Notes, abstracts, papers, exams and problems of Medicine & Health

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A Deep Dive into English Grammar and Longevity

Classified in Medicine & Health

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Present Tenses

Present Simple

sings - are signed / 3 column

Present Continuous

is signing - are being signed / 3 column

Past Tenses

Past Simple

signed - were signed / 3 column

Past Continuous

was signing - were being signed / 3 column

Perfect Tenses

Present Perfect Simple

has signed - have been signed / 3 column

Past Perfect Simple

had signed - had been signed / 3 column

Future Tense

Future Simple

will sign - will be signed / 3 column



should sign - should be signed / 3 column

Modal Perfect

must have signed - must have been signed / 3 column

Other Verb Forms

Have to

has to sign - have to be signed / 3 column

Be Going To

is going to sign - are going to be signed / 3 column

Question Words

How long: cuanto tiempo When: cuando Who: quien How old: cuantos años


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Time of useful consciousness

Classified in Medicine & Health

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WHY IS IMPORTANT TO HAVE A HEALTHY DIET Having a healthy diet is something that most of the people think that isn ́t important at all and they eat whatever they want without considering the pros of this. The benefits of a healthy diet will be reflected both inside and outside, for example, better mood, more physical energy, greater mental capacity, relief of many ailments such as headache, gastritis, constipation; on the other hand the hair and skin will be benefited, the smell of mouth, body humor, and said is more down those unwanted tugs. To conclude we should take care about our health and think conciously about what we eat.

WHAT DO YOU KNOW ABOUT MEAL TIMES IN THE UK? Dear Mike, Im going to tell you what I know about meal times in the... Continue reading "Time of useful consciousness" »

English Learning Units 6-7: Grammar and Vocabulary

Classified in Medicine & Health

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2. Present Continuous

  • I'm learning English now
  • They aren't studying at the moment
  • She isn't sleeping now
  • What are they eating? They're eating sandwiches
  • Are you doing your homework? I am
  • Is he phoning his friend? he isn't

3. Present Continuous Exercises

  • Listens
  • 's/ is reading
  • Aren't/are not eating
  • Don't watch
  • Are, doing
  • Does, go
  • Are, playing
  • Do, get

4. Numbers

  • 1.2 2.2 3.1 4.2 5.1 6.1 7.1 8.2 9.1 10.2 11.2 12.1 13.2 14.1 15.1 16.2


B. Past Simple: Was/Were

  • There was some milk
  • Were there any sweets?
  • There were two tennis rackets
  • There was a printer in the bedroom
  • Was there a cat in the sitting room?
  • There were some books in the bag
  • Was there any butter in the kitchen?
  • There wasn't any butter in the fridge
  • Were there any sofas in the hall?
  • There wasn't any
... Continue reading "English Learning Units 6-7: Grammar and Vocabulary" »

Therapeutic Uses and Side Effects of Atropine, Adrenaline, and Beta Blockers

Classified in Medicine & Health

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Therapeutic Uses of Atropine

Preanesthetic Medication

  • Decrease salivary and bronchial secretions
  • Prevent bronchospasm
  • Antagonize respiratory center depressants
  • Protect the heart from bradycardia induced by some general anesthetics
  • Prevent vomiting


  • Post-operative urine retention
  • Intestinal hypomotility (paralytic ileus)

Other Uses

  1. Heart block and marked bradycardia
  2. In cholinergic poisoning to antagonize muscarinic effects (organophosphorus poisoning or physostigmine poisoning)
  3. Colics, gut hypermotility, duodenal ulcer
  4. Nocturnal enuresis and urinary urgency to reduce bladder motility
  5. Parkinsonism
  6. Motion sickness (Hyoscine (scopolamine) is better)
  7. Hyperhidrosis
  8. For fundus examination of the eye (derivatives are better)
  9. Bronchial asthma (secretions
... Continue reading "Therapeutic Uses and Side Effects of Atropine, Adrenaline, and Beta Blockers" »

Business English Vocabulary and Meeting Phrases

Classified in Medicine & Health

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Lunes(ON) Mes(IN) Meses+fecha(ON) por tarde/maña(IN)  Estaciones(IN)      2ºCONDIT (If/Unless+ past Simpl, would+infitv)   3ºCOND (If/Unless + Past perfet,would/might/could+ have+past)  

PASSIV(Pres.Simpl: Is/are conducted)-(Past Simpl: Was conducted)-(Futur:Will be conductd)  (Pesen.Cont=Is/are being conductd)-(Past.Cont= was/were being conductd) Present.Perf(have conductd=HAS been conductd)      

REPORTD (Pres Simpl: eat=ATE)-(Past Simpl: ate=HAD EATEN )-(Futur:will eat=Pesen.Cont=are eating=WERE EATING)-(Past.Cont=were eating/= ) Pres.Perf(have eaten= HAD EATEN) Pres.Perf.Cont(have been eating= HAD been eating) Past Perf.Simp(had eaten=HAD EATEN)                                                                                                                                                   

... Continue reading "Business English Vocabulary and Meeting Phrases" »

Factors Affecting Patient Adherence to Treatment

Classified in Medicine & Health

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Barlow and Ourand

21 year old who would think the worst whenever minor symptoms were experienced

Common Features Showed

  1. fear of aging and death
  2. presenting medical records in great detail
  3. especially concerned with one organ system

Factors that May Help Develop This

  1. serious illness in childhood
  2. past diseases in family members
  3. psychological stressors
  4. highly sensitive to pain

Possible Ways Patients May Not Adhere Properly

Before Treatment: poor description of treatment / lack of awareness
During Treatment: take +/- of a medicine / take at different time / not complete instructions
After Treatment: may end earlier / may fall back to certain behaviors

Why Patients May Not Adhere

Patients: decide don't need treatment / doesn't understand treatment / demographic factors
... Continue reading "Factors Affecting Patient Adherence to Treatment" »

Exploring Barcelona: Culture, Cuisine, and Climate

Classified in Medicine & Health

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despres, afterwards: despres d'aixo, athlete: atleta,ballet: balet, be keen on: encantar, beach: platja, brush: raspall, cards: cartes, chatting: chat, chess: escacs, cinema: cine, class: classe, competition: competició, competitive: competitiu, computer: ordinador, cook: cuinar, cooking: gastronomia,, crossword puzzle: mots encreuats,dance: ballar, detective: novel: novel·la policiaca, digital camera: camera digital, doing sport: fer esport, drawing: dibuixar , eat out: minjar fora, film: pel·licula, free time: temps lliure, friend: amic, go out: surtir, good at: bo, hiking: senderisme, hobby: afició, ice hockey: hoquei sobre gel, jog: hacer footing, laugh: riure, learn to play: apendre a tocar la guitarra, leisure: temps lliure,... Continue reading "Exploring Barcelona: Culture, Cuisine, and Climate" »

Kidney Failure and Treatment Options

Classified in Medicine & Health

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Kidney Function and Failure


  • Clean the blood and remove extra fluid
  • Keep your body chemicals in balance
  • Filter out waste products
  • Control blood pressure and red blood cell production

Kidney Failure:

Occurs when kidneys stop working or when their function is less than 15%. This results in a build-up of fluid and chemical wastes, which is life-threatening unless treated by dialysis or kidney transplantation.


Uremia occurs when waste products build up in the blood. Symptoms include:

  • Loss of appetite
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Headache
  • Itching

Treatment Options for Kidney Failure

Patients with kidney failure have several treatment options:

  • Diet and fluid management
  • Kidney transplantation
  • Medications
  • Kidney dialysis
  • Non-treatment (palliative care)


In... Continue reading "Kidney Failure and Treatment Options" »

Drake Enemies Lyrics: Decoding the Meaning

Classified in Medicine & Health

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Lickwood Means Rewind, a Gunshot Means Forward

You Requested It So We Rewind

Way, way, way up
Turn it all up

I got enemies, got a lot of enemies
Got a lot of people tryin' to drain me of my energy
They tryin' to take the wave from a nigga
Fuckin' with the kid and pray for your nigga

I got girls in real life tryin' to mess up my day
Fuck goin' online that ain't part of my day
I got real shit poppin' with my family too
I got niggas that can never leave Canada too
I got 2 mortgages, thirty million in total
I got niggas that'll still try fuckin' me over
I got rap niggas that I gotta act like I like
But my actin' days are over, fuck them niggas for life, yeah

I got enemies, got a lot of enemies
Got a lot of people tryin' to drain me of... Continue reading "Drake Enemies Lyrics: Decoding the Meaning" »

Performance-Enhancing Substances and Methods in Sports

Classified in Medicine & Health

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Pharmaceuticals (AAS, hgh, stimulants, betablockers) nutritionals (amino acids, creatine, vitamins) methods (hyperbaric or hypobaric chambers, blood doping, supplemental O2)


Primary governing body for international sport banned substances enhance performance, endanger health, contrary to sport if u have two of these its banned)

Substance S1

Most common drug test

Anabolic Steroid

Associated with protein building in skeletal muscle or bone


Associated with masculinization


Hormonal substance with basic chemical structure


C-19 steroid hormone derivative of cholesterol. Key endogenous (body makes) androgen. Levels vary: males 2.5-11mg, females 0.25mg

AAS Legally

Schedule III category prohibited until 1974

AAS Chemically

Synthetic... Continue reading "Performance-Enhancing Substances and Methods in Sports" »