Notes, abstracts, papers, exams and problems of Primary education

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Fire Safety: Understanding, Preventing, and Extinguishing Fires

Classified in Chemistry

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1. Origin of Fire

1.1. The Fire Tetrahedron

For a fire to occur, a chemical reaction between a fuel and an oxidizer is necessary, along with an activation energy. These three factors make up the fire triangle. The fire tetrahedron is formed by adding the chain reaction, which is a reaction that does not need external energy to be maintained.

  • Fuel: A substance that reacts easily with an oxidizer to produce heat.
  • Oxidizer: A substance that activates the fuel (e.g., oxygen).
  • Activation Energy: The minimum energy required to initiate the combustion process.
  • Chain Reaction: A self-sustaining reaction that does not require external energy.

Types of Fire

  • Class A: Solid fuels like wood.
  • Class B: Liquid or gas fuels like oil or acetylene.
  • Class C: Electrical
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Drainage, Water, and Gas Systems in Homes: Essential Components

Classified in Technology

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Elements of the Drainage Network

  • Siphons: Allow wastewater to be evacuated and prevent odors from entering homes.

  • Connections: A set of horizontal pipes that connect the various sanitary fixtures with downpipes.

  • Downpipes: Vertical pipes that collect water from connections, toilets, and roofs.

  • Collectors: These are the horizontal pipes buried in the ground that connect to the downpipes, channeling water to the siphonal chamber.

  • Siphonal chamber: Provides a hydraulic closure and prevents odors and sewer rats from entering the drains in the houses.

The Water Bill

Specifies what we pay for the service and consumption of water in a given period.

  • Service Fee: The fixed fee entitles you to consume water.

  • Consumption: The variable amount billed.

  • Taxes:

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Demand and Supply: Shifts, Movements, and Market Equilibrium

Classified in Economy

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Understanding Demand and Supply

A shift in the demand curve signifies a change in the quantity demanded at any given price. This is visually represented by a shift of the demand curve to a new position, resulting in a new demand curve.

Movements Along the Demand Curve

A movement along the demand curve represents a change in the quantity demanded of a good as a result of a change in its price.

Shifts in the Demand Curve

  • A rightward shift reflects an increase in the quantity demanded at any price level.
  • A leftward shift reflects a decrease in the quantity demanded at any price level.

Supply Curve Dynamics

A shift in the supply curve represents a variation in the quantity supplied at any given price. This is reflected in a shift of the supply curve to... Continue reading "Demand and Supply: Shifts, Movements, and Market Equilibrium" »

Freedom, Ethics, and Morality: A Deep Dive

Classified in Philosophy and ethics

Written at on English with a size of 3.34 KB.

Freedom and Responsibility

In ancient times, freedom was understood as the ability of humans to act despite the constraints that nature imposed. Humans are free but may require responsibility for their actions. Then, freedom was a divine law. In modern times, freedom is a consequence of accountability. Individual freedom is the foundation of modern political and economic forms, and self-choice human beings have by right.

Ethics and Morality

Morality is related to action, while ethics is the reflection on morality. They have a relationship but are distinct. Morality deals with the set of rules and customs that are accepted as appropriate in one place. Ethics is a critical view of morality, rules, and consequences resulting from human action. It... Continue reading "Freedom, Ethics, and Morality: A Deep Dive" »

The Judiciary and Democratic Constitutionalism in Brazil

Classified in Law & Jurisprudence

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The Interplay of Law and Policy

3.1. Continued (See Diagram)

The Constitution arises from consensus, and its interpretation reflects political decisions. A democratic judiciary presupposes a democratic society acting upon the Constitution's democratic principles.

Democratic Constitutionalism: A Guarantor of Rights

Democratic constitutionalism safeguards rights and embodies popular sovereignty. The expansion of the judiciary, representing the legalization of politics, should not threaten the foundations of constitutionalism. While the judiciary's power has grown, it must operate within the Constitution's boundaries. The Constitution defines these judicial limits. The legalization of politics in Brazil poses no threat to the Constitution, given

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Improving Spanish Pronunciation: Classroom Analysis and Remedial Strategies

Classified in Social sciences

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Analysis of Pronunciation Teaching and Remedial Proposals

Pronunciation and spelling are fundamental to verbal communication. Sounds and letters form the surface of oral and written language. Often, pronunciation receives little attention. Few people notice the pronunciation mistakes of politicians, TV contestants, neighbors, or even ourselves, though these may be more serious than misspellings.

In schools, pronunciation is often treated as a minor issue, except in second language instruction. Students are assumed to have mastered sounds by the time they reach middle school, learning through natural language acquisition. Consequently, few pronunciation practices are linked to literacy. Pronunciation is typically addressed only in the early grades.... Continue reading "Improving Spanish Pronunciation: Classroom Analysis and Remedial Strategies" »

Understanding Key Commercial Contracts

Classified in Law & Jurisprudence

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Commercial Contracts Overview

Merchant Accounting

All merchants must maintain their accounts in Castilian, including the Book Journal, General Ledger, and Inventory.

Storage Contracts (Warrants)

A storage contract involves a depositor delivering goods to a storekeeper for safekeeping. The storekeeper must maintain records of received goods. This contract is finalized upon delivery of a deposit certificate or warrant.

Labor Contracts


  • Employer: A person or entity utilizing the intellectual or material services of one or more individuals under an employment contract.
  • Worker: An individual providing intellectual or material services under the dependence or subordination of an employer, through an employment contract.
  • Independent Worker: An
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Greek Epic Poetry and Lyricism: Homer, Hesiod, and Sappho

Classified in Latin

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The Greek Epic

Epic poetry sang the deeds of heroes, stories that occurred in a legendary past. It was transmitted orally from mouth to mouth, which also determined how to compose the introductory verses. With the alphabet, poets began to write what was transmitted orally. These exploits seem to have some historical background.

Within Greek epic literature, the work of two great authors stands out: Homer and Hesiod (8th - 7th century BC).


It was said that Homer was a poet who recited his poems and was represented as blind. His existence is wrapped up in legend. It seems that he lived in the late 8th century BC and was from Chios. He is the author of the first works of Greek literature that we have preserved: the Iliad and the Odyssey.


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Hume vs. Kant: Understanding Causality and Knowledge

Classified in Philosophy and ethics

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Hume's Radical Empiricism

David Hume, a radical empiricist, argued that all ideas must be preceded by an impression. If there is no corresponding impression, the idea is not valid. This includes the concept of causality (cause and effect). Immanuel Kant, on the other hand, stated that while everything begins with experience, not everything arises from it.

Hume believed that our perceptions had no causality at all, but were merely linked by habit. The awareness of the principle of causality comes *after* the experience of apparent causal relationships. For Kant, however, the principle of causality is fundamental and necessary for the perception of sequences of events, that is, to limit knowledge to the *a priori*. Impressions are the experience;... Continue reading "Hume vs. Kant: Understanding Causality and Knowledge" »

Social Work with Groups: Enhancing Social Skills

Classified in Social sciences

Written at on English with a size of 4.49 KB.

For social work (SW) groups, the research object is the group dimension as an area in which to observe and experience the basic dimensions of social life. The analysis of groups as a research area has highlighted the social roles that primary and secondary groups enforce, and how, through the group experience, skills necessary for social life are internalized, from communication skills to the management of teamwork and leadership. Once these capabilities are discussed, techniques are designed for people to recover in difficult circumstances through social interaction. In this sense, SW groups can be defined as that specialty within SW which aims to recover and strengthen, through group interaction and group activities, the social skills of... Continue reading "Social Work with Groups: Enhancing Social Skills" »