Notes, abstracts, papers, exams and problems of Medicine & Health

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Malaria: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment, and Prevention

Classified in Medicine & Health

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Causative Agent

Malaria in humans is caused by four species of the protozoan parasite Plasmodium: P. falciparum, P. vivax, P. ovale, and P. malariae. Among these, P. falciparum is the most infectious and lethal.


The primary vector for malaria is the female Anopheles mosquito.


Malaria is the most significant tropical parasitic disease globally, causing more deaths than tuberculosis. It has had a devastating impact on many developing countries, particularly in Africa, resulting in numerous fatalities, high medical costs, and significant loss of workdays.


  • Attacks of fever
  • Anemia
  • Chills
  • Joint pain
  • Headaches

In cerebral malaria, infected red blood cells obstruct brain blood vessels, potentially damaging vital organs and often leading... Continue reading "Malaria: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment, and Prevention" »

Occupational Risk Prevention and Management in the Workplace

Classified in Medicine & Health

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Management of the Prevention of Risks in the Enterprise

Management has changed throughout history with the changes in the ways of understanding work and has influenced such important factors as:

  • The economic cost of damage and injury accidents.
  • The industrial action of the union movement.

Remember that the management of risk prevention should be characterized as scientific, interdisciplinary, comprehensive, integrated, and participatory. The obligation of any manager is to manage resources, both material and human, for economic and social benefits, so they generate satisfactory working conditions.

Methods to Assess Occupational Risks

These methods allow to assess and rank their degree of danger, to facilitate its correction. Some methods, such as... Continue reading "Occupational Risk Prevention and Management in the Workplace" »

Water Safety: Accident Prevention and Risk Management

Classified in Medicine & Health

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Water Safety: Accident Prevention

Speaking about the prevention of water rescue, one must refer to actions that are in place to prevent the occurrence of accidents. Fortunately, these actions are much more common than lifesaving.

Causes of Aquatic Accidents

In general, accidents can be attributed to:

  • Access to risk.
  • Ignorance, neglect, or underestimation of risk.
  • Lack of resources for prevention and intervention (lifeguard, signs, information boards, etc.).
  • Inability to cope with the difficulties encountered.

Principles of Aquatic Accident Prevention

Establishing an effective prevention system in a particular aquatic environment involves the proper development of the following principles:

  • Identification of risks.
  • Control of risks.
  • Elimination of risks.
... Continue reading "Water Safety: Accident Prevention and Risk Management" »

Spanish Social Security Benefits: Eligibility & Coverage

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Spanish Social Security: Schemes and Benefits


  • General Scheme: Employees in industry and services, including artists, athletes, bullfighters, rail workers, commercial service providers, and local administration officials.
  • Special Scheme: Self-employed individuals, domestic workers, agricultural workers, maritime workers, miners, students, government officials, and civilian and military personnel.

Membership and Social Security Number

Application for Membership/Social Security Number: This number is required to access social security benefits and track your work activity.

Affiliation: While working, you are required to join one of the two schemes and contribute before starting work.

Temporary Disability

  • Causes: Common illness, non-occupational
... Continue reading "Spanish Social Security Benefits: Eligibility & Coverage" »

Understanding Key Terms in Language and Literature

Classified in Medicine & Health

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Bet: aposta

Anaesthetic: a drug that stops you from feeling pain. Anestèsia

Anxiety: the feeling of being very worried about something. Ansietat:

Approval: the belief that someone or something is acceptable. Aprovació

Auction: a sale at which things are sold to the people who offer the most money for them; the person in charge of an auction is the auctioneer. Subhasta:

Axe: a tool with a wooden handle and a metal blade, used for cutting wood. Destral:

Butler: the most important male servant in a big house. Majordom:

Chloroform: a liquid that makes you unconscious if you breathe it. Cloroform:

Claret: red wine from the Bordeaux area of France. Claret: vinegre

Colonel: someone with a high position in the army. Coronel

Deck: the flat top part of a ship... Continue reading "Understanding Key Terms in Language and Literature" »

Healthy Eating Habits: Nutrition, Obesity, Bulimia, Anorexia

Classified in Medicine & Health

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Recommendations for Good Nutrition

  • Prefer vegetable fats
  • Roast or steam meat
  • Replace fatty foods with fruit desserts

A balanced diet requires a greater quantity of nutrients to meet requirements that require continued growth. Eating breakfast is essential. Being empty stomach can cause diseases such as gastritis.


Obesity is a chronic disease characterized by excess fat, which in turn results in weight gain, surpassing by 15% the target weight, due to increased fat reserves. Obesity is the most common disorder of developed societies. We must demystify the popular belief that excess weight is determined by the amount of fluid retention.

Causes of Obesity

  • Endocrine: Due to a malfunction of the endocrine glands, such as the pituitary, thyroid,
... Continue reading "Healthy Eating Habits: Nutrition, Obesity, Bulimia, Anorexia" »

Rethinking Health: Societal Impact, Personal Responsibility, and Healthcare's Role

Classified in Medicine & Health

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Conceptualizing Health

Fritzgerald argues that classifying all problems as medical limits our ability to cope with pain, illness, and death as part of life.

Today's massive health industry often promotes deceptive health products.

Fritzgerald emphasizes living a chosen lifestyle, experiencing life's journey rather than adhering to prescribed lifestyles.

An ideal of health has become a rigid definition.

Historically, health problems were a disgrace to individuals and families. Now, both problems and solutions are societal responsibilities, creating a two-way phenomenon.

Errors in self-care are sometimes considered societal crimes due to their collective impact.

Disease is often seen as evidence of misconduct, yet the concept of self-abuse is linked... Continue reading "Rethinking Health: Societal Impact, Personal Responsibility, and Healthcare's Role" »

Untangling Common Misconceptions in Modern Society

Classified in Medicine & Health

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The Language of the Gypsy

C (it is clear that the Gypsy originally menja from India ..), b, a, d, b, b, c, b

Aw-Learning Dog

D (fast mapping), b, b, a, c, d, c, a

Kill a Snail

D (have cared) a, b, a, c, b, b, c

Right to Vote

B (thanks to) b, a, c, a, d, b, d


C (have better) c, b, a, c, a, d, b

Teacher, Change Life

D (Tregui recently) d, d, a, b, c, d, c

Chinese School

A (much better) c, b, c, c, d, b, b

Why Kids Bully

C (for no apparent) a, a, c, d, d, a, b


A (more people) a, a, b, c, a, a, a

Death Sites: How To

D (keep ), c, b, a, c, a, c, d

Living in Harmony

C (a dry), d, a, b, d, c, c, a

What the Au Pair Saw

C (what), b, a, d, b, a, b, d

The Camino de Santiago

C (and a), a, b, d, d, a, c, d

Digital and Traditional Tools

D (thinks personal), b,... Continue reading "Untangling Common Misconceptions in Modern Society" »

Effective Risk Management and Prevention in the Workplace

Classified in Medicine & Health

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Item 11 of Prevention Management

1. Risk Assessment

It is a process to detect and estimate the magnitude of all risks in the company, determining which can be removed and acting on those that have not been avoided.

To perform the risk assessment is a systematic analysis of all aspects of the workplace, taking into account:

  • The nature of the company's activity.
  • The nature and number of exposed workers.

1.1. Risk Analysis

  1. Identify the hazard.
  2. Describe the risk.
  3. Estimate the Risk:
    • High probability: the damage will occur always or almost always.
    • Average probability: the damage will occur occasionally.
    • Low probability: the damage will occur rarely.

1.2. Risk Evaluation

Consists of issuing an opinion on the tolerability of risk, based on previous studies. When... Continue reading "Effective Risk Management and Prevention in the Workplace" »

Emergency Plan 7.0: Actions, Risks, and Safety Procedures

Classified in Medicine & Health

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Emergency Plan 7.0

Objective: Implementation and maintenance of an emergency plan, which defines the sequence of actions to be developed for the initial control of emergencies.

Risk: Likely to suffer a certain damage. Emergency: Situation unforeseen by the possibility of damage and requires priority intervention. Ominous: Serious damage, accidental destruction, or significant loss suffered by people or property.

Emergencies: Natural hazards, chemical and biological, social, and technological.

Types of Emergencies: Depending on its severity can be: Conato, Partial Emergency, and General Emergency.

Alarm types:

  • Restricted: It affects people who must act first in an emergency, to control a particular claim. It is for the chief of emergency and specialized
... Continue reading "Emergency Plan 7.0: Actions, Risks, and Safety Procedures" »