Notes, abstracts, papers, exams and problems of Medicine & Health

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Time of useful consciousness

Classified in Medicine & Health

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·Crowded(lleno)                              ·Lie on the beach

·Get a suntan ·Dirty (sucio)                                  

 ·Go abroad(extranjero)        ·Get sunburnt (quemarte)

·Lively                                   ·Polluted                            

 ·Go snorkelling                      ·Go sightseeing(turismo)

Ciuely (place full of energy)

·Ash→ errautza (ceniza)

·Stung→ ziztatu

·Collocations: is two or more words that often go together

·Journey: when you travel from one place to another

·Trip: go somewhere a returning

·Voyage: a long

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October Celebrations, Historical Events, and Movie Delights

Classified in Medicine & Health

Written at on English with a size of 1.99 KB.

October Highlights

Celebrations and Events

Columbus Day Parade

The world's largest celebration of Italian-American culture, honoring the significant contributions of Italians to the USA.

World Animal Day

Organize an event or sign an online petition to support animal rights.

International Day of Non-Violence

Inspired by Gandhi, this day promotes non-violent resistance and has influenced civil rights movements worldwide.


This Celtic tradition originated in the 16th century.

Mad Hatter Day

Inspired by Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, people celebrate by wearing hats like the Hatter.

Historical Events

Norman Conquest

On October 15, 1066, the Normans defeated the English, marking the beginning of the Norman Conquest.


Asa Butterfield

At 19... Continue reading "October Celebrations, Historical Events, and Movie Delights" »

Common English Idioms and Expressions for Health, Education, and Everyday Life

Classified in Medicine & Health

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(excruciating/Nagging pain)-(full/miraculous recovery)

(internal/massive bleeding)-(contagious/mysterious disease)
(on-the-spot/outpatient treatment)-(lighting/automatic reflexes)
(rigorous/annual test)-(sport/nasty injury)
(be over the hill)-(be given a clean bill of health)
(be black and blue)-(be fit as a fiddle)-(have butterflies in one´s stomach)
(kick up one´s heels)-(scare the life out of someone)
(be of sound mind and body)-(have nerves of steel)-(keep a stiff upper lip)
(hold= up, on, out, off, back)-(clear= up, out, away)
(under=age, pressure, suspicion, circumstances, normal conditions)

(be the teacher´s pet)-(mind one´s ps and qs)-(learn s/thing by heart)
(be as easy as 1,2,3)-(be of the old school)-(make the grade)
(know s/thing like the
... Continue reading "Common English Idioms and Expressions for Health, Education, and Everyday Life" »

The Impact of Human Activities on Water Pollution and Endangered Species

Posted by vetrox and classified in Medicine & Health

Written at on English with a size of 1.74 KB.

Water Pollution

Water pollution is a modification of water, usually caused by human beings, which makes it improper or dangerous for human consumption, industry, agriculture, fishing, and recreational activities, as well as for animals. Although water pollution can come from natural sources, such as the ash from a volcano, most of today's pollution comes from human activities.

Endangered Species

Unfortunately, there are many species that today are at risk of extinction. Many of them, due to the action of man and global climate change, which is also an indirect effect of the activities of the human being. Some of them are already condemned to disappear a few years from now, and although there are many organizations that work to preserve them, they... Continue reading "The Impact of Human Activities on Water Pollution and Endangered Species" »

Final Test 1 and 2 Vocabulary, Grammar, and Reading

Classified in Medicine & Health

Written at on English with a size of 6.84 KB.


Vocabulary(page 1)

1   1.  assignment, look up to

     2.  make up, in no time at all

     3.  atmosphere, intruders

     4.  on my way, pick up

     5.  came across, looking for

     6.  decline, increased

2   Possible answers

     1.  You’ll spoil that child if you give him everything 
he wants.

     2.  The guided tour lasts for three hours.

     3.  I can’t afford the tuition fees at university.

     4.  I felt embarrassed when he criticised my project in front of the entire class.

     5.  They made good time, so they arrived early.

     6.  I’m not going to replace this phone until it breaks.

     7.  I’m pleased for John because he finally was able to buy a car.

    ... Continue reading "Final Test 1 and 2 Vocabulary, Grammar, and Reading" »

Concept of education

Classified in Medicine & Health

Written at on English with a size of 8.96 KB.

10. Health education: principles, methods and techniques. Smoking as a health and social problem. The potential of prevention

Health education
 Health education of people (population) for a good lifestyle requires 3 conditions:

o To know: knowledge, cognition
o Ability: have the conditions – good choice of food, enough money, good flat, hygienic conditions, etc... o To want: will to have a good lifestyle

 Patient Education: the process of influencing patients’ behaviour and producing the changes in knowledge, attitudes and skills necessary to maintain or improve health

o The leading causes of death (ex: heart disease, cancer, stroke, lung disease and injuries) are closely linked to unhealthy Lifestyles

 To provide effective patient education,

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Communication and Travel Tips

Classified in Medicine & Health

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Communication Tips

  • Answer the phone
  • Send a message/text
  • Agree about
  • Chat with/about
  • Talk to
  • Regret out
  • Warned about
  • Apologize with
  • Argue for
  • Leave a message
  • Post a message
  • Make a call
  • Thank for
  • Enquire about (preguntar acerca de algo)
  • Get in touch with (estar en contacto)

Travel Tips

  • Buy souvenirs
  • Explore the countryside
  • Get off the beaten track (ir al lugar más visitado)
  • Get out and about (salir por ahí)
  • Go sightseeing (hacer turismo)
  • Hit the road
  • Deserter: somewhere that is empty of visitors
  • Touristy: somewhere which attracts a lot of visitors
  • Stunning: somewhere which is very beautiful
  • Remote: somewhere that is a long way from centers of population
  • Historic: somewhere which has a lot of old buildings
  • Packed: somewhere that is too full of other people
  • Hideous: somewhere
... Continue reading "Communication and Travel Tips" »

Understanding Common Skin Conditions: Pityriasis Versicolor, Lichen Planus, and More

Classified in Medicine & Health

Written at on English with a size of 7.31 KB.

Pityriasis Versicolor

Pathogen: Malassezia furfur
Clinical Features:
  • Asymptomatic or pink scaly patches on the trunk
Lab Findings:
  • KOH preparation or black ink/stained dry smear/histopathology
  • Culture: Growing fungi
Diagnosis: Based on physical and lab findings
Treatment: Griseofulvin, polyenes, azoles

Lichen Planus

  • Idiopathic inflammatory disease affecting skin, hair, nails, and mucosa
  • Common in middle-aged adults
  • T cell and cytokine cell infiltration leading to IFN-gamma and TNF release
  • HLADR-8 overexpression and keratinocyte adhesion
  • Basal cell damage and reactive hyperkeratosis
  • Subjective: Intense pruritus
  • Objective: Papules, fine scale
  • Mucosal: Tongue and buccal involvement
  • Nail: Plate thinning, long grooving and ridging, subungual
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Conceptual delimitation" "social work

Classified in Medicine & Health

Written at on English with a size of 1.7 KB.

In my opinion I have to improve in the field of English is that I have to constantly study since this is a language that is not easy and it is difficult for me, too, must seek help to understand and defend myself more in a debate, exposure, even abroad. My strengths with this language is that it will help me a lot for my career I want to study when you leave with my undergraduate degree.To avoid the same mistake I had this year with English I entered an English course, although not at the same level that helped me a lot. My responsibilities are to study and work hard more, And the goal is to reach the goal, be professional and licensed in tongues
Causes and consequences of inadequare use of social netwoks
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The modern subject is the subject of the sciences.

Classified in Medicine & Health

Written at on English with a size of 3.72 KB.

5  an e-mail dealing with shipping arrangements
to: maggie from: tim gilbert subject: our shipment to singapore -2891/53
dear mrs tyler,
as you know, your company has arranged the shipping of one container from harwich
to singapore for our company. According to the shipping documents, the container
was sent on 7th june on the vessel valiant . The estimated time of arrival in the port of
discharge was 19th july . However, it is now 22nd july and our clients have not received
the container.
the shipping this container is part of very important contract for our company and
we could lose a lot of business as a result of this delay.
please look into the problem immediately to ensure there is no further delay,looking
forward to hearing from you soon.
... Continue reading "The modern subject is the subject of the sciences." »