs, and Certification

Classified in Other subjects

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The Role of Quality in a Company

What is the Purpose of Quality in a Company?

Quality and continuous improvement are fundamental to the functional organization of a company.

Whose Responsibility is the Quality Function?

The Chief of Maintenance often plays a key role in quality assurance.

Professional Profile for Quality Responsibility

A role responsible for quality requires basic training, especially in hotel service companies.

Who is Entrusted with the Role of Quality?

The Head of Customer Service is often entrusted with the role of quality.

Quality as a Major Objective

The primary objective of quality is the total satisfaction of every internal customer.

Defining Each Workstation

Each workstation in a company is defined by its functions.

Costs Associated

... Continue reading "Quality Assurance in Business: Roles, Costs, and Certification" »

Digestive System: Functions, Organs, and Common Conditions

Classified in Biology

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1. Functions of the Digestive System

Digestion and absorption of nutrients.

2. Elements Forming the Small Intestine

Duodenum, jejunum, and ileum.

3. Valves of the Stomach

The stomach has the pyloric valve, and the duodenum connects with the esophagus via the cardia.

4. Portions of the Large Intestine

The large intestine is divided into the following parts:

  • The first portion consists of a blind sac.
  • The second part is called the ascending colon.
  • The third portion is the transverse colon.
  • The fourth part is the descending colon.
  • Finally, the sigmoid colon, rectum, and anus.

5. Intestinal Loops

Intestinal loops are folds that form the small intestine to adapt to the available space in the abdomen.

6. Gastrointestinal Annexes

These include the parotid salivary... Continue reading "Digestive System: Functions, Organs, and Common Conditions" »

Stars, Galaxies, and Celestial Objects: A Deep Dive

Classified in Geology

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Stars: Celestial Powerhouses

Stars are celestial bodies formed from large amounts of hydrogen and helium atoms. Internal nuclear reactions cause the emission of a large amount of energy. Stars reach very high temperatures and produce fusion reactions that release energy. A fusion reaction involves two hydrogen atoms and one helium atom.

Types of Stars

  • Blue-white
  • Yellow
  • Orange
  • Red

Stars are formed from nebulae. They broadcast particles via the Doppler effect. Light and sound propagate as waves. If the issuing body moves, the waves arrive at the receptor more compressed or more elongated as they move away or closer.

Galaxies: Islands of Stars

Galaxies are huge groups of stars, gas, and dust. They have different shapes and sizes, and the number of stars... Continue reading "Stars, Galaxies, and Celestial Objects: A Deep Dive" »

Effective Decision-Making and Leadership in Organizations

Classified in Philosophy and ethics

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Types of Problems and Decisions

Program: Not scheduled.

Relationship between alternatives and consequences: Certainty, risk, uncertainty, competition.

Number of individuals who have to make a decision: Individual, group.

Number of objectives: One, more than one.

Forms of Decision

  • From experience: Whether to be guided by past actions.
  • For Democracy: The agreement considering the opinion of each.
  • Study of the problem: To act as a logical plan.

Factors Influencing Decision-Making

Resources at our disposal, the more time we think and analyze the consequences, beliefs, values, and way of thinking.

Methods for Making Decisions

  • For most: Proposal most voted.
  • Unanimously: All agree.

Process in Decision-Making

  • Having a goal: What is to be achieved and what problems
... Continue reading "Effective Decision-Making and Leadership in Organizations" »

Healthcare Supply Management: Optimizing Procurement & Inventory

Classified in Economy

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Hospitals and medical consultations are firms offering services and charging for them. Private schools pay for the service, while in the public sector, the state is responsible. It is crucial to adhere to the budget. Efficient supply management ensures the availability of products for the operation of a center at the least expense, while maintaining good medical care.

Major health centers have a delivery service that manages procurement, acquisition, storage of equipment, and instruments. Smaller centers have less complex supply management, often handled by a single person.

Supply management involves several stages:

  • Acquisition of equipment
  • Storage of products

Service suitability is determined by favorable spending. Large centers manage... Continue reading "Healthcare Supply Management: Optimizing Procurement & Inventory" »

Plastic Materials: Properties, Types, and Manufacturing Processes

Classified in Technology

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**Plastic Materials: Properties, Types, and Manufacturing**

**Properties of Plastics**

Definition: Plastics are materials of organic origin, solid at room temperature, and easily molded by applying heat. They have a high molecular weight.

Most used: Polypropylene (PP)


  • Weight reduction
  • Noise damping
  • Impact absorption
  • Chemical resistance
  • Corrosion resistance
  • Thermal and acoustic insulation


  • Low mechanical resistance
  • Cannot withstand high temperatures
  • Easily scratched
  • Can easily capture moisture
  • Sensitivity to sunlight
  • Sensitivity to environmental conditions

**Chemical Processes**

Plastics are of organic origin and are chemical compounds formed by the union of several units. They can be formed by polymerization, polycondensation, or polyaddition.... Continue reading "Plastic Materials: Properties, Types, and Manufacturing Processes" »

Consumer Behavior: From Need Recognition to Post-Purchase

Classified in Economy

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Understanding the Consumer Purchase Decision Process

1. Recognize the Need

We experience a need when we sense a gap between our current state and a desired state. Needs can be categorized as follows:

  • Physiological Needs: These relate to basic survival for individuals (e.g., thirst, fatigue, housing) and businesses (e.g., customers, suppliers).
  • Security Needs: The need to feel protected. For individuals, this might involve insurance or medical care. For businesses, it could mean recovery of arrears or financial stability.
  • Membership Needs: The need to belong to or be part of a group. For example, belonging to a union.
  • Esteem Needs: The desire to be accepted and respected. For individuals, this might involve projecting a certain image. For businesses,
... Continue reading "Consumer Behavior: From Need Recognition to Post-Purchase" »

Understanding Genetic and Infectious Diseases: Causes and Prevention

Classified in Biology

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Genetic Disorders

A genetic disorder is a disease caused by an alteration of a gene, called a mutation. These mutations can occur randomly or as a consequence of exposure to some environmental risk factors.


Amniocentesis is a test used to determine whether a fetus has a genetic disease.

Environmental Factors

  • Exposure to carcinogens: Components of cigarette smoke may induce gene expression, provoking different types of cancer.
  • Water and food: In some rural areas, water could be contaminated with pesticides or substances from farms and industries. In developing countries, contaminated water is responsible for many (often fatal) diseases.
  • Pollution: Cities with high levels of pollution and areas close to nuclear power plants may increase
... Continue reading "Understanding Genetic and Infectious Diseases: Causes and Prevention" »