Notes, abstracts, papers, exams and problems of Other courses

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Hack Calculator Fx-82 MS

Classified in Other subjects

Written at on English with a size of 1.69 KB.

SHIFT - MODE - 2 (clr)
MODE - 2 (SD)
0 - M +, 80 times (n = 80)
4. Data Full appears -
M +
5. Appears EditOff (1) ESC (2). - 2
6. Arrow above the replay, you Freq80 = 1
7. Write 1313131313 ... until it can
= Appears Full Data
= Appears EditOff (1) Esc (2)
0 - 1 - = appears Syntax Exec
11. AC, Ready to be shut down or press ON

2nd degree equations:
1. SHIFT - SHIFT - SHIFT - 1 (Eqn)
2. ! Right arrow replay -
3. Coefficient of x 2 - =
4. Coefficient of x - =
5. Independent term - =
6. You get a result, replay the down arrow to the
For Grade 3, selecciionar 3 in step 2


Classified in Biology

Written at on English with a size of 9.49 KB.

Supine or dorsal
In the anatomical position, the patient remains with his hands on either side of the body, arms extended, adducted thumbs and hands of pronation.
The head is held erect and the feet pointing forward. The knees and fingers in slight flexion
The patient is lying on your back with legs extended, attached to the upper and lower body together.
· Examination of the chest, abdomen, upper and lower limbs.
· Postoperative.
And Accommodation in bed
· Position change.
· Palpation of the breasts.
· Elders.
· Lung disease.
Sick of long-term ·
Prone position or ventral

Also called prone. In this position the patient lies on his abdomen and chest, his head... Continue reading "Positions" »

Alexander the Great, of Mery Renault

Classified in History

Written at on English with a size of 489.34 KB.

The Lady Mary Challans (1905-1983). She studied nursing at the University of Oxford, a profession he held during the Second World War. After the war he settled in South Africa, where he began his literary career in 1956. His first novel, set in ancient Greece, brought him international fame, both for its style and care for the accuracy of historical data. He was especially interested in the fascinating personality of Alexander the Great, who was able to recreate with great skill in four novels, three of which (Fire in Paradise, The Persian Boy and Funeral Games) are a great trilogy on the history and legend Macedonian king and complete the fascinating approach to his personality that the author held in Alexander the Great.

The military genius,... Continue reading "Alexander the Great, of Mery Renault" »

Nada, Carmen Laforet

Classified in Other subjects

Written at on English with a size of 14.15 KB.

SPACE AND TIME There are two worlds in the novel, identified two areas: one that represents the repression and other freedom. The floor of Aribau symbolizes the past, acts as a prison and its people are mired in financial ruin and degradation. Andrea, in his eighteen years, will be a silent witness to what happens there. On the other hand, the exterior, embodied in the University and especially in Ena, represent the future, the change of life, but in the end it does not actually materialize. The lives of his friends develop in the way Layetana, where Ena and his family live on the beach, the mountains, on Montcada Street, where the study has Guíxols or mansion, Pons. Also, determine the configuration spaces of the characters: Anguish passes... Continue reading "Nada, Carmen Laforet" »


Classified in Other subjects

Written at on English with a size of 2.1 KB.

Que deberias hacer para proteger el medio ambiente

There are many ways to protect the environment.We can recycle as much as possible.Glass, paper and plastic can all be recycled easily nowadays. Modern transport is harmful to the environment. We should use cars and planes less and bicycles and public transport more. We can save water by turning taps off. We can use economy electricity and modern energy efficient machines. There is a lot of information available to help us protect the enviroment.

Ventajas y desventajas de usar el transporte publico

What are the advantages of using public transport? It is better for the enviroment to use public transport than private transport. It causes less pollution. In most countries it is also relatively cheap.

... Continue reading "Redacciones" »

Teoría literaria

Classified in Language

Written at on English with a size of 98 KB.

-A aeroplane has a landing mass of 53 000kg. The range of safe CG positions, as determined from the appropriate graph in the loading manual, is : Forward limit 7.8% MAC aft limit 27.0% MAC

-A flight benefits from a strong tail wind which was not forecast. On arrival at destination a straight in approach and immediate landing clearance is given. The landing mass will be higher than planned and: the landing distance required will be longer.

-A flight has been made from London to Valencia carrying minimum fuel and maximum traffic load. On the return flight the fuel tanks in the aeroplane are to be filled to capacity with a total fuel load of 20100 litres at a fuel density of 0.79 kg/l. The following are the aeroplane's structural limits: -Maximum

... Continue reading "Teoría literaria" »

English exam

Classified in English

Written at on English with a size of 4.09 KB.

llegar a ser
catch-caught-caught-cojer agarrar
hit-hit-hit-golpear pegar
hurt-hurt-hurt-hacer daño
keep-kept-kept-guardar mantener
know-knew-known-saber conocer
learn-... Continue reading "English exam" »


Classified in Physical Education

Written at on English with a size of 8.67 KB.

Idealism has three main implications for education:
+ an emphasis on theory before practice; + an emphasis on logical thinking; + a high value attached to liberal education.


Educational implications of the technical-rational model
+ Learning is a science and has general principles.
+ The teacher or designer determines what is learned and how, according to scientific principles.
+ The purposes or ends of education are not discussed; values are taken for granted. + The learner will respond to learning stimuli in a predictable way. + The technical-rational model works best in the training of skills and competencies, where behaviour can be observed.

Educational implications of child-centred education
+ The purpose... Continue reading "Fbxccc" »

Casa viejas

Classified in Language

Written at on English with a size of 34.13 KB.

-A 1211 halon fire-extinguisher can be used for:1. a paper fire 2. a fabric fire3. an electric fire4. a wood fire5. a hydrocarbon fireThe combination regrouping all the correct statements is: 1,2,3,4,5
-A category A aircraft can carry out an indirect approach followed by a visual manoeuvre only if the horizontal visibility is higher than or equal to : 1500 M
-A category B aircraft can carry out an indirect approach followed by a visual maneuver only if the horizontal visibility is higher than or equal to 1600 M
-A category C aircraft can carry out an indirect approach followed by a visual maneuver only if the horizontal visibility is higher than or equal to : 2400 M
-A category C aircraft can carry out an indirect approach followed by a visual

... Continue reading "Casa viejas" »

Casa de carlos

Classified in Language

Written at on English with a size of 170.29 KB.

AL0002 The person who has final authority as to the disposition of an aircraft during flight time is:

Choose one answer.

a. The airliner operator Incorrect

b. The aircraft owner Incorrect

c. The commander Correct

d. The ATC controller if the aircraft is flying in a controlled airspace Incorrect

A controlled flight is requested to inform the appropriate ATC unit whenever the average True Air Speed at cruising level varies or is expected to vary from that given in the flight plan by plus or minus:

Choose one answer.

a. 2% Incorrect

b. 3% Incorrect

c. 10 % Incorrect

d. 5% Correct

AL0020 Subject to conditions specified by the appropriate ATS authority, a radar controller may request radar-controlled aircraft to adjust their speed when established on intermediate and final approach. This speed adjustment should not be more... Continue reading "Casa de carlos" »