Notes, abstracts, papers, exams and problems of Medicine & Health

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Childhood Injuries: Prevention and Statistics in Spain

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Injuries in Children in Developed Societies

In developed societies, infectious diseases are no longer the primary cause of high infant mortality. Instead, accidents have become a leading cause of death.

Blooper Children: Definition and Types

An accident is an event independent of human will, caused by an outside force, acting quickly and resulting in physical or mental damage. Accidental injuries in children can be caused by falls, traffic accidents, poisoning, etc. Infants are particularly vulnerable. Accidents are the leading cause of death in children over one year old.

Accidents and Health

Accidents are a major public health problem in developed countries. Childhood accidents are a priority due to their frequency and serious consequences.


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Antiepileptic and Antiparkinsonian Treatment: Patient Care and Safety

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Antiepileptic Treatment: Mouth Care

There is a risk of bleeding and gingival hyperplasia with antiepileptic treatment. It is recommended to use a soft toothbrush, avoid mouthwashes with alcohol, and have regular dental checkups.

Specific Mouth Care

  • Use a soft toothbrush
  • Avoid alcohol-containing mouthwashes
  • Regular dental checkups

Vitamin K and Folic Acid Supplementation

A diet rich in vitamin K and folic acid is recommended to help prevent excessive bleeding in patients undergoing antiepileptic treatment.

Risks of Injury in Antiepileptic Treatment

Patients should avoid activities that pose a physical risk. It's important to understand the effects of medications on daily life.

Antiparkinsonian Treatment Goals

The overall goal of antiparkinsonian pharmacology... Continue reading "Antiepileptic and Antiparkinsonian Treatment: Patient Care and Safety" »

Benzodiazepines and Opioids: Uses, Effects, and Safety

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Advantages and Disadvantages of Short-Acting and Long-Acting Benzodiazepines

Short-acting benzodiazepines present a lower risk of causing excessive sleepiness but cause more problems with insomnia and anxiety when discontinued. Long-acting benzodiazepines increase the risk of sedation because they accumulate in the body but cause fewer withdrawal symptoms when discontinued.

Respiratory Monitoring in Patients Treated with Benzodiazepines

You should always monitor SpO2 continuously, as well as the risk of aspiration. It is necessary to have a suction unit ready.

Preventive Technique for Pain Control

It is based on maintaining constant therapeutic levels of analgesics or anti-inflammatory drugs. Medication should be administered at the scheduled interval,... Continue reading "Benzodiazepines and Opioids: Uses, Effects, and Safety" »

Understanding Acute Hepatitis, Cirrhosis, and Cholecystitis

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Acute Hepatitis: An Overview

Acute hepatitis is a necroinflammatory liver disease caused by infection from hepatitis viruses A, B, C, D, and E. The key difference between acute and chronic hepatitis is the duration, with the distinction typically made at 6 months.

Hepatitis A

Hepatitis A is caused by an RNA virus. Transmission is typically fecal-oral and can, in rare cases, be fatal, leading to fulminant hepatitis.


Hepatitis A often occurs in cycles every 5 to 10 years, with seasonal predominance in childhood. The infection spreads through the fecal-oral route, often via contaminated food and water. Parenteral transmission is rare.


Symptoms include coluria (dark urine) followed by scleral icterus (jaundice) and hypocholia (pale... Continue reading "Understanding Acute Hepatitis, Cirrhosis, and Cholecystitis" »

Social Security Benefits in Spain: Eligibility and Duration

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Healthcare Benefits in Spain

Healthcare aims to provide medical and pharmaceutical services conducive to preserving or restoring the health of beneficiaries. Coverage includes common or professional diseases, accidents (whether work-related or not), and maternity.

Eligibility for Healthcare Benefits

The following individuals are eligible:

  • Workers, including those in the General Survey and special regimes, affiliates, and high-ranking or similar service personnel.
  • Pensioners and recipients of regular benefits, including unemployment benefits or assistance.
  • Relatives or carers in charge of the above, provided they meet these conditions:
    • Live with the holder and are under their care.
    • Do not perform any paid work or receive any pension.
    • Income or assets
... Continue reading "Social Security Benefits in Spain: Eligibility and Duration" »

Insulin Types, Administration, and Oral Hypoglycemic Agents in Diabetes

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Insulin Action Times

Understanding the action times of different insulin types is crucial for effective diabetes management. Here's a breakdown:

  • Rapid-Acting:
    • Examples: Actrapid or Humulin Regular
    • Onset: 20-30 minutes
    • Peak: 2-4 hours
    • Duration: 6-8 hours
    • Note: Crystalline insulin
  • Intermediate-Acting:
    • Examples: Insulatard or Humulin NPH
    • Onset: 45-60 minutes
    • Peak: 6 hours
    • Duration: 12-14 hours
    • Note: Protamine insulin
  • Long-Acting:
    • Examples: Monotard or Slow
    • Onset: 60-90 minutes
    • Peak: 8-12 hours
    • Duration: 24 hours
    • Note: 70% zinc

When insulin is administered twice daily, typically 60% is given in the morning and 40% at night.

Managing Nocturnal Hypoglycemia

Nocturnal hypoglycemia with rebound hyperglycemia before breakfast (Somogyi effect) can be managed by checking capillary... Continue reading "Insulin Types, Administration, and Oral Hypoglycemic Agents in Diabetes" »

Chemical Risk Assessment in the Workplace: TLV, VLA, and Safety

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**Chemical Risk Assessment in the Workplace**

Hygienic Evaluation

Methodology for detection and quantification of industrial pollutants and assessment of the risk for workers exposed to them.

  • Environmental: Compare the actual exposure levels to theoretical allowable values.
  • Biological: Determine the amount of pollutant or its metabolites in exposed workers.

Assessment Criteria

  • Reference values
    • United States (ACGIH)
      • TLV (Threshold Limit Value)
      • BEI (Biological Exposure Indices)
    • Spain (INSHT)
      • VLA (Environmental Limit Values)
      • VLB (Biological Limit Values)
  • Maximum values allowed
    • USA (OSHA)
      • PEL (Permissible Exposure Limit)
    • Spain (Current Legislation)
      • Regulation of Troublesome, Unhealthy, Harmful, and Dangerous Activities
      • Specific regulations (benzene, asbestos, lead,
... Continue reading "Chemical Risk Assessment in the Workplace: TLV, VLA, and Safety" »

Direct and Indirect Speech: Conversion Rules

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Understanding the Basics

When converting direct speech to indirect speech (also known as reported speech), several changes typically occur in verb tenses, pronouns, and time expressions. The following tables provide a comprehensive look at these transformations.

Tense Changes

Direct SpeechIndirect Speech

Simple Present

Bob said: “I love Mary.”

Simple Past

Bob said that he loved Mary.

Present Continuous

Bob said: “I am writing a letter.”

Past Continuous

Bob said that he was writing a letter.

Simple Past

Bob said: “I wrote a letter.”

Past Perfect

Bob said that he had written a letter.

Pronoun and Adverb Changes

Direct SpeechIndirect Speech

This (este)

Bob said: “This is my car.”

That (aquele)

Bob said that that was his car. (The second "that" can

... Continue reading "Direct and Indirect Speech: Conversion Rules" »

Mastering Active and Passive Voice Transformation

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Active to Passive Voice Examples

Here are some examples illustrating the transformation from active to passive voice:

  • Police use trained dogs to find drugs. (Active)

    Trained dogs are used by the police to find drugs. (Passive)

  • Nurses give the patients their medicine every morning. (Active)

    The patients are given their medicine every morning. (Passive)

  • A lifeguard rescued the drowning boy. (Active)

    The drowning boy was rescued by a lifeguard. (Passive)

  • An electrician is repairing our water heater. (Active)

    Our water heater is being repaired. (Passive)

  • A defense lawyer will represent you. (Active)

    You will be represented by a defense lawyer. (Passive)

  • They clean the rooms daily. (Active)

    The rooms are cleaned daily. (Passive)

  • Customs officers searched her

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Diagnostic Tests and Procedures in Medical Examinations

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Diagnostic Tests and Procedures

Scanning and Recording (Tests Diagnosed Tics)

Clinical History is the initial interview with the doctor, where a thorough and systematic interrogation is conducted about the patient's history, current state, and finally completed with a physical exam and follow-up on their evolution.

All information is documented to form the clinical history, including surgical operations and procedures performed.

The clinical history comprises the following parts:

  1. Interrogation or Amnesis
  2. Physical Examination
  3. Tracking the Evolution of the Patient

1. Interrogation (Amnesis)

Personal History (of the patient): Name, age, marital status, address, etc.

Family History (Clinical): Information about relatives, including their health status, diseases,... Continue reading "Diagnostic Tests and Procedures in Medical Examinations" »