Soil Dynamics: Composition, Properties, and Factors
Classified in Geology
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Soil Dynamics: Composition, Properties, and Influencing Factors
Soil Composition
Soil is a dynamic system influenced by various factors, including temperature, water, plants, wind, and animals. Its composition typically consists of:
- Water: Approximately 25%
- Air: Approximately 25%
- Minerals: 45-50%
- Organic Matter: 0.5-5%
Soil Profile
A soil profile represents the different horizons observed in a horizontal section of soil.
- Eluvial Horizon: Materials are transported from horizon A to horizon B.
- Illuvial Horizon: Horizon B accumulates materials received from the eluvial horizon.
Soil Texture
Soil texture refers to the characteristics of soil that depend on particle size. It is determined by the proportions of different-sized particles.
Soil Structure
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