Notes, abstracts, papers, exams and problems of Secondary education

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Origins of Sovereignty and Rights of Man in French and Spanish Constitutions

Classified in History

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According to this text are all the men equal in rights? What are the rights of man according to the text?

Yes, they are because says that all men are born free.

What is the origin of sovereignty according to the text? According to the text, can you be punished for something that is not forbidden by law? Who can take part in politics (make laws) according to the text?

The origin of sovereignty is the nation (line 6). No, you can be punished for something that is not forbidden by law (lines 11-12). All the citizens can take part in politics (lines 14-15).

Do you know during which phase of the French Revolution was signed this text: National Assembly, Constitutional Monarchy, First French Republic or Directory? Do you think that the principles of

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Chemical Bonding and Structure

Classified in Chemistry

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Ionic Bonding

Bonding between a non-metal and a metal where electrons are transferred from the metal to the non-metal. This results in the non-metal forming a negative ion and the metal forming a positive ion. The structure is a giant ionic lattice with strong electrostatic forces between ions. A lot of energy is needed to break these forces, resulting in high melting and boiling points. Ionic compounds conduct electricity when aqueous or molten, as the ions are free to move around. They can be represented using dot and cross diagrams.

Covalent Bonding

Bonding between two non-metals. Covalent compounds do not conduct electricity as there are no charged particles. Small molecules are liquids or gases at room temperature due to weak intermolecular... Continue reading "Chemical Bonding and Structure" »

Cellular Energy: Photosynthesis and Respiration

Classified in Biology

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Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration


Photosynthesis is the process by which plants convert carbon dioxide and water into glucose and oxygen, using light energy. This endothermic reaction can be summarized by the following equation:

6CO2 + 6H2O -> C6H12O6 + 6O2

The rate of photosynthesis is influenced by several factors, often referred to as limiting factors. These include:

  • Light intensity: Increased light levels generally lead to a higher rate of photosynthesis until an optimum level is reached.
  • Carbon dioxide concentration: Higher levels of carbon dioxide can enhance the rate of photosynthesis, up to a certain point.
  • Temperature: Plants in their ideal temperature range perform photosynthesis more efficiently than those outside
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Decimals, Fractions, and Percentages

Classified in Mathematics

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Standard Form/Scientific Notation

If you had a number like this:


Then you would have to make the number so it is under 10:


But you moved the decimal place 7 places to the left, so the standard form is:

5.43 x 107


Recurring decimals are written with a little dot or a line above a number to show that it goes on forever.


Terminating decimals are decimals that eventually stop and are not recurring.


When rounding, you round to the nearest number with the amount of decimal places provided. For example:


The critical digit (last number) determines what the number will be. In this example, the critical digit is 4. 4 or less, let it rest. 5 or more, raise the score. So because the critical digit is 4, you would round the... Continue reading "Decimals, Fractions, and Percentages" »

Ricardian Model: Trade, PPF, and Tariffs

Classified in Economy

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Ricardian Model

Unit Labour Req.  Pears(Ib).  Oranges(Ib)

Home                  4h (aLp).         3h (aLo)

Foreign.              6h (aLp*).        1h (alp*)

Absolute Advantage - country takes less time to produce goods?

Home -> pears // Foreign -> oranges

Comparative Advantage - lower opportunity cost 

- Home has a C.Adv in pears production as its opp. cost of pears production is lower than foreign country - will specialize in pears

PPF (grafico) - (aLp · Qp) + (aLo · Qo) <= L

4Qp + 3Qo <= L (Qp = 300 & Qo=400)

Maximum home pears production is 300 and oranges 400

Slope = opp. cost - the opp. cost of pear is how many pounds of oranges Home must stop producing in order to make one more pound of pear

Absence of

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The Age of Enlightenment and the Scientific Revolution

Classified in History

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The Age of Enlightenment

The Age of Enlightenment was a cultural and intellectual movement that dominated the world of ideas in Europe during the 18th century. It was an era in intellectual, scientific, and cultural life where reason was regarded as the primary source of legitimacy and authority.

Philosophers of the Enlightenment

Key figures of the Enlightenment included:

  • Voltaire
  • Rousseau
  • Montesquieu
  • Diderot
  • D'Alembert

These thinkers built upon the ideas of Descartes, Hobbes, and Locke.

Social Contract, National Sovereignty, and Separation of Powers

Rousseau argued that the social contract is an agreement individuals willingly enter to limit their own freedom for the benefit of society.

Montesquieu, inspired by the English parliamentary system, believed... Continue reading "The Age of Enlightenment and the Scientific Revolution" »

Promoting Tourism in India for Peace and Harmony

Classified in History

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Tourist friendly attitude is the surest way to promote tourism. Promoting tourism is like promoting the larger goal of peace and harmony around the world. Tourism is a driving force for poverty alleviation, job creation and social harmony and role of tourism in creating mutual understanding and Social harmony can be the leading one. If there is any destination in the world, which offers the widest choice to tourists, it is India. Nature tourism, culture tourism, exotic tourism, adventure tourism and spiritual tourism we have everything in India to cater to the diverse preferences of domestic and international tourists. Nothing makes a better and more lasting impression on a tourist than a courteous, friendly and helpful approach. A tourist... Continue reading "Promoting Tourism in India for Peace and Harmony" »

The Bill of Rights: Protecting Freedoms and Limiting Government Power

Classified in Law & Jurisprudence

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Bill of Rights

  1. The Freedoms of Expression

    The government can't punish you for speaking against the government, but the First Amendment doesn't protect you if you say something bad about your boss and he decides to fire you.

  2. The Right to Bear Arms

    We have the right to own weapons, but we have to follow rules regarding them.

  3. Protection from Quartering of Soldiers

    The government can't house soldiers in your house in war and peace by force.

4. Protection from Unreasonable and Unnecessary Searches

The police need a search warrant.

5. Right to a Fair Trial

A criminal who has committed a capital crime has the right to not be taken to court unless on a presentment or indictment of a grand jury.

6. Right to a Speedy Trial

The accused criminal has the right to a
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The Limits of Logic: From Hilbert's Formalism to the Halting Problem

Classified in Other subjects

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Mathematics in Crisis: Hilbert's Program

In the early 20th century, mathematics faced a crisis. The rapid development of new mathematical concepts and notations raised concerns about the foundations of mathematics. David Hilbert, a prominent mathematician, initiated a project known as Hilbert's Program to address these concerns. Hilbert's goal was to formalize all of mathematics, creating a system that was both consistent (free from contradictions) and complete (capable of proving or disproving any mathematical statement).

Reasons for Formalism:

  • The emergence of algebraic methods as a powerful language for describing mathematical abstractions.
  • The erosion of the authority of Euclidean geometry and challenges to long-held axioms.

Intentions of Formalism:

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Overcoming Grief and Embracing Change in "Ransom" and "The Queen"

Classified in History

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Despite the distinctive contexts and settings of the literary text "Ransom" by David Malouf and the film "The Queen" directed by Stephen Frears, the notion of grief and its exploration is central to both. As Malouf presents us with the image of Hector's lifeless body being dragged through the sediment, we are reminded of how difficult it is to overcome grief. Indeed, past habits can heavily restrict and hinder the process of healing. Both texts delve into how grief can be overcome by connecting with others, nature, and oneself. Furthermore, both the director and author advocate that overcoming grief unlocks a wealth of benefits.

Views and Values

  • Malouf advocates that despite one's societal status, paternal duty is still valued and
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