Notes, abstracts, papers, exams and problems of Physics

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Physical Exercises

Classified in Physics

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Six 19.4 moles of ideal gas are in a cylinder fitted at one end with a movable piston. The initial gas temperature is 27.0 ° C and the pressure is constant. As part of a proposed machine design, calculate the final temperature of the gas once it has made 1.75x10 ³ J of work.
n = 6 moles isobaric process
T? = 27 ° C
P = CTE.
W = 1.75 * 10 ³ J
PV = nRT
V? = Vf =

W = P (-)

Pf = P: = P

W = (nRTf - nRT?)

W + nRT? = NRTf

Tf =

Tf =
Tf = 335.24K

Work done in a cyclic process. a) In Figure 19.8a, consider the closed loop 1 3 2 4 1. This is a cyclical process in which the initial and final states are the same. Calculate the total work done by the system in this process and show that equals the area enclosed by the cycle. b) What... Continue reading "Physical Exercises" »


Classified in Physics

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(M02)Lunar embasy 1a)F. But...a rocket b)So far...apiece 3a)views b)roaring c)prohibited d)grateful 4a)have bought/but b)signed/with Smile you are camera(M03) 1a)T.And as...growing b)F.If the program...department 3a)implement b)radio c)high d)argue 4a)were/that b)had/what A relative difference (M04) 1a) F."This similarity...chimpanzees"b)F."development and...that now" 3a)link b)skull c)leap forward d)seemingly 4a)If you don´t ask him a question,he won´t speak to you. I´m working from home(M05)1a)F"For the Spanish...reason b)T"Overall, do" 3a)choosing b)survey c)opportunity d)switch 4a)have worked/per b)to get/to. Should the State tell...drink?(M06) 1a)F"We eat on...else"b)F"A sociologist...dining table" 3a)enquiry b)almost c)entire... Continue reading "Asasd" »


Classified in Physics

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Mamíferos: Las hembras tienen mamas que producen leche para alimentar a las crías, el cuerpo está cubierto por pelos. La función principal es proteger del frio al animal.
Pelaje: raíz dentro del funículo piloso .Los pelos nuevos sacan los pelos viejos. La glándula sebácea lo hace más flexible el pelo. Lana (largo y fino), cerda (áspero y grueso), vello (suave y corto) y púa (largo y puntiagudo)
La temperatura: Es constante. Si sube o baja la temperatura siempre se mantiene constante.
Hibernación: desciende -10 Cº / Duerme no come y se esconde.
Invernación: baja la temperatura pero un duerme profundamente, come y hace algunas actividades.
La fecundación interna se produce en el ovulo con el esperma.
Sistema digestivo: Boca -faringe-

... Continue reading "Sdeasd" »

Physics Exam Answers and Explanations

Classified in Physics

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1. Stopwatch Accuracy

a) Stopwatch

b) To have more accuracy

c) i) 3rd

ii) (3.93 + 4.07 + 3.99) / 3 = 11.99 / 3 = 4

iii) 4 / 10 = 0.40

2. Water Speed Measurement

a) First, measure the distance between bridge X and bridge Y. Then, place the stick in the water at bridge X and time how long it takes to reach bridge Y. Calculate the speed by dividing the distance by the time. Repeat this process at least three times. Add all the results together and divide by three to get the average speed.

b) 2nd box

3. Acceleration and Force

a) i) 24 / 60 = 0.4 m/s2

ii) 7.5 × 105 × 0.4 = 300,000 N

b) Speeding up / Slowing down / Steady speed / At rest

4. Resultant Force and Density

a) i) 280 - 250 = 30 N

ii) Up

b)... Continue reading "Physics Exam Answers and Explanations" »

Thermodynamics and Simple Harmonic Motion

Classified in Physics

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First Law of Thermodynamics (Law of Energy Conservation)

Energy cannot be created or destroyed; it can only change forms.

Formula: ΔU=Q−W

Where: ΔU is the change in internal energy of the system, Q is the heat added to the system, W is the work done by the system.

Explanation: The total energy in a closed system remains constant. Energy can be transformed from one form to another (e.g., heat energy to mechanical energy).

Second Law of Thermodynamics

Key Concept: The total entropy (disorder) of an isolated system always increases or remains constant.


Entropy Change for Reversible Process: ΔS=Qrev /T

Where: ΔS is the change in entropy. Qrev is the heat added in a reversible process. T is the absolute temperature. Qirr is... Continue reading "Thermodynamics and Simple Harmonic Motion" »


Classified in Physics

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Hidruros volatiles:NH3=amoniaco;N2H4=hidrazina;PH3=fosfina;P2H4=difosfina;AsH3=arsina;As2H4=diarsina;SbH3=estibina;CH4=silano;Si2H6=disilano;BH3=borano;B2H6=diborano.

Understanding Energy and Electricity: A Comprehensive Guide

Classified in Physics

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By: accident, chance, hand, heart, law, mistake, no means, request, virtue of, in a good mood, private, return, time, brief, danger, difficulty, doubt, a hurry, a mess. On: purpose, a regular basis, schedule, strike, time (a tiempo), average, balance, condition, fire. At: a price, one time, risk, the age of, all cost, a glance, least. Of: member, remind, at a rate, a cause, approval, experience, get rid, habit. With: link, regret, sympathize, arguments, contact, concern, dealing, difficulty. To: explain, reply, access, addiction, belong, change, damage. For: life, once, real, a while, a reason, demand, hire. From: time to time, now on, memory, experience. Out: of place, of stock, of sight. Conductance: the amount of power - Conductivity: The... Continue reading "Understanding Energy and Electricity: A Comprehensive Guide" »

Ship Tonnage and Measurement Definitions

Classified in Physics

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Displacement Tonnage

Displacement tonnage is the total weight of the volume of water a ship displaces when it is sitting in the water.

Standard Displacement Tonnage

Standard displacement tonnage is basically the same thing as displacement tonnage, but you must subtract the weight of any fuel and potable water carried on board the ship.

Deadweight Tonnage

Deadweight tonnage is the weight of all the cargo, fuel, dry provisions, supplies, etc. carried on board the ship.

Lightweight Tonnage

Lightweight tonnage is described as the weight of the ship when it was built in the shipyard, including all framing, machinery, decking, etc.

Gross Registered Tonnage

Gross registered tonnage is a measurement of the volume of all enclosed spaces on a ship, with 100

... Continue reading "Ship Tonnage and Measurement Definitions" »

A body is placed in a certain airstream

Classified in Physics

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.Any cause with the ability to: modify the state of a 
body ( motion vs rest) and deform a body
1.1 Its effects produced depends on: the intensity,
the point where the force is applied and the
direction and sense
.It's the property of the matter to tend to remain
on its state of motion or rest. If a body is resting, it
will continue so eternally unless a force is applied.
Different forces manage bodies to achieve or lose
equilibrium. Equilibrium types: stable: a slight
disturbance generates a restoring force to return to 
equilibrium. Unstable: a slight disturbance leads to an
increasing departure from the equilibrium. Neutral: A 
disturbance simply moves the object to a new position.

Time of useful consciousness

Classified in Physics

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annihilate:to destroy completely

expandable:not worth keeping not essential
infinitesimallyi:in amounts so small as to be barely measurable 
correlate:to figure out or create a relationship between two items or events
paradox :statement or an event that sounds impossible but seems to be true
resilient:strong but flexible able to withstand stress without injury
undulate:to move in waves or in a smooth wavelike motion
malfunctioning:not working or operating properly malfunction
stagnating:becoming foul or rotten from lack of movement stagnate
subliminal:below the level of consciousness
autor: Ray Bradbury /travis kill eckels /time safari , INC.