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Bestseller: book famous, box office: taquilla, charts: gràfic, costume drama, game show, hit, genre, horror, launch, listener, reader, reality show, romance, sci-fi, script: guió, track: pista d’audio, western: peli pest, come face to face: cara a cara, face lights up: expressio alegria, face up to: enfrontar-se, pull a brave face: persona que s’enfronta, same old faces, stuff your face, two faced,turn your back on, spine chilling, makes my blood boil.
Gramm: non def. Nom propi, this, that, possesiu (COMA). Defining (Who) you sell

Musicians, Set Times, Cover Bands, and Variety Entertainment

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They have a maximum play time & minimum fees for different types & length of performance.

Set times

When you plan an event/entertainment you must know that the standard play time is 40 mins before taking a break. Breaks should last no longer than 15-20mins. It also depends on the vibrancy of the preceding performance.

Cover bands

What is a dance band? Dance bands are otherwise known as variety bands/cover bands. They perform top dance hits that your wedding party guests/corporate event audience will enjoy.

Musicians & vocalists

Versatile & play everything from jazz, soul, motown, disco, R&B, blues, pop, contemporary, swing, to current dance music hits. A dance band will typically include male and female vocalists, a saxophone,... Continue reading "Musicians, Set Times, Cover Bands, and Variety Entertainment" »

Baroque Period: Music, Art, and Society

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What Does Baroque Adjective Mean?

-Meaning “regularly shaped”. At first, the word in French was used mostly to refer to pearls. Eventually, it came to describe an extravagant style of art characterized by curving lines, gilt and gelt.

Musical Instruments of Baroque:

a) What is a Luthier? The composer who cares for the timbric richness of his works and the interpreter will specialize in his instruments, which will lead to the first virtuosos.

b) Who was the most famous luthier? Amanti, Stradivari and Guarnieri.

c) Where did he come from? Stradivari made palatino quartet and kept in the royal palace in Madrid.

d) Do you know interesting anecdotes about him?

Religious Music:

a) Cantata: is a simpler form composed by texts or popular religious themes.... Continue reading "Baroque Period: Music, Art, and Society" »

Key Figures and Essential Concepts in Jazz History

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  1. This individual is sometimes viewed as the “father” of big band swing: Fletcher Henderson
  2. The practice of pitting one section against another in alternating patterns is called: antiphonal voicing
  3. Which of the following in NOT a feature of Count Basie’s solo style toward the end of his career: Long, complicated melodies in right hand
  4. This Ellington sideman came to be known as the father of the jazz bass solo: Jimmy Blanton
  5. This swing artist was discovered at a talent contest at Harlem’s Apollo Theater: Ella Fitzgerald
  6. The famous nickname given to Billie Holiday by her close friend Lester Young was: Lady Day
  7. The two most prominent alto saxophone players of the swing period were Johnny Hodges and: Benny Carter
  8. Coleman Hawkins’ most famous recording
... Continue reading "Key Figures and Essential Concepts in Jazz History" »

Pop Music Fundamentals: Structure, Vocals, and Instruments

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1. Pop Music

What is Pop Music?

  • A genre of popular music originating in the 1950s.
  • Derived from Rock and Roll.
  • Often borrows from other genres like dance, urban, and rock.

Structure of Pop Music: 32-Bar AABA

  • Also known as 32-bar form, American Songbook, or ballad form.
  • Common in jazz standards and still found in pop music (often modified).
  • Each letter (AABA) represents 4x8 (or 8 bars).
  • A: Main melody; the 2nd A can be identical, similar, or a response.
  • B: Middle eight or bridge, usually contrasting with A. Example: "Somewhere Over the Rainbow."

Voices in Pop

  • In Harmony: Singing different notes that harmonize.
  • In Unison: All singing the same notes.
  • Descant: Singing a higher part in time with the main tune.
  • Call and Response: Repeating the lead vocalist or
... Continue reading "Pop Music Fundamentals: Structure, Vocals, and Instruments" »

Paris: 4 Historical Landmarks to Explore

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1. Saint-Denis Basilica: One of France's oldest sites of Christian worship and its most famous abbey—a burial place for 43 kings and 32 queens. The Saint-Denis Basilica, whose current edifice was built sometime between the 11th and 12th centuries, served as a royal burial site from as early as the fifth century. With its sculpted tombs and flamboyant Gothic details.


Neoclassicism, completed 1765 AD. The Panthéon, in the heart of the Latin Quarter, dominates the 5th district. Freely inspired by the Pantheon of Rome, the Parisian Panthéon was built as a memorial. Indeed, the crypts guard the tombs of the greatest French personalities who marked their country throughout history. You will find celebrities like Rousseau, Voltaire, or

... Continue reading "Paris: 4 Historical Landmarks to Explore" »

Theatrical Design and Musical Theatre Essentials

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Scenic designer script analysis has what 5 things?

  • plot
  • setting
  • environment
  • character
  • special effects

theatrical styles has what 4 things?

  • realism
  • naturalism
  • expressionism
  • surrealism

"the empty space" has what 3 things?

  • filling empty space
  • thumbnail drawing: models
  • bird eye view

lighting designer has what 5 things?

  • lighting plot
  • gels
  • gobos
  • motivated light and non-motivaional light

what is the difference between motivated light and non-motivated light

  • motivated: A lighting style in which the light sources imitate existing sources.
  • Unmotivated: light often comes from the large lights off-camera

what are the 3 fun ways to light the stage?

  • wiggle lights
  • specials
  • spot
... Continue reading "Theatrical Design and Musical Theatre Essentials" »

Romanticism in Literature: A Revolt of the Senses and Passions

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A movement in philosophy but especially in literature, romanticism is the revolt of the senses or passions against the intellect and of the individual against the consensus. Its first stirrings may be seen in the work of William Blake (1757-1827), and in continental writers such as the Swiss philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseau and the German playwrights Schiller and Goethe.

The publication, in 1798, by the poets William Wordsworth and Samuel Taylor Coleridge of a volume entitled was a significant event in English literary history. The elegant Latinisms of the Augustans are dropped in favour of a kind of English closer to that spoken by real people. Robert Burns (1759 1796) writes lyric verse in the dialect of lowland Scots.

Later Romanticism

The... Continue reading "Romanticism in Literature: A Revolt of the Senses and Passions" »

The Impact of Music on Our Lives: Cultural Significance, Emotional Influence, and Educational Benefits

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Music in Our Lives: Cultural Significance, Emotional Influence, and Educational Benefits


Music is an integral part of human existence, permeating every aspect of our lives. From the background melodies that accompany our daily routines to the powerful anthems that stir our emotions, music has a profound impact on our culture, our well-being, and our cognitive development.

Cultural Significance

Music has played a pivotal role in human history, serving as a marker of nationality, ethnicity, and spiritual identity. It has been an essential ingredient in public gatherings, religious ceremonies, and family celebrations. Our history is replete with iconic melodies that have become synonymous with specific events and traditions, such as the"... Continue reading "The Impact of Music on Our Lives: Cultural Significance, Emotional Influence, and Educational Benefits" »

Classical Music Period: Characteristics and Composers

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Introduction to the Classical Period

The Classical period in Western music generally encompasses the years between 1750 and 1820. However, the term Classical music is often used colloquially to refer to Western art music, spanning various styles from the ninth century to the present, particularly from the sixteenth or seventeenth to the nineteenth centuries.

The Classical period falls between the Baroque and the Romantic periods.

Main Characteristics of Classical Music

Classical music features a lighter, clearer texture than Baroque music and is less complex. It is mainly homophonic, meaning a melody above chordal accompaniment (though counterpoint was still used, especially later in the period). The style galant was prominent during the Classical... Continue reading "Classical Music Period: Characteristics and Composers" »