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Human Body Features, Professions, and Life Stages in Spanish and English

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Human Body Features: Spanish & English


  • Bloated face: hinchada
  • Freckles: pecas
  • Wrinkles: arrugas
  • Cherubic face: cara bonita de niño
  • Chubby/Podgy face: cara gordita
  • Chubby-cheeked: mofletes gorditos
  • Weather-beaten face: estropeada por el clima
  • Blackheads: puntos negros
  • Moles: lunar
  • Warts: berruga
  • Hollow cheeks/Dimples: hoyuelos


  • Lopsided nose: torcida
  • Conk: narizón


  • Hazel: color avellana
  • Black eye: ojo morado
  • Crossed-eyed: bizca
  • Bulging eyes: saltones
  • Stye: orzuelo
  • Sunken eyes: hundidos
  • Swollen eyes (with bags): con bolsas debajo de los ojos


  • Harelip: labio leporino
  • Chapped lips: agrietados
  • Buckteeth: dientes de conejo
  • Wisdom teeth: muelas del juicio


  • Auburn: caoba
  • Lock of hair: mechón
  • Shock of hair: mata de pelo
  • Fringe: flequillo
  • Parting: raya
  • Plaits:
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Vocabulary for Everyday Life

Classified in Medicine & Health

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all or nothing risking. everything

alternative.different from what is usual or traditional

awesome. estupendo/impresionante

backing track .grabación de fondo

be sick of .sb/sth to be annoyed and bored with a person or situation

bleak. dark, depressing

brilliant .excelente

chilling. escalofriante/espeluznante

commodity .mercancía

create a stir. causar revuelo

creepy. escalofriante/espeluznante

do's and don'ts .things that you should and should not do

dull .aburrido/soso

electrifying. very exciting

(every) now and then/now and again .sometimes

fast-paced .vertiginoso/acelerado

flop. a film, show, etc. .that is not successful/fracaso

for a song. very cheaply

freebbie. when you don't pay for sth

geek. a peculiar person

giggle .nervous laughter

give and take .when... Continue reading "Vocabulary for Everyday Life" »


Classified in Medicine & Health

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Please stand (1) on this board. Put your hands on the back of your hips and your elbows forward. I'll help you. (2) push your elbows (3) out. Keep (4) breathing. In a moment I'll ask you to (5) take a deep breath in and hold it. Breathe in, (6) hold it. That's it. Fine. You can breathe out now.

Thank you. I'll need to check the film. Now I'm going to take a side view.

Can you stand (7) sideways with your right side close to the machine and your arms raised?

1 MRI provides more detailed information than CT because of high contrast sensitivity.

2 MRI is not approved for use in the first three months of pregnancy.

3 MRI is safer than X-rays because there is no radiation.

4 MRI allows imaging on many planes unlike CT.

1 I'm going to

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Introduction to Health and Wellness

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Health and Wellness Overview


Aerobic Exercise (Cardio)

Stimulates heart rate and breathing rate. Examples include:

  • Spinning
  • Running
  • Swimming
  • Walking

Anaerobic Exercise

Short, strength-based activities with short exertion and high-intensity movement. Examples include:

  • Weight Lifting
  • Sprinting
  • Jumping



Large, complex molecules required for the structure, function, and regulation of the body's tissues and organs. Made of amino acids.

The Five Main Food Groups

  • Vegetables
  • Fruit
  • Grain
  • Protein
  • Dairy

Food Pyramid

A nutritional diagram in the shape of a pyramid.


Substances in food that your body needs.

  • Macronutrients: Provide calories and energy (carbohydrates, protein, fat)
  • Micronutrients: Only needed in small amounts



A disease... Continue reading "Introduction to Health and Wellness" »

Understanding Organ Transplants and Donation

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Organ Transplants and Donation

Organ Transplants:

consist of replacing organs, tissues, cells that do not function properly in one organism (the recipient) with others that do not function properly from the same or another body (the donor). Bone marrow are currently transplanted for leukemia patients, in addition to transplanting tissues such as skin and organs such as the heart, kidney, liver, or lungs. In most transplants, the donor is a different person; sometimes the donor is also the recipient. This type is called autologous transplant. Sometimes it is an animal xenotransplantation.

Transplant Rejection:

occurs when the recipient's immune system attacks to prevent rejection. Comparable donors are sought, and the patient has to undergo treatment
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English Vocabulary and Grammar: Units 9-12

Classified in Medicine & Health

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Unit 9

1) Compound Adjectives

  • Bald-headed: Calvo
  • Bad-tempered: Enfadado
  • Brown-eyed: Ojos marrones
  • Curly-haired: Rizado
  • Easy-going: Fácil
  • Long-legged: Patilargo
  • Rosy-cheeked: Mejilla rosa
  • Suntanned: Moreno
  • Warm-hearted: Amable
  • Broad-minded: De mente abierta
  • Self-disciplined: Centrado
  • Big-headed: Cabezón

2) Body Idioms

  • a) Keep an eye on someone
  • b) Twist someone's arm
  • c) Pull someone's leg
  • d) Put your foot in it
  • e) Be on the tip of your tongue
  • f) Give someone a hand
  • g) Keep a straight face
  • h) Pick someone's brains

3) Relative Clauses

The plasma TV has broken. I only bought it last week.

The plasma TV, which I bought last week, has broken.

Unit 10

1) Expressions with Mind

  • a) Mind your own business
  • b) Do you mind if...?
  • c) I don't mind + noun or -ing
  • d) Change your mind
  • e) Make
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Essential Verbs and Grammar Rules for Effective Communication

Classified in Medicine & Health

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Swipe, browse, scroll, plug, switch. Afford (pagar) worth it, borrow, waste, support (apoyar), dependable (confiable), kind (amable), supportive, packs (manada), banks, achieve (lograr), advertise, appeal, claim (reclamar), broadcast (retransmitir), bid (oferta), bargain (rebaja), auction (subasta), purchase, refund, supply, aisle (pasillo), checkout (caja), counter (encimera), packaging (embalaje), low-priced, wide-ranging, long-term, ready-made, labor-saving, reliable (confianza), wireless, stored, releases (libera), rest (descanso), break (recreo), cheer up (animar), work out, slow down, open up to, face up, cut down, calm down, chill out, bruised (magullada), itchy, sore (dolorido), sprained (torcido), swollen (inchada), wrap up (envolver)... Continue reading "Essential Verbs and Grammar Rules for Effective Communication" »

The last tea summary

Classified in Medicine & Health

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Better ways to learn

1. A) FALSE: “Indeed, these surveys show that over 70 % of students probably don’t need to study more – just more effectively.”

b) FALSE: “For instance, rather than sitting at the same desk studying for hours, Changing the scenery will create new associations in your brain and make it Easier to recall information later.”

2. a) No, Because students study to pass the exam and do not really learn

b) Because If we study in short periods of time we stay better focused and do not get Distracted so easily

3. A) Notion    b) potential     c) associations     d) enhances

4 a) studying.   b) Unless / Stressing.     C) trying

d) The Teacher wanted to know if his / her students had written a summary of the Lesson

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Vocabulary and Grammar Essentials for Language Learners

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Vocabulary and Grammar Essentials

General Vocabulary

Advertisements: anuncis publicitaris, articles: articles, audio: àudio, author: autor, autobiography: autobiografia; biography: biografía; bookshop: llibreria; campaign: campanya; cartoons: dibuixos animats; classic: un classic; comedy: comedia; comic book: comic; communication: comunicació; cookbook: llibre de cuina; detective fiction: novela policiaca; dictionary: diccionari; digital version: versio digital; e-book: llibre electronic; essay: assaig; fable: faula; fiction: ficcio; headlines: titulars; horror story: historia de terror; ingredients: ingredients; library: biblioteca; magazine: revista; maps: mapes; mystery: misteri; newspaper: diari; novel: novela; places to stay: jocs per... Continue reading "Vocabulary and Grammar Essentials for Language Learners" »

Managing Cardiovascular Disease Risk Through Dietary Changes

Classified in Medicine & Health

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If a patient has a family history of cardiovascular disease and is concerned about his own level of risk, the most useful measurements would be serum triglyceride and low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol levels

If gangrene develops in a patient's foot and the patient is found to have high blood lipid levels, he or she probably has peripheral artery disease.

If a patient has a thrombosis in a cerebral artery, he or she would experience a stroke.

A patient who would be likely to have elevated serum triglyceride levels is a(n) overweight man who drinks three alcoholic beverages a day.

The primary goal of therapy to reduce risk of cardiovascular disease is to lower serum levels of _____ cholesterol. LDL

In a 55-year-old woman, an LDL cholesterol

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