Notes, abstracts, papers, exams and problems of Psychology and Sociology

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Cognitive Miserliness: Brain Efficiency and Consumer Behavior

Classified in Psychology and Sociology

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1. Why is the Brain a "Miser"?

  • The brain is often described as a "miser" because it strives to conserve cognitive resources and minimize mental energy expenditure. This principle, known as **cognitive miserliness**, refers to how the brain prefers using shortcuts and simplified processes to make decisions and respond to the world efficiently. It avoids complex, energy-consuming tasks whenever possible. This approach affects consumer behavior as shoppers tend to make decisions based on intuition and ease rather than through extensive deliberation.

Three Strategies of Cognitive Miserliness

  • Efficiency

    Our brain uses heuristics, or mental shortcuts, to simplify decision-making processes. This includes reliance on quick judgments and familiar patterns
... Continue reading "Cognitive Miserliness: Brain Efficiency and Consumer Behavior" »

Brain-Friendly Practices vs. Traditional School Policies

Classified in Psychology and Sociology

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Traditional School Policies and Their Drawbacks:

  • Zero-tolerance discipline policy: Doesn’t give adolescents the opportunity to learn from their mistakes and make better choices next time.
  • Emotionally flat classroom climate: Ignores or suppresses the youthful exuberance of the limbic system, thus inhibiting potential positive linkages between the emotional brain and the prefrontal cortex.
  • Ban on social media apps in the classroom: Limits a potentially useful medium through which peers can learn from one another.
  • More homework, tougher requirements, and a longer school day: Creates stress that can impair mental and physical health at a time when the adolescent is particularly vulnerable to the negative impact of stress.
  • Early start time for the
... Continue reading "Brain-Friendly Practices vs. Traditional School Policies" »

Judging Emotions Through Facial Expressions: A Psychology Experiment

Classified in Psychology and Sociology

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Judgment of Emotions Through Facial Expressions

Experiment Details

Name of the Experimenter:

[Experimenter's Name]

Name of the Subject:

[Subject's Name]

Educational Qualification of the Subject:

[Subject's Educational Qualification]

Age of the Subject:

[Subject's Age]

Gender of the Subject:

[Subject's Gender]

Mental Status of the Subject:

[Subject's Mental Status]

Date of the Conduction of the Practical:

[Date of Experiment]


To measure the accuracy of judgment of emotions through facial expressions.


Emotion is a subjective response, usually accompanied by physiological changes that are interpreted by the individual. This interpretation prepares the individual for action and is associated with behavioral changes. We often observe organisms... Continue reading "Judging Emotions Through Facial Expressions: A Psychology Experiment" »

The Outsiders: Themes, Characters, and Plot Analysis

Classified in Psychology and Sociology

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Themes in The Outsiders

Class Conflict: The rivalry between the Greasers and Socs emphasizes the socioeconomic divide and its impact on identity and relationships.

Identity and Belonging: Characters grapple with their place in society and within their groups, highlighting the search for self amidst stereotypes.

Violence and Its Consequences: The physical and emotional toll of gang rivalry demonstrates the destructiveness of unchecked aggression.

Loyalty and Brotherhood: The Greasers' strong bonds showcase the importance of chosen family in adversity.

Loss of Innocence: Ponyboy and Johnny, especially, confront moral dilemmas and death, leading to a poignant coming-of-age journey.

Conflicts in The Outsiders

  • Man vs. Society: Both groups face judgment
... Continue reading "The Outsiders: Themes, Characters, and Plot Analysis" »

Educational Research and Innovation: Methods and Practices

Classified in Psychology and Sociology

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Chapter 1: Research and Innovation in Education

1.1 What is Research?

Research is a systematic process of solving questions and seeking knowledge that has its own rules, that is, a method.

The Goal in Education

It is directed to the search for new knowledge that is useful for the explanation and/or understanding of educational phenomena that affect processes and results.

Valid + Reliable = Knowledge

What is the Difference Between Validity and Reliability?

Reliability of a Source

For knowledge to be scientific, it must be true for everyone, and this is achieved with reliable sources. The lack of reliability generates inaccurate results and affects the content, making it impossible to know if the information obtained is really what we were looking for.... Continue reading "Educational Research and Innovation: Methods and Practices" »

Understanding Major Depressive Disorder, Bipolar Disorders, and Schizophrenia

Classified in Psychology and Sociology

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Major Depressive Disorder

Absence of happiness is a more reliable symptom than increases of sadness (response to happy vs. sad faces; aleatory screening of mood during the day). Depression is more frequent in women than in men (around 2:1 ratio). Symptoms: Absence of happiness, Sadness, Helplessness, Lack of energy, Feel worthless, Sleep problems. Nongenetic Biological Influences on Depression (Dp)

  • Few cases of Dp are linked to viral infections e.g., Borna disease (farm animals)
  • Postpartum Depression: 20% of women after birth. Majority of women recover fast.
  • Hormone level changes (e.g., decrease in estrogen or progesterone) can induce depression in women with vulnerability.

Abnormalities of Hemispheric Dominance

Happy mood: increase activity in L... Continue reading "Understanding Major Depressive Disorder, Bipolar Disorders, and Schizophrenia" »

Psychology: A Comprehensive Guide to the Human Mind and Behavior

Classified in Psychology and Sociology

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Critical Thinking

Curiosity, Skepticism, Humility

Psychology is a science that studies the human mind and behavior. It is a field that is constantly evolving, as new research is constantly being conducted to better understand how we think, feel, and act.

Major Schools of Psychology

Psychoanalytic (Unconscious) - Freud

Humanistic (Free Will)

Behaviorism (Watson/B.F. Skinner) - Exploration of Behaviors

There are many different schools of psychology, each with its own unique perspective on the human mind and behavior. Some of the major schools of psychology include:

  • Psychoanalytic psychology, which focuses on the unconscious mind and its influence on behavior.
  • Humanistic psychology, which emphasizes the importance of free will and personal growth.
  • Behaviorism,
... Continue reading "Psychology: A Comprehensive Guide to the Human Mind and Behavior" »

Work Assessment Methods and Cultural Competence

Classified in Psychology and Sociology

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Half-Standardized Procedures

  • Critical Incident Technique: With different methods, critical incidents are deduced, where the employee's reaction is decisional for success.
  • Job Diary: The position holder is asked to report their work activities over a certain period. Instructions can be given in a more or less standardized way.
  • Semi-Structured Interview: An interview guideline specifies the frame of course and content of the conversation. The interviewee is given room to use their own words to describe issues.
  • Systematic Observation: The working person's behavior and/or the working conditions are assessed. A more precise observation plan specifies what to observe and how to record.

Standardized Procedures

  • Questionnaires: Highly standardized. The interviewees
... Continue reading "Work Assessment Methods and Cultural Competence" »

My Suitcase: A Journey of Personal Growth

Classified in Psychology and Sociology

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Overview of Me


  • From Mississauga
  • Completed first year of Networking & IT Security at UOIT
  • Transferred from Humber College after completing my engineering diploma
  • Currently in the GAAS program


My family has played a crucial role in shaping who I am today. They instilled in me important values such as:

  • Respect
  • Courtesy
  • Caring
  • Honesty
  • Understanding

My parents have always been my backbone, providing guidance and support throughout my life. They have encouraged me to pursue my academic goals and explore the world. I am grateful for their unwavering love and support.

Gym Bag

Staying active has always been an important part of my life. I enjoy various activities such as biking, swimming, and playing soccer. Recently, I have gotten into weight... Continue reading "My Suitcase: A Journey of Personal Growth" »

Understanding Gender Roles, Relations, and Power Dynamics

Classified in Psychology and Sociology

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Definition of Gender Roles and Gender Relations

Gender roles are the social definitions of women and men. They vary among different societies, cultures, classes, ages, and historical periods.

Gender relations are the ways in which a culture or society defines the rights, responsibilities, and identities of men and women in relation to one another.

Key Aspects of Gender

  • Traits of being male/female are biological.
  • Gender is learned and cultural.
  • Gender guides a child's socialization according to societal expectations.
  • Many differences between men and women are socially constructed.

What Does Gender Mean?

Gender shapes societies and cultures. Most societies are hierarchical, with one or more dominant groups and other subordinate groups. The dominant group... Continue reading "Understanding Gender Roles, Relations, and Power Dynamics" »