Nietzsche's Philosophy: Unnatural Morality and Transmutation of Values
Classified in Philosophy and ethics
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Unnatural Morality
Unnatural morality, according to Nietzsche, is a morality of the weak and embittered, directed against the vitality of the body and its passions. It posits a superior "world of reality" whose attainment requires sacrifice in this life. Unnatural morality emerges in opposition to natural morality, which is the morality of the strong, based on the will to power and an appreciation of this life. Any morality that requires sacrifice and mortification in this life for the sake of another life beyond is deemed unnatural.
Transmutation of Values
Transmutation of values: Nietzsche does not propose living without values, believing that to be impossible. Instead, he invites us to overturn the existing table of values. This involves overcoming... Continue reading "Nietzsche's Philosophy: Unnatural Morality and Transmutation of Values" »