Notes, abstracts, papers, exams and problems of Medicine & Health

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Flu Vaccination Concerns and Recommendations in Aragon

Posted by ozair202 and classified in Medicine & Health

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Fourth Death from Flu Confirmed in Aragon

A few minutes ago, it was confirmed that the fourth death in Aragon was due to the flu. A report from the European Union indicates that less than 60 percent of people are getting vaccinated.

Younger Population Suspicions

Experts are concerned about the younger population's distrust of the flu vaccine. Only 57% of the population is at risk of being vaccinated against the flu, according to the European Union's data from 2008-2012.

Risks for Under 65s

Those under 65 years old are the most concerning group for experts. Lack of confidence in the vaccine is still prevalent.

Severity of the Flu

Flu is a serious disease, especially for individuals with underlying health issues. One in three hospitalized for seasonal... Continue reading "Flu Vaccination Concerns and Recommendations in Aragon" »

Language Learning and Sports Vocabulary: A Comprehensive List

Classified in Medicine & Health

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Language Learning

accent, bilingual, cognate, comment on, false friend, fluently, have a chat, idiom, keep in touch, meaning, mother tongue, proverb, saying, second language, slang, speak in public, spread a rumour/gossip, synonym, translation, blogger, chatroom, cookies, cyberbully, delete an account, follower, go online, hacker, internet addiction, post an update, post sth online, profile update, retweet, safe site, screen time, shop online, social network, status update, tweet, unread mail, user, wireless connection, zoom in, call back (RETURN SOMEBODY'S CALL OR CALL THEM AGAIN), cut sb off (SUDDENLY STOP A CALL), get through (BECOME CONNECTED), hang up (FINISH A PHONE CALL), listen in, make a call (RING UP), quieten down (BECOME QUIETER)... Continue reading "Language Learning and Sports Vocabulary: A Comprehensive List" »

Unit Test 3 Level 2: Vocabulary and Grammar

Classified in Medicine & Health

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Unit Test 3 Level 2



  • 1. Prevented 6. Wealthy
  • 2. Purchased 7. Called off
  • 3. Disease 8. Doubtful
  • 4. Increased 9. Venue
  • 5. Talked back


  • 1. Huge hit 5. Lucky break
  • 2. Join 6. Improve
  • 3. Compete 7. Provide
  • 4. Contestants 8. Fascinating



  • 1. Had / got … painted 5. Had spread
  • 2. Would continue 6. Will have set
  • 3. Hasn’t met 7. Hadn’t lost
  • 4. Will … be selected


  1. I haven’t eaten chocolate for six months.
  2. How long have you been running marathons?
  3. Sally admitted losing / that she had lost my camera.
  4. Our photos were taken by a photographer. / We had/got our photos taken.


  1. By the time the bus arrived, I’d been waiting (for) an hour.
  2. He couldn’t remember where he had left his phone.
  3. Had the table been set?
  4. (They) Don’t keep their rooms tidy.
  5. They
... Continue reading "Unit Test 3 Level 2: Vocabulary and Grammar" »

English Verb Tenses and Grammar Rules

Classified in Medicine & Health

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I-you-we-they -> cook, (cocina) don't

He-She-It -> cooks, washes (cocina) doesn't


I-you-we-they -> cooked (cocinó) didn't cook

He-She-It -> cooked (cocinó) didn't cook


I-you-we-they -> am-Are cooking (cocinando) not-aren't

He-She-It -> is cooking (cocinando) isn't


you-we-they -> were cooking (estaban cocinando) weren't cooking

I-he-she-it -> was cooking (estaba cocinando) wasn't cooking


i-you-we-they have eaten- haven't

he-she-it has eaten hasn't


I-you-we-they - had eaten- hadn't eaten

he-she-it- had eaten hadn't cooked


i-you-we-they - will win - won't

he-she-it- will win - won't


i-you-we-they-he-she-it- will have lost... Continue reading "English Verb Tenses and Grammar Rules" »

Empirical study on primary health care service for effective health care development in kaduna nigeria.

Classified in Medicine & Health

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4. Main goals of health development over the world. European regional strategy. Health 21: major targets
Health development over the world:
  In 1977, the World Health Assembly decided that the major social goal of governments and WHO should be the attainment by all people
Of the world by the year 2000 of a level of health that would allow them to lead a socially and economically productive life
  In 1981, the Assembly unanimously adopted the Global Strategy for ‘Health for All’ by the Year 2000. This was the birth of the “Health
For All” movement
  “Health for All” does not mean an end to disease and disability, or that doctors and nurses will care for everyone. It means that
resources for health are evenly distributed
... Continue reading "Empirical study on primary health care service for effective health care development in kaduna nigeria." »

Vascular Surgery: A Comprehensive Guide to Procedures and Treatments

Classified in Medicine & Health

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Antembolic IVC Filter


  • Presence of DVT or PE +
  • Contraindication to anticoagulation
  • Recurrent PE in spite of anticoagulation
  • Anticoagulation complication
  • Free Floating thrombus in IVC
  • PE & limited cardiac reserve
  • Prophylactic presurgery
  • Poor compliance to anticoagulation
  • Protection during DVT


  • Hemorrhage
  • Major surgery
  • Multiple trauma
  • Internal bleeding
  • Intracranial neoplasm
  • Pregnancy


  • Fast 4-6 hours before procedure
  • Antibiotic Prophylaxis
  • Neck Skin asepsis
  • Give Local Anesthesia
  • Puncture anterior wall of vein (US)
  • Evaluate the wire
  • Guide the wire into IVC
  • Place the sheath
  • Remove wire + ensure luminal location
  • Cavography to ensure IVC patency, size, locate Renal Vein


  • Activity/Diet Rest
  • Antibiotic therapy
  • NSAIDs
  • Warfarin
  • Venous
... Continue reading "Vascular Surgery: A Comprehensive Guide to Procedures and Treatments" »

English Grammar: Conditional Sentences and Verb Tenses

Classified in Medicine & Health

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Conditional Sentences and Verb Tenses

[If / When ... simple past ..., ... simple past ...]

[... simple past... if / when ... simple past ...]

[If ... past perfect ..., ... would have + past participle ... ]

[... would have + past participle ... if ... past perfect ...]

[If / When ... simple present ..., ... simple present ...]

[... simple present ... if / when ... simple present ...]

[If ... simple past ..., ... would + verb ...]

[... would + verb ... if ... simple past ...]

[If / When ... simple present ..., ... simple future ...]

[... simple future ... if / when ... simple present ...]

[If ... simple past ..., ... would + verb ...]

[... would + verb ... if ... simple past ...]

[If ... were + present participle .... Continue reading "English Grammar: Conditional Sentences and Verb Tenses" »

The Impact of Fast Food on Teenagers' Health

Classified in Medicine & Health

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Are the Students Eating Healthy by Consuming Fast Food?

Teenagers love fast food but usually they consume it without knowing the risk fast food involves to their body. Children enjoy the flavour and tastiness of fast food whereas they forget what they are truly bringing into them. Therefore, how bad is fast food for us? And how can we stop from consuming it?

Fast food is made in food factories, hence they are highly processed food which means that they are not made naturally. Instead they contain dangerous additives and unhealthy fats that could harm our body. Clearly, people whose diet is mainly based on fast food are expected to live a shorter life.

Undoubtedly, if we can modify teenagers' eating habits, we could prevent them from the consequences... Continue reading "The Impact of Fast Food on Teenagers' Health" »

Improving Public Health in India: Challenges and Solutions

Classified in Medicine & Health

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Infant mortality rate/life expectancy

The waterborne disease is mostly spread out in northeast India. Gajrawedi has the highest rate (21-27) per 10000 people. The lowest rate (00-06) is in the west side of India, Subhanpura, and Sayajigunj. Cities like Raopura, Shiyabaug, and Sidhvaimata road have a mid-range rate of infections.

The sanitation in northeast India may not be clean, therefore, the water may be contaminated while transporting it, resulting in an unstable water supply.

There is a very high population in India, people may share water and transfer disease.

Areas with a high infection rate may have less affluent and probably don’t provide any facility to purify or filtrate the water.

Approaches to Improving Public Health

There are two

... Continue reading "Improving Public Health in India: Challenges and Solutions" »

Job Interview Questions and Answers

Classified in Medicine & Health

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1. Why should we select you and not another candidate?

I have the ability to adapt to any circumstance and under pressure, commitment, honesty, and ability to communicate with my colleagues, also the position fits perfectly with my professional project

2. What are your shortcomings?

I just finished my studies and I know that I don't have much experience, but I really want to learn from the best and grow both professionally and personally.

3. What are your virtues?

I consider myself a positive and determined person.

4. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

I hope that this opportunity they offer me will allow me to continue with my professional and personal development, which I will have much deeper knowledge, something that I could achieve through... Continue reading "Job Interview Questions and Answers" »