Notes, abstracts, papers, exams and problems of Physics

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Space Vocabulary and Phrasal Verbs

Classified in Physics

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Space Vocabulary

Here are some common space-related terms and their definitions:

  • Satellite: A man-made object intentionally placed into orbit.
  • Atmosphere: The gases surrounding a planet.
  • Gravity: The force that attracts a body toward the center of the Earth, or toward any other physical body having mass.
  • Capsule: A small, detachable compartment of a spacecraft.
  • Cosmonaut: A Russian astronaut.
  • Orbited: Moved in a circular path around a celestial body.
  • Re-entering: Returning to the Earth's atmosphere.
  • Spacecraft: A vehicle designed for travel in space.
  • Touchdown: The moment when an aircraft or spacecraft lands.
  • Mission: An important assignment carried out for political, religious, or commercial purposes, typically involving travel.
  • Space Shuttle: A reusable
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Understanding Magnetism, Electricity, and Light: A Comprehensive Overview

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Permanent Magnet

: once magnetized, remains magnetized. Ferromagnet: easily magnetized (iron, nickel, cobalt, some rare-earth metals, magnetite). Paramagnet: magnetized with more difficulty. Diamagnet: repels magnetic fields (slightly) - “not magnetic”./Materials can be broken into smaller chunks, called “domains”. Each domain has a miniature magnetic field. Materials may look the same, but at a smaller level, domains could be different - hence why some are magnets (or magnetize easily) and some don’t. Material, Temperature, Condition, Size & Shape*, Distance, affects magnet strength. All magnets* have two poles; North and South. At poles magnet is at its strongest (repelling or attracting). Breaking a magnet turns into 2 smaller... Continue reading "Understanding Magnetism, Electricity, and Light: A Comprehensive Overview" »

Laws of Motion and Gravitation in Physics

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Parabolic Motion

Is when an object has two dimensions: U.R.M on the horizontal axis and U.A.R.M on the vertical axis.

Vertical Motion

Is when we throw an object totally up, meaning that the initial velocity or force is only applied in the vertical axis.

Uniform Rectilinear Motion (U.R.M)

Is when an object travels in a straight line at a constant speed with zero acceleration.

Uniformly Accelerated Rectilinear Motion (U.A.R.M)

Is when an object travels in a straight line with constant acceleration.


Property of objects to maintain their current state.

Law of Conservation of Matter

Energy is neither created nor destroyed, only transformed.

Gravitational Acceleration

Type of acceleration that attracts bodies towards the center of an astro.


Scalar... Continue reading "Laws of Motion and Gravitation in Physics" »

Choosing a Company, Work Placement, and Career Paths

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1) What reason does Michael give for choosing the company where he works?

R: Volkswagen was a good company to work for.

2) How did Sausay find a work placement?

R: Through personal contacts, with a family friend who recommended it to the managing director.

3) What is Michael's job now?

R: He works for Volkswagen in the design department, specifically on the exterior design for a new car.

4) How many applicants did VW accept?

R: In the apprenticeship scheme, VW accepted 6000 applicants.

5) Michael got a qualification in what subset?

R: In design and modelling.

6) What subject did Sausay study?

R: Sausay studied a master's degree course in management.

7) When did Sausay do his work placement?

R: Sausay did his work placement when he was looking for a summer
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Principles of Flight

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1. TD principles

General principle: An isolated system always Attains equilibrium. The state changes only by varying external parameters. Bigger the system, longer the time to attain equilibrium.

Zeroth law of TD: If two systems are both in thermal equilibrium with a third System then they are in thermal equilibrium with each other.

The first principle of Thermodynamics: This Is the principle of the conservation of energy for macroscopic bodies. The increase in internal energy of a closed System is equal to the total of the energy added to the system. In particular, If the energy entering the system is supplied as heat and if energy leaves the System as work, the heat is accounted for as positive and the work as negative.   DU=δQ+δW


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Understanding HVAC Duct Systems: Pressure, Airflow, and Components

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Fundamentals of HVAC Duct Systems

  • Pressure Measurement: Duct system pressure is measured in inches of water column (in. WC).
  • Blower Function: The blower creates pressure to force air through the duct system, conditioning equipment, and into the room.
  • Atmospheric Pressure: Standard atmospheric pressure is 14.696 psi.
  • Manometer Usage: A manometer measures air velocity pressure in a duct.
  • Airflow Measurement Tools: Anemometers or velometers are commonly used to measure airflow in air distribution systems.
  • Airflow Check: Airflow can be checked by feeling it 2-3 feet from a register.
  • Forced-Air vs. Natural-Draft: Forced-air systems use a blower, unlike natural-draft systems.
  • Duct Pressure Components: Duct pressure equals velocity pressure plus static pressure.
... Continue reading "Understanding HVAC Duct Systems: Pressure, Airflow, and Components" »

Electricity: The Basics of Electric Charge and Current

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The smallest part in which matter can be divided is the atom. Its construction is like this:

Nucleus: protons - mass and positive charge / neutrons - mass and negative charge

Orbits of electrons: they do not have mass but they have negative electric charge

Electric charge is a property of subatomic particles which influences the action of forces between items.

Charges of the same sign repel each other / Charges of different signs attract each other

1 coulomb = 6.25x10^18 electrons / The atoms of an object can lose electrons and become charged / The atoms of an object can gain electrons and become charged / Electric current is the flow of electrons through a conductor material

An Electric Device

1) An electric device has a resistance of

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Parametric Equations: Lines, Circles, and Motion in 3D Space

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Example 2: Find parametric equations for a particle that starts at (0, 3, 0) and moves around a circle as shown in Figure 17.1. The circle has a radius of 3 in the yz-plane, centered at the origin.

Solution: Since the motion is in the yz-plane, we have x = 0 at all times t. Looking at the yz-plane from the positive x-direction, we see motion around a circle of radius 3 in the clockwise direction. Thus, the parametric equations are:

  • x = 0
  • y = 3cos(t)
  • z = -3sin(t)

Example 3: Describe in words the motion given parametrically by x = cos(t), y = sin(t), z = t.

Solution: The particle's x- and y-coordinates give circular motion in the xy-plane, while the z-coordinate increases steadily. Thus, the particle traces out a rising spiral, like a coiled spring.... Continue reading "Parametric Equations: Lines, Circles, and Motion in 3D Space" »

Vocabulary for Various Interests and Activities

Classified in Physics

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Vocab. 1


  • go shopping
  • hang out (penjar)
  • listen to music
  • play computer games
  • read a magazine
  • surf the net (navegar)
  • watch sport on TV
  • dull (avorrit)
  • enjoyable (agradable)
  • exciting
  • frustrating
  • interesting
  • relaxing
  • average (mitjana)
  • correlation
  • less than half (menys de la meitat)
  • majority
  • minority
  • percentage
  • survey (enquesta)

Vocab. 2


  • adventure
  • characters (personatges)
  • context
  • fantasy
  • legend
  • myth (mite)
  • plot (trama)
  • scene
  • science fiction
  • sript (guió)
  • story
  • tale (conte)
  • angry
  • comical
  • courageous
  • cowardly
  • resourceful (ingeniós)
  • sentimental
  • spiteful (malèvol)
  • genre
  • metaphore
  • moral
  • setting (configuració)
  • simile
  • synopsis
  • check over (revisar)
  • come to
  • come up with (presentar)
  • work at
  • go back to
  • get across
  • turn over (entregar)
  • write down (apuntar-se)
  • carefully
  • completely
  • convincingly
  • daringly (atrevidament)
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The Origin and Abundance of Matter in the Universe

Classified in Physics

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What is Matter?

Matter is the ‘element’ from which everything is made. It is any substance that has mass and takes up space by having volume.

Where Does Matter Come From?

A billionth of a second after the Big Bang, an important part of the symmetry of the universe was broken. Known as electroweak symmetry breaking, this was the moment when subatomic particles acquired mass for the first time.

What Processes Lead to the Creation of Matter?

A billionth of a second after the Big Bang, electroweak symmetry breaking occurred, and subatomic particles acquired mass for the first time. Among these particles were quarks. As the universe cooled, these quarks combined to form larger, more complex structures: protons and neutrons. Way before the universe... Continue reading "The Origin and Abundance of Matter in the Universe" »