Notes, abstracts, papers, exams and problems of Medicine & Health

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English Idioms and Grammar: Learn Common Phrases

Classified in Medicine & Health

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To eat up – consumir, tragar-se

To give up – abandonar o rendir-se

To cut back on sth – reduir o recortar algo

To work on – treballar-hi / tratar de convencer

To turn down – rechazar

To keep up with – seguir el ritme

It isn’t everyone’s cup of tea – No a todo el mundo le gusta

To bite off more than I can chew – Morder más de lo que puedo masticar

To stuff yourself with sth – Atiborrarse de algo

It’s food for thought – algo que haria de ser pensat o tenir en compte

a broken heart – cor trencat

a heart of gold – cor d’or

a hearty meal – buena comida

from the bottom of your heart – de tot cor

good-hearted – de buen corazón

hand on heart – con la mano en el corazón

the heart of the matter – el cor del tema

To meet up

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Difference between diphthongs and triphthongs

Classified in Medicine & Health

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SKILLS:LISTENING /READING \WRITING \SPEAKING What is pronunciation?:is the way in which we produce The sound of words.To pronounce we use our:Lungs\Throat\Vocal Chords\ Mouth (muscles)\Tongue \Teeth \LipsWhy Is it so difficult to pronounce another language? Because we develop different muscles in your mouth according to the Language. Schwa: is the name Of the most common sound in English.\ It is a weak, unstressed sound and it is Present in many words.Red: Vowels ,monophthongs  \Green: Diphthongs \Yellow: voiced letters \Blue: Unvoiced letters National : /ˈnæʃənl/Nature:    /ˈneɪtʃəʳ/ udge: /dʒʌdʒ/ Zero: /ˈzɪərəʊ/ Day: /deɪ/This: /ðɪs/Baby: /ˈbeɪbɪ/ Heavy: /ˈhevɪ          Different English accents:Australian
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Time of useful consciousness

Classified in Medicine & Health

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Request:aquestionwhichpolitelyorofficiallyasksfor Something.

Seek:totrytofindor get Something.

Share: If you share sth with another person, you both have it or enjoy it.

Slender: a Person thin and graceful.

Snobbish: Someone who is too proud of his social status, intelligence or taste.

Socialise: To meet other people socially, for example at parties.


Spy: a Person whose job is to find secret information about a country or organization.

Squeaky: If someone has a squeaky voice, he has a high-pitched voice.

Stammer: To speak with difficulty, hesitating, repeating words or sounds, because you Are nervous, for example.

Startle:  to become disconcerted or frightened by a Sudden shock.

Strategy: The plan you use in order

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La época

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 Today, environmental pollution is a big problem for everyone and over the years has seen the impact on the world of natural phenomena with greater force in places that previously did not occur as they are: hurricanes, droughts, tsunamis, earthquakes , tornadoes. First, we should be aware of this and avoid destroying the planet before it is too late and causing our own extinction. Secondly, we should start to reduce everything that contaminates such as factories, the excessive use of public transport and not recycling, because if you do not start taking measures it will never be done. Lastly and most importantly, take action and start taking measures that help us make a better and less polluted world, such as reducing the use of public transport
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Passive Voice: Transforming Sentences into the Passive Form

Classified in Medicine & Health

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Passive Voice: Transforming Sentences

Examples of Passive Voice Sentences

  1. The garages in my street are cleaned by us every day.
  2. A lot of money has been given to him (by someone).
  3. Two hundred people were arrested by the police.
  4. The words were written by Paul and the music was made by John.
  5. Every car engine is checked by us thoroughly.
  6. This computer is exported by us to seventy different countries.
  7. The factory was opened (by us) at nine o’clock.
  8. Two million books are sent (by them) to America every year.
  9. Two million books are sent by Macmillan to America every year.
  10. It is thought that the world’s climate is changing.
  11. It is said that car prices will rise next year.

Vocabulary: Health and Illness

1. Complete the sentences with the best options:

  • Ruth had a
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Psychology, Navigation, and Well-being: Key Insights

Classified in Medicine & Health

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The Psychology of Space

1. 1c, 2a

2. T T

  1. There had been little research on the psychological effects of the buildings we live and work in.
  2. Architects should take into account not only the appearance of a building, but also the health of the people who use it.
  1. Aspects
  2. Recover
  3. Risk
  4. Take into account

Where Am I?

1. A, 2c

2. T F

  1. …animals with amazing navigational skills.
  2. …they can't rely on maps and a GPS to help them navigate.
  1. Disorientation
  2. Landmarks
  3. Skills
  4. Vast
  5. Environments

Good Things Come to Those Who Wait

1. b, 2, c

2. T F

  1. In order to help them reach their goals.
  2. The writer believes that if we can control our impulses, it can be an important tool for achieving success.
  1. Make it
  2. Held out
  3. Founded
  4. Allow

Noise Matters

1. B 2C

2. T F

  1. Because they dislike being forced to
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The Road Within: A Comedy Drama Film

Classified in Medicine & Health

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The film that I’m going to talk about is The Road Within, which was filmed on June 18, 2014. It is an American film written and directed by Gren Wells. It is a new version of the German film Vincent Wants to See the Ocean from 2010. The film premiered at the 2014 Los Angeles Film Festival and was distributed by Well Go USA Entertainment in movie theaters starting from April 17, 2015. It is a comedy and drama film with a runtime of 100 minutes.

After his mother's death, Vincent, a teenager with Tourette syndrome, is hospitalized by his father in an experimental clinic. There he meets Alex, a Briton of Indian origin who has obsessive-compulsive disorder, and Marie, who is being treated for severe anorexia. The three escape from the clinic with... Continue reading "The Road Within: A Comedy Drama Film" »

Understanding Schizophrenia: Educational Workbook

Classified in Medicine & Health

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Our educational workbook is on Schizophrenia. My name is Rachelle and I am the leader of our project. (*introduce class members)

  • Anna will now tell you what Schizophrenia is.

This information is important for patients and caretakers to remember to keep all doctor appointments, write any questions prior to going so they are not forgotten and always talk to the health care provider regarding all questions and concerns.

  • Candace will now tell you what causes Schizophrenia.

This is a fun crossword regarding mental health.

  • Antoinette will now tell you the age of onset in schizophrenia

This is a coloring activity that I included to color "how you feel." It is hard to know exactly how a patient with schizophrenia feels so you can ask therapeutic... Continue reading "Understanding Schizophrenia: Educational Workbook" »

Below a low level inversion visibility is often

Classified in Medicine & Health

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***Pharmacotherpay of Diarrhea+conspitationI-Diahrea:-Antimotility Aents: -Tx the Cause: Ax/ antiparasites!-Diahrea is a Sx it can be managed non X-Loperamide 2.4mg4x/day-Coedine phosphate 15-330 mg2/d-Correct electrolyte disutbance-Blood idahrreea=C difficil-Antidiahrea X  ↑ Risk of Hemolytic urenmic syndrome
Acute:-OP huydration-Underlying disease-pharmacologicaltChronic:Underlying disease TX-Loperamdie-Anticholenrgic agents1
Replacement Tx(mainly lipasE)-pancreatic enzyme used in exocrine ancreatic enzyme deficient!-Fat absprtion of protien, madigestion occuyr when pancreaseloss >90%Goal: prevent malabsrption+ pallaiation of Pain1II-Conspitaption (phamacotherpy)Osmatoic Laxatives:-Sorbital OP -Lactulose 10-20mg/d-Sodiumphophate 10hg/
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Understanding Protein: Essential Functions and Dietary Needs

Classified in Medicine & Health

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If a person were to eat a diet that provided carbohydrates, fat, and micronutrients, but very little protein, for example, if he or she ate only whole-wheat pita bread with olive oil, the body would break down muscle tissue to provide amino acids to make essential proteins.

Protein Intake and Recommended Dietary Allowance

If a man weighs 190 lb and eats 150 g protein per day, his protein intake is greater than 200% of the Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA).

Protein Structure

Some proteins contain an alpha helix, which is part of their secondary structure.

Amino Acids

The most accurate statement about amino acids is that essential amino acids cannot be manufactured by body cells. Nonessential amino acids can be made by the liver from other amino

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