Notes, abstracts, papers, exams and problems of Other subjects

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Oral Expression Assessment and Correction in Primary Education

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Evaluation of Oral Expression

Any activity related to Oral Expression (OE) should be evaluated. In some exercises, we will focus only on the most important errors and correct them. In others, we will attempt an overall assessment of the student's expressive capacity. Normally, a good diagnostic evaluation or competition of the expressive power of a student combines more than one test. Some of the most common are:

  • Maintaining a dialogue or an informal conversation.
  • Reading a text aloud.
  • Making a brief, self-managed intervention: an argument, a comment, a narrative, etc.
  • Reacting to a specific situation that requires a formula, routines, and a special language.

In most modern OE tests, students discuss in small groups and interact. Regarding criteria... Continue reading "Oral Expression Assessment and Correction in Primary Education" »

Airflow Dynamics: Key Concepts in HVAC Systems

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Airflow Dynamics in HVAC Systems

Key Airflow Parameters

  • Current Air Time: Air delivery duration.
  • Choro Air: Isothermal air (ambient temperature, non-insulated).
  • Effective Velocity (V.efectiva): Average velocity at the air outlet.
  • Residual Velocity (V. Residual): Air velocity in the occupied area.
  • Temperature Difference (RBI): Difference between ambient and impulse temperatures.
  • Ambient Temperature Difference: Temperature difference between the occupied area and ambient.
  • Temperature Coefficient: Ratio of temperature differences.
  • Mixed Flowrate: Sum of impulse and induced flow.
  • Inductance Index: Ratio of total flow to impulse flow.

Airflow Phenomena

  • Coanda Effect: Airflow adhering to a surface.
  • Critical Radius: Distance where the Coanda effect diminishes.
... Continue reading "Airflow Dynamics: Key Concepts in HVAC Systems" »

Learning by Discovery: Methods and Lesson Types

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Learning by Discovery

Discovery is when the instructor provides all the necessary tools for individuals to discover for themselves what they want to learn.

Forms of Discovery


Induction involves the collection and reorganization of data to reach a new category, concept, or generalization. Two types of lessons use inductive discovery:

  • Open Inductive Discovery Lesson: Its primary purpose is to give children experience in a particular search process: the process of categorization or classification. There is no specific category or generalization that the teacher expects the child to discover. The lesson aims at learning how to learn "in the sense of learning to organize data."
  • Structured Inductive Discovery Lesson: Its main aim is that children
... Continue reading "Learning by Discovery: Methods and Lesson Types" »

Auditor's Review: Verifying Facts and Management Practices

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పదుల పరిశీలన z అడిటర్ పుస్తకాలతో నమోదు కాబడిన వాస్తవాలను గురించి తెలియచేయును. అంతేగాని మేనేజ్మెంట్ యొక్క విధానాల గురించి దాని ఏ మూలానుగుణ్యముగా వచ్చునో తెలుసుకొనుటకు ఆధారాలుగా తీసుకొని వాస్తవాలను వెలికి తీయవచ్చును.

ప్రణాళిక విధానాలు అమలు చేయడానికి ఆడిట్ చేయడానికి వేదికలు అవసరమవుతాయి.... Continue reading "Auditor's Review: Verifying Facts and Management Practices" »

School Management Powers and Responsibilities

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Powers of School Management

See curriculum

  • To represent the center, without prejudice to the powers of other educational officers.
  • To direct and coordinate all activities of the center towards the same educational project in accordance with existing rules, and without prejudice to the powers conferred on the Faculty and the School Board.
  • To direct and promote the effective development of the functions entrusted to the management team, ensuring compliance with laws and other provisions.
  • To exercise leadership of all personnel working at the center and adopt resolutions that apply disciplinary rules in accordance with applicable regulations.
  • To collaborate with the bodies of the Ministry responsible for education in all matters concerning the achievement
... Continue reading "School Management Powers and Responsibilities" »

Plato's Philosophy and Political Thought

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Plato's Life, Thought, and Influence


Plato, a prominent Greek philosopher of the 4th century BC, belonged to the Idealist school of thought. His philosophical objective was inherently political: to cultivate statesmen. Plato's ideas profoundly influenced Christianity and thinkers throughout history, resonating even today with his assertion that the more educated individuals are, the further they will be from detrimental political practices.

Historical and Biographical Context

During the century between Plato's birth and Aristotle's death, the territory of Greece encompassed modern-day Greece, the Aegean Islands, and coastal regions of Asia Minor. This period marked a cultural zenith in Athens, with a flourishing of arts, literature,... Continue reading "Plato's Philosophy and Political Thought" »

Understanding Consumer Behavior in Product Purchase Decisions

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MPGC: The M C classifies products based on two criteria: 1) criteria for durability and tangibility: C non-durable goods, durable goods, and b of C ss; 2) the purchase process: convenience, impulse purchase, specialty, and unsought.

PGC: We understand that everyday consumers often acquire products that are frequently destroyed through use, which must necessarily be low-cost replacements. This implies that the buying process usually involves minimal cognitive effort; the search for information and evaluation of alternatives are minimal, if not fundamentally nonexistent. These are referred to as convenience products.

According to the AMA, the PGC is a process of planning and implementing the concept, price, promotion, and distribution of products... Continue reading "Understanding Consumer Behavior in Product Purchase Decisions" »

Atmospheric Pollutant Dispersion Dynamics

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Escape the Atmosphere

In some situations, it is necessary to evacuate air contaminants, either because their uptake is impractical or because the investment is not economically justified. To carry out an evacuation of the gaseous atmosphere, it is necessary to understand certain characteristics:

  1. The emitter source.
  2. The behavior of the surrounding atmosphere.

Factors Determining Pollutant Dispersion

The factors determining the dispersion of pollutants are:

A) Weather Factors: Temperature and Wind

1. Temperature

This is the most important effect. When an air mass has a higher temperature than the surrounding air mass, it ascends due to lower density. As it rises, this mass expands, reducing its temperature at a rate of approximately -10°C per kilometer.... Continue reading "Atmospheric Pollutant Dispersion Dynamics" »

Effective Media and Internal Communication Strategies

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Communication Media Relations

Basic Rules

Transcendence of Communication Offices

  • Function is necessary.
  • How journalists see the source.
  • Working hours of journalistic companies.
  • Preference for stable, institutional, and easily accessible communication offices.
  • Homogenization trends.
  • Official statements discourage journalistic research.
  • Capacity for misinformation and pressure.
  • Risk of uncritically embracing information.

Basic Rules

  • Attitude of accuracy.
  • Provide information.
  • Better to anticipate than to correct information afterward.
  • Consistency with professional journalists.
  • Maintain constant and honest relations.

Advice from Fortune (For Media Entrepreneurs)

  • Responsibility of the top executive.
  • Confront the facts.
  • Consider the public interest.
  • Be a source of news
... Continue reading "Effective Media and Internal Communication Strategies" »

Evaluating Healthcare Quality: Standards and Improvement

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Quality Product Criteria

A quality product achieves its desired objective at the lowest possible cost.

Quality Healthcare Professionals

Quality healthcare professionals require suitable facilities, advanced technology, and adequate training.

Detecting Quality: Manager's View

Effectiveness is the most detectable quality characteristic for managers. It means achieving objectives efficiently, allowing resource allocation to other needs.

User Perspective on Quality Healthcare

Users value proper personal care, effective treatments, continuity, and efficiency.

Scientific-Technical Quality vs. User Efficiency

Scientific-technical quality is often overlooked by users, especially in public health systems where the cost-benefit relationship isn't direct.


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