Notes, abstracts, papers, exams and problems of Vocational training

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Understanding Observation: Types and Techniques

Classified in Psychology and Sociology

Written at on English with a size of 4.16 KB.

Observation: Concepts and Features

Observation is an inherent part of human nature, integrated into our psychology in relation to everyday events. It involves the perception of a phenomenon that is selected and recorded without manipulation, making the observer a passive witness of what has occurred.

Observation can vary in its degree of systematization, ranging from casual observation to those that adhere to strict methodological criteria.

Observation becomes a scientific technique when it meets the following criteria:

  • It is part of an objective investigation.
  • It is stated and recorded systematically.
  • It is subject to checks and controls regarding validity and reliability.

Types of Observation


Self-observation occurs when the observer... Continue reading "Understanding Observation: Types and Techniques" »

Active Directory: Structure and Components

Classified in Technology

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Active Directory provides a method to design a directory structure that meets the needs of any organization. It has many advantages, such as system scalability and ease in locating resources throughout a network.

  • Active Directory allows a single point of management for all public resources, which may include files, peripheral devices, connections to databases, web access, users, services, etc.
  • It uses the Internet DNS as the location service.
  • Active Directory components are used to build a directory structure reflecting the needs of an organization.

Logical Structure

The logical structure of the organization is represented by domains, organizational units, trees, and forests.

  • Domain: The central unit of the logical structure of Active Directory is
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Boosting Employee Motivation: Strategies for Workplace Success

Classified in Other subjects

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Motivation Techniques for a Productive Workplace

Motivation techniques encompass various strategies, including increased responsibilities, improved economics, private physicians, Christmas gifts, and travel deals.

Promotion at Work

When few can gain professional advancement, Human Resources departments can promote motivation by giving employees more responsibility, new tasks, and greater remuneration.

Wage Policy

Entrepreneurs should recognize that money is a primary motivator for young people and address this accordingly. Incentives such as cars, trips, and prizes can also be effective.

Working Environment

The working environment encompasses everything around the worker:

  • Physical environment: Temperature, noise, humidity, etc.
  • Psychic and social environment:
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Warehouse Functions and Inventory Management in Healthcare

Classified in Mathematics

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Key Warehouse Functions


  • Monitor the consumption of items by various departments.
  • Suitably distribute articles.


  • Reject material that does not meet the requirements of the order.
  • Monitor and handle the exchange of expired material.


  • Protect and oversee all the products stored.
  • Register and control the movements of stock.
  • Avoid losses in the stored materials.
  • Ensure items are consumed before the expiry date.
  • Design documents necessary for good control of the warehouse.
  • Request resupply when stocks are minimal.

When to Start Product Replacement

Replacement of a product should start before falling below the minimum stock.

High Maximum Stock: Advantages and Disadvantages

Maximum stock refers to the maximum amount of a particular item above... Continue reading "Warehouse Functions and Inventory Management in Healthcare" »

Computer System Components and Features

Classified in Computers

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Computer System Components and Definitions

Perform = realizar || Word processor = procesador de textos || Built-in = incorporado || Store = tienda || Financial = financiero

Keep, save = mantener, guardar || Execute, do = ejecutar, hacer || Monetary = monetario || Connected to the internet = conectado a internet || Program used for text manipulation = programa para manipular texto || Copy files from a server to your PC or mobile = copiar archivos de un servidor a PC o móvil

Perform operations = realizar operaciones || Do research = hacer la investigación || Carry out transactions = llevar a cabo transacciones

Monitor = monitor || Keyboard = teclado || Printer = impresora || Scanner = escáner || Speakers = altavoces || Fan = ventilador || Processor

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Understanding Dimensioning Techniques in Technical Drawings

Classified in Technology

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Types of Dimensions

Dimension Series

Dimension series are easy to implement but can accumulate errors during manufacturing. They are suitable for conventional parts that don't require special machining, such as numerical control machining. This method involves a series of operations in the manufacturing process.

Parallel Dimension

In this system, all dimensions are oriented in the same direction. It's used when a reliable reference is needed, as it avoids accumulating manufacturing errors since all measurements originate from the same point.

Combined Dimension

Combined dimensioning merges serial and parallel dimensioning. While it simplifies dimension lines and maintains necessary measurements, it requires adding or subtracting measurements.


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Effective Communication Techniques: Talks, Interviews, and More

Classified in Language

Written at on English with a size of 3.15 KB.

  • Talk: A meeting where a speaker provides information and communicates with the audience.
    • Objective: To inform people and create a mental connection.
    • Information is informal and cannot be read.
    • Talks should not last more than one hour.
    • The speaker can ask the public questions, and vice versa.
    • Only one person can participate in a talk as the speaker.
    • The audience can ask questions during a talk.
    • The presenter of a talk can be introduced or follow a specific order.
  • Conference: A gathering of people who listen to and face the information others provide.
  • Address: An oral argument, persuasive to some extent, addressed to an audience or one person.
    • An address cannot be written as it is an oral presentation that targets the public.
  • Interview:
    • The purpose of an
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Mastering Passive Voice and Causative Structures

Classified in English

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Passive Voice

PASSIVE: Subject + BE + Past Participle + (BY + Complement Agent)

  • Present Simple: Susan writes books (Books are written by her)
  • Present Continuous: Susan is writing books (Books are being written by her)
  • Present Perfect: Susan has written books (Books have been written by her)
  • Past Simple: Susan ate sweets (Sweets were eaten by her)
  • Past Continuous: Susan was writing books (Books were being written by her)
  • Past Perfect: Susan had written books (Books had been written by her)
  • Future Simple: Susan will write books (Books will be written by her)
  • Future Perfect: Susan will have written books (Books will have been written by her)

Object Pronouns:


Impersonal and Personal Passive Structures


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Electric Circuits and Ohm's Law: Understanding the Basics

Classified in Electronics

Written at on English with a size of 2.75 KB.

Understanding Electric Current and Circuits

Electric current is the passage of electrical charge through a conductor. This occurs when there is an imbalance of charge between two points of the conductor.

An electric circuit is a set of elements connected together through which electric current flows. For current to flow, the circuit must be closed.

Components of an Electric Circuit

  • Generator: Builds and maintains the voltage needed to produce the current.
  • Conductors: Pathways through which the electric current flows, usually made of copper or aluminum.
  • Receivers: Elements that transform electrical energy into other forms of energy.
  • Switching and Control Elements: Direct the flow of electrical current.
  • Protection Elements: Protect individuals and the
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Bone Fractures: Types, Symptoms, Healing, and Diagnosis

Classified in Geology

Written at on English with a size of 3.02 KB.

Types of Bone Fractures

According to Their Pattern of Interruption

Incomplete Fracture: The fracture line does not cover the entire thickness of the bone.

  • Fissures: Affects part of the thickness of the bone.
  • Greenstick Fractures: Bending fractures in flexible bones (children).
  • Bamboo Fractures: Children's fractures generated by compression, produced by a wrinkling of the bone cortex.

Complete Fracture: Affecting the entire thickness of the bone. It can be divided into:

  • Simple Fractures: They have a single line and there is no displacement.
  • Complete Fractures with Displacement: One fragment deflects relative to the other. If the normal alignment of the longitudinal axis of the bone is lost, it is said to be angled (may be in varus or valgus).


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