Notes, abstracts, papers, exams and problems of Medicine & Health

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Job Interview Questions and Answers

Classified in Medicine & Health

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1. Why should we select you and not another candidate?

I have the ability to adapt to any circumstance and under pressure, commitment, honesty, and ability to communicate with my colleagues, also the position fits perfectly with my professional project

2. What are your shortcomings?

I just finished my studies and I know that I don't have much experience, but I really want to learn from the best and grow both professionally and personally.

3. What are your virtues?

I consider myself a positive and determined person.

4. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

I hope that this opportunity they offer me will allow me to continue with my professional and personal development, which I will have much deeper knowledge, something that I could achieve through... Continue reading "Job Interview Questions and Answers" »

Glossary of Restaurant and Culinary Terms

Classified in Medicine & Health

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À la: In the style of, for example: à l’Anglaise (English style); à la Française (French style); à la Maison (style of the house).

Apèritif: Drink served prior to a meal in order to stimulate the appetite

Back of house : work areas not seen or used by customers, e.g. stillroom, linen room, floor pantry

Bistro: small informal restaurant, bar or nightclub.

Brasserie: small restaurant and bar where food and drinks are served. French in origin

Brunch:late morning meal that often replaces both breakfast and lunch

Canteen:style of restaurant found in a school, hospital or industrial catering where the style of service is usually self-service. This term may also indicate a temporary or mobile eating place set up in an emergency.

Couvert: a cover;

... Continue reading "Glossary of Restaurant and Culinary Terms" »

Common Idioms and Phrases

Classified in Medicine & Health

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  • Class Clown: A pupil who frequently makes jokes or pokes fun.
  • Make a Clown of Yourself: To make yourself appear foolish or stupid.
  • To Be in the Limelight: To be in the center of attention.
  • Museum Piece: Something that is very old-fashioned and should no longer be used.
  • Dog and Pony Show: A show or other event organized to get people's support or persuade them to buy something.
  • The Show Must Go On: Something we say which means that an event or activity must continue even if there are problems or difficulties.
  • To Run the Show: To be in charge of an activity.
  • Show Stopper: An event that provokes such a strong reaction that it stops whatever is happening.
  • To Sing Your Heart Out: To sing with vigor or intensity.
  • Star Studded: With lots of famous people.
  • To
... Continue reading "Common Idioms and Phrases" »

Generational Differences in Facebook Activity and Friends: A Statistical Analysis

Classified in Medicine & Health

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Facebook Activity and Friends: A Statistical Analysis

Independent-Samples T-Test for Gender Differences in Facebook Activity

An independent-samples t-test was conducted to determine if activity on Facebook differed by gender. Overall, the activity on Facebook for females (M = 6.41, SD = 0.955) is significantly higher than the activity on Facebook for males (M = 3.42, SD = 1.802), t(120.568) = 12.93, p < .001 (< .05).

One-Way ANOVA for Generational Differences in Number of Facebook Friends

A one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was conducted to compare the difference in the number of Facebook friends among three generations (Generation X, Y, and Z). The F-test is statistically significant, F(2, 149) = 34.406, p < .001. The dependent variable... Continue reading "Generational Differences in Facebook Activity and Friends: A Statistical Analysis" »

Discovering Tui: A Historic Village on the Border of Pontevedra and Portugal

Classified in Medicine & Health

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Hi Terence,

I'm writing to tell you about Tui. Tui is a village in the south of Pontevedra, on the border with Portugal. The river Miño separates both countries.

In 1950, Tui had a population of 10,000. Today, it has 16,000.

In the past, Tui was a capital city. Nowadays, it is important but not a capital city anymore. In the past, Tui had many shops and a lot of Portuguese people came to buy, but now there are fewer shops.

Today, there are two bridges to cross to Portugal. You can go by car, but it is recommended to use the old bridge. In the past, there were some policemen at the border, but today, there aren't any policemen.


Learn English Vocabulary with Spanish Translations

Classified in Medicine & Health

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Overqualified →

Demasiado calificado.

Oversleep →

Dormir por encima de lo que se debe.

Overeat →

Comer por encima de lo normal.

Misinform →

To inform sb incorrectly.

Eyesane →

Pain of eyes. / When you watch sb ugly.

Good scrub →

To clean sth with concience.

Loan →


Spread - Spread - Spread →


Demanding challenge →

Un reto difícil.

Remove →


Crews →

People who have the same job.

Memo →


Grease stain →

Mancha de grasa.

To realise →

To understand sth or sb.

Litter →

Basura de papel. Rubbish, especially paper.

Ruined →

Distroy sth.

Eliminated →


Deteriorated →


Show →


Around →

About. (Aproximately)

Willing to →

To want to do sth / To have the intention to do sth.


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Nail Health and Makeup: Tips for a Radiant Look

Classified in Medicine & Health

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Nail Health

🎧 Why does the woman visit the salon? C

What is true about the woman? A


  • 1- Pedicure
  • 2- Horrible condition
  • 3- Split nails
  • 4- Painful
  • 5- Fixed up
  • 6- Silk wrap nails
  • 7- Natural nails

Artificial Nails: What You Need to Know

1- What is the purpose of the article? A

2- Which of the following is a difference between acrylic nails and gels? D

3- Why is the long-term cost of acrylics high? A

1- U-P-K-E-E-P

2- D-E-C-A-L-S

3- T-I-P-S

4- N-A-I-L B-I-T-E-R

5- A-C-R-Y-L-I-C-S


  1. 1- The client doesn't like the frequent maintenance required by acrylic nails. T
  2. 2- The man only knows how to apply acrylic nails. F
  3. 3- The woman decides to get gel nails. F


  1. 1- Don't need fills
  2. 2- Maintain my acrylics
  3. 3- Can get
  4. 4- Natural
  5. 5- Removal
  6. 6- Soak them off
  7. 7- Damage your nails


... Continue reading "Nail Health and Makeup: Tips for a Radiant Look" »

English Vocabulary and Grammar: A Comprehensive Review

Classified in Medicine & Health

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Unit 4: Environmental Issues and Legal Terms

  • Auction (Subasta)
  • Carbon footprint (Petjada de carbó)
  • Court (Jutgat)
  • Drought (Sequera)
  • Environmentalist
  • Exhaust fumes
  • Landfill (Abocador)
  • Litter (Basura)
  • Offense (Delicte)
  • Smog (Boira amb fum)
  • Source (Font)
  • Treasure (Tresor)
  • Trial (Judici)
  • Waste (Residus)
  • Wilderness (Natura)
  • Wildlife (Fauna)
  • Approach (Enfocament)
  • Avoid (Evitar)
  • Ban (Prohibició)
  • Convict (Condemnat)
  • Damage (Fer malbé)
  • Disrupt (Interrompre)
  • Dump, Exploit, Pollute, Regret, Replace, Supply, Threaten
  • Guilty, Outspoken, Unexpected
  • Bring about, Charged with, Cut down, Dispose of
  • Global warming, Greenhouse effect, Pass laws, Renewable energy, Solar power, Use up, Water shortage, Wipe out

Unit 5: Workplace Vocabulary and Skills

  • Chatterbox, Deadline, Knowledge, Overtime,
... Continue reading "English Vocabulary and Grammar: A Comprehensive Review" »

Managing Stress: Tips and Techniques for a Healthier Life

Classified in Medicine & Health

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Stress is often attributed to our modern-day way of life. It has also been referred to as the 21st century's plague. Whether these statements are true or not, stress has become one of the most common health problems people face today.

There are various factors that can cause stress: exam periods for students, financial issues, overwhelming workloads, or even addictions such as smoking. The daily demands of our rushed society seem to trigger stress in people, but there is a specific population segment that is more susceptible to it. These are the young urban professionals, also known as yuppies. Being overwhelmed with work, taking on new responsibilities, and working in a competitive environment are all factors that contribute to the perfect... Continue reading "Managing Stress: Tips and Techniques for a Healthier Life" »

Disease Screening: Understanding Tests and Validity

Classified in Medicine & Health

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Disease Screening: Understanding Tests and Validity

What is Screening?

Screening is a method of secondary prevention that uses simple tests (physical, laboratory, etc.) to detect diseases before they manifest symptoms or signs. The goal of screening is to reduce morbidity and mortality through early detection and intervention.

Types of Screening Programs:

  • Mass Screening: Targets the entire population (e.g., mammograms for women aged 45-70).
  • Multiple/Multiphasic Screening: Uses a variety of tests at the same time (e.g., during hospital admission).
  • Targeted Screening: Focuses on groups with specific risk factors (e.g., occupational exposure).
  • Case-Finding/Opportunistic Screening: Occurs when a patient consults a doctor for another reason (e.g., blood
... Continue reading "Disease Screening: Understanding Tests and Validity" »