Notes, abstracts, papers, exams and problems of Medicine & Health

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Nutrition and Dietary Guidelines: Key Facts

Classified in Medicine & Health

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Key Facts on Nutrition and Dietary Guidelines

42. In the case of basic amino acids, such as alanine, the body *lacks* synthesis mechanisms to address the needs. False

43. In myocardial infarction, a soft diet is recommended because it is easily digestible, *not* involving a remarkable effort. True

44. Involuntary feeding is conscious and includes all activities aimed at obtaining food. False

45. Type II diabetes usually occurs in individuals older than 35-40 years and is associated with resistance to the action of insulin. True

46. The raw fiber that is ingested in uncooked vegetables, would be the same as the total ingested fiber if those same vegetables were cooked. False

47. Fructose is a *monosaccharide*, and its main nutritional interest is... Continue reading "Nutrition and Dietary Guidelines: Key Facts" »

Speech Therapy: Language and Voice Disorders

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Intervention in Language Problems

This relates to patients with difficulties in language acquisition, verbal expression, pronunciation, reading, and writing. The speech therapist's role is to teach effective communication strategies and provide systems that enable individuals to express themselves through spoken, written, or gestural means.

Speech Therapy

Speech therapy is a discipline encompassing the study, prevention, assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of language pathologies.

Speech Articulation Disorders

  • Dyslalia: Difficulty articulating phonemes (vowels and consonants) correctly.
    • Evolutionary: Language immaturity.
    • Audiogenic: Hearing impairment.
    • Functional: Difficulty controlling speech organs.
    • Organic: Organ impairment.
  • Diglossia: Changes in
... Continue reading "Speech Therapy: Language and Voice Disorders" »

Diabetes Types, Alzheimer's, Obesity, and Nutrition

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Type 1 Diabetes

Type 1 diabetes typically appears in children and young adults. It often manifests suddenly in individuals who are not overweight. People with Type 1 diabetes do not produce insulin.

It can be genetic in origin due to an autoimmune problem, where the immune system mistakenly attacks and destroys its own insulin-producing cells.


  • Excessive thirst (polydipsia)
  • Constant hunger (polyphagia)
  • Frequent urination (polyuria)
  • Vision problems

Treatment involves regulating blood glucose levels. The pancreas produces insulin to reduce glucose concentrations and glucagon to enhance them. A glucometer is used to measure glucose levels. Doctors may perform a glucose tolerance test to diagnose diabetes. Insulin can be injected using an insulin... Continue reading "Diabetes Types, Alzheimer's, Obesity, and Nutrition" »

Essential First Aid and Occupational Health Practices

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First Aid

Position the Injured: Place the wounded person on their side to prevent choking and ensure their tongue does not obstruct their airway.

Kit: Soothing agents, betadine, bandages, plasters, thermometer, ointments, syringes, chlorhexidine, tape.

Cardiac Massage

Place the heel of your right hand on the lower half of the sternum and your left hand on top. Perform 60-80 compressions per minute for adults and 100 for babies.

Rescue Breathing

Place the heel of your hand on the forehead of the wounded person, pinch their nose, and lift their jaw with your other hand. Breathe directly into their mouth at a rate of 10 breaths per minute for adults and 15-20 for babies.

Health Concepts


A complete state in which a person normally develops all their... Continue reading "Essential First Aid and Occupational Health Practices" »

Hominization and Evolution: Key Concepts Explained

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Hominization: The Path to Humanity

Hominization is the process through which primates, our ancestors, gradually acquired the physical structure of humans. This involved a series of morphological changes affecting their bodies, changes observed in the fossil record. Significant morphological changes include:

  • Lengthening of the hip.
  • Development of bipedal walking legs.
  • Atrophy of the lower jaw and masseter muscles (releasing the skull).
  • Increasing complexity of the brain (leading to greater intelligence).
  • Development of the hand, particularly the thumb (allowing the use and manufacture of tools).

Humanization is the process by which our ancestors acquired culture, the elements that constitute civilization. This involves not physical changes, but cultural... Continue reading "Hominization and Evolution: Key Concepts Explained" »

Patient Hygiene: Step-by-Step Procedures

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Procedure: Inform the patient that it is bath time and request their cooperation. Offer the bedpan or urinal before you start cleaning. Gather all materials so that they are within reach. Wash your hands and put on gloves. Place the patient in a supine position.

1. Head - Hair and Face


From the recumbent position, remove the patient's pillow and place a towel under their head. Roll another towel around the neck. Place a waterproof sheet under the patient's head and shoulders, securing the towel and a rubber grip. Create a channel with the sheet leading to a container or basin to collect water. Protect the patient's eyes with a washcloth. Wet the hair and apply shampoo. Scrub, making circular motions to massage the scalp gently with your fingertips.

... Continue reading "Patient Hygiene: Step-by-Step Procedures" »

Surgical Skin Preparation and Patient Care

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Skin Preparation Prior to Surgery: Surgical Field Objectives

To facilitate involvement and prevent infection.


  1. Prepare and inform the patient about the materials.
  2. Accommodate and expose the area, protecting it with a towel.
  3. Prepare bed linens.
  4. Inspect the area to be shaved.
  5. Cut long hair with an electric razor and discard it.

Wet Preparation:

  • Lather the area with wet gauze soaked with antiseptic soap.
  • Shave the skin, stretching it without causing abrasions.
  • Wash the area with antibacterial soap and dry thoroughly.

Dry Preparation:

  • Shave the skin, stretching it without causing abrasions.
  • Wash the area with antiseptic soap and dry thoroughly.
  1. Collect the swab, ensuring no hairs remain on the bed.
  2. Dispose of the razor in the appropriate container.
  3. Notify
... Continue reading "Surgical Skin Preparation and Patient Care" »

Words and Definitions: A Vocabulary Deep Dive

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Abrasives: Reduce to Ashes

INS: Burn, burn up, roast, char.

ANT: Cool, freeze, turn off.

Embrace: Surrounding with Arms

INS: Gird, wrap, shake, host.

ANT: Loose, disengage, release.

Stalk: Watching, Waiting with Caution

INS: Monitor, spy, sight, look.

ANT: Disregard, neglect, forget, ignore.

Creep: Placing Snares, Traps

INS: Ambush, conspiracy, betrayal.

ANT: Reality, existence, authenticity, certitude.

Asar: Cook by Fire or Heat

INS: Scorch, sear, roast, steak.

ANT: Freeze, cool, refrigerate.

Azar: Unforeseen Events

INS: Luck, contingency, serendipity, accident.

ANT: Evidence, certainty, event, fact.

Kill: Deliberately Take Someone's Life

INS: Liquidate, remove, clear, stone.

ANT: Rebirth, cure, revive, relieve.

Acecinos: Salted and Smoked Meats

INS: Seasoning,... Continue reading "Words and Definitions: A Vocabulary Deep Dive" »

Essential English Vocabulary and Idioms

Classified in Medicine & Health

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Essential Vocabulary

Assortment (collection): A group of similar things (with different sizes, colors, etc.).
Bottom line (in brief): The most important factor to consider.
Commit a crime: To do something illegal or bad.
Crave: To beg or plead for.
Disruptive (problematic): Confusing, disturbing.
Drop (down): To go down.
Enrollment (registration): To record or note in a roll or list.
Imbalance (disequilibrium): The lack of balance.
Inmate (internal): A person confined to an institution such as a prison or hospital.
Lack (lack of): To be deficient in; to have need of.
Level: A horizontal datum line or plane.
Liable (prone): Susceptible or exposed.
Measure: To determine the size, amount, etc., of something.
Nourishing (nutritional): To provide... Continue reading "Essential English Vocabulary and Idioms" »

Drug Addiction Treatment Programs: Detox, Rehab, Methadone

Classified in Medicine & Health

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Inpatient Detoxification Units


The Commissioner for Drugs and Health Services offers the ability to perform detoxification in hospitals, so-called inpatient detoxification units. The UDH is the third level of devices, complementing the set of specialized outpatient and residential care devices. Patients are derived here when their personal situation makes outpatient detoxification risky.


  • Not meeting the criteria for outpatient detoxification.
  • Therapeutic process aimed at abstinence.
  • Admission is by way of urgency.
  • Initial assessment at an outpatient facility.

Referral of Patients to Therapeutic Communities


To identify, motivate, and refer patients who have a psychosocial profile and a certain background, requiring a specific... Continue reading "Drug Addiction Treatment Programs: Detox, Rehab, Methadone" »