Notes, abstracts, papers, exams and problems of Philosophy and ethics

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Philosophical Perspectives on the Soul and Life

Classified in Philosophy and ethics

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Anthropological Ideas of the Holy Fathers (Platonism) - Until the 13th Century

These ideas persisted until the 13th century due to:

  • The idea that the soul is in the body due to a fall (original sin)
  • The idea that the soul, in the body, is subjected to superior and inferior tendencies (battle between the flesh and the spirit)
  • Immortality of the soul

Saint Thomas Aquinas (Aristotelian Standpoint)

  • The soul is the form of the body.
  • The soul does not pre-exist the body; it is created by God at the same time it in-forms the body.
  • No transmigration.
  • Immortal soul.

Descartes (Plato's Standpoint - Efficient Causality)

Descartes' views aligned with Plato's because:

  • He rejects the concept of substantial forms.
  • He considers the soul to be a thinking and self-sufficient
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Aristotle vs. Aquinas & Hobbes: Views on Virtue, Happiness, and the Soul

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Question 1: Greatness of the Soul

Aristotle's Perspective

Aristotle defines greatness of the soul as moral perfection, encompassing virtues like courage, temperance, wisdom, generosity, strength, and justice. He believes that a virtuous person, incapable of pride, would sacrifice their assets for honor. Achieving greatness of the soul, for Aristotle, is the ultimate path to happiness.

Conflicting Views: Augustine and Hobbes

St. Augustine disagrees, arguing that Aristotle's view promotes self-glory rather than adherence to God's word. Augustine emphasizes the cardinal virtues but stresses the importance of praising God for salvation. Hobbes also diverges from Aristotle, asserting that happiness is not an end in itself but a means to another... Continue reading "Aristotle vs. Aquinas & Hobbes: Views on Virtue, Happiness, and the Soul" »

Understanding Moral Reasoning and Ethical Principles

Classified in Philosophy and ethics

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Ethics as a Whole: A Moral Reasoning: Formula

Moral principle + Action = Moral value. Applying a moral principle to an action we are able to come up with moral evolution Issues. There can be 3 problems with moral reasoning: 1. Consistency 2. Lack of facts 3. Sources of moral principles. Moral principle= Killing innocent people is evil. Action= Billy killed an innocent person. Value= Billy is an evil person. Objective — Universal— Always time. Subjective — Particular—Time-Space. Moral Relativism General Characteristic — The belief that moral principles are values created by each culture's customs and conventions. No objective moral values. Moral relativism can lack consistency as it can be based on your opinion and change with every... Continue reading "Understanding Moral Reasoning and Ethical Principles" »

Aristotle, Locke, and Hobbes: Political Philosophies

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Aristotle, Locke, and Hobbes on Politics

Aristotle's View

Aristotle believes men are political animals. They need the city to flourish and evolve. In his view, polity, a combination of oligarchy and democracy, is the best form of government because it is the rule of many for the best interest of the whole society. The thoughts, concerns, and desires of the society are the topics that will be discussed through reason. He believes people need interaction and leisure to advance politically, which justifies his agreement with slavery. A limitation of politics, in Aristotle's view, is that young generations can’t participate in politics because they use their emotions instead of their reasoning.

Locke's Perspective

Locke also believes politics aims

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Thomas Hobbes and the Social Contract

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Thomas Hobbes (17th Century)

In the opinion of many scholars, Thomas Hobbes stands as one of the first great political philosophers of modern times. His cultural antecedents were the Reformation and the Renaissance, movements which, despite their differences, shared a common thread: a yearning to return to origins. The Reformation challenged established religious traditions, while the Renaissance extolled the virtues of classical philosophy. However, these movements also engendered discord, particularly concerning religious authority, leading to widespread conflict. It was an era marked by ambiguity and the absence of clear authority.

Born amidst the tumult of civil war, Hobbes's philosophical outlook was profoundly shaped by this experience.... Continue reading "Thomas Hobbes and the Social Contract" »

Similarities and Differences: State of Nature of Individuals and States

Classified in Philosophy and ethics

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The first similarity is that there are actors of only one kind: the relevant actors are individuals. In both cases, they have more or less equal powers. Obviously, this is not true in terms of countries, but anyone can harm another. They are dependent on each other. In both cases, you cannot trust the behavior of others. In fear of being killed, it is either kill or be killed: the most rational action is to kill first. The fifth similarity is that good and evil come after the social contract. International politics and relations are amoral: they lack morals.


There are three different ways to contemplate the relation between morals and war. The first one would be... Continue reading "Similarities and Differences: State of Nature of Individuals and States" »

Immanuel Kant: A Philosopher of Ethics, Morality, and Progress

Classified in Philosophy and ethics

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Immanuel Kant (18th century)

Regarded as one of the greatest philosophers in history, he came up with a brilliant set of ideas which formed his philosophy. He made a distinction between material ethics and formal ethics. Material ethics try to change how humans are for what they ought to be using virtue as a tool for such a goal. The problem here for Kant is that humans do not usually agree on what they should be. Some humans look for happiness while others for saintliness, heroism, or pleasure. It is virtually impossible to reach a consensus on this matter. To solve this problem, Kant tries to provide a formula which he calls categorical imperative. He takes this imperative from the gospel: treat others the way you want yourself to be treated.

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The Tao of Pooh: Key Principles

Classified in Philosophy and ethics

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The Tao of Pooh: Key Principles

Overthinking and Inattention

Overthinking can lead to a failure to pay attention to the present moment, increasing the risk of accidents. It's important to be present and mindful of our surroundings.

Working with Circumstances

Instead of resisting circumstances, accept and adapt to them. Embrace the present moment as it is, rather than focusing on what it isn't or what you expected it to be. Eeyore's appreciation of the empty pot and burst balloon exemplifies this principle.

Fighting Fire with Water

Don't directly resist challenges; instead, use their nature to your advantage. Leverage the inherent qualities of a situation to navigate it effectively.

Bisy Backsons

"Bisy Backsons" are constantly busy and focused on future

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Anthropology: Exploring the Biological, Cultural, and Philosophical Dimensions of Humanity

Classified in Philosophy and ethics

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The Biological Dimension of the Human Being

Non-Evolutionist Theories


This theory asserts that the world and all living things were created by God from nothingness. This theory is the basis of many religious doctrines, not only of Christianity.

  1. All living species were created separately by God from nothingness in the beginning of times. So they are not related nor derive ones from others.
  2. God created mankind in his own image. So the human being plays a special role in the divine creation.

Pseudo-scientific theory formulated by Carl Linnaeus (1707-1778) which states that species, both plant and animal, do not evolve, but remain unchanged in time. To explain the fact, as evidenced by the fossils, of the disappearance of certain species... Continue reading "Anthropology: Exploring the Biological, Cultural, and Philosophical Dimensions of Humanity" »

Understanding Key Philosophical and Anthropological Concepts

Classified in Philosophy and ethics

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Causal Law

Scientific law that establishes a relationship between phenomena in such a way that if the phenomenon considered to be a cause takes place, the phenomenon that is considered to be an effect will also take place.


Event or action capable of producing or originating another different event, which is referred to as effect. Given that the cause of an event allows to explain a certain effect, the term is also used to refer to the reason for its taking place.


Amorphous, undefined state that was supposed to occur before the cosmos existed. If the term “cosmos” refers to the ordered Universe, in Greek mythology the term “chaos” refers to the state of disarray that precedes the formation of the Universe. The term then evolved... Continue reading "Understanding Key Philosophical and Anthropological Concepts" »