Notes, abstracts, papers, exams and problems of Mathematics

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Effective Questionnaire Design for Market Research

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Sampling Stage

Sample Size:

  • Depends on population size
  • The type of sample
  • Feature (parameter) of the population that is analyzed
  • The maximum permissible error in the estimation of the parameters

The Form: The information collected can be classified as:

  • Acts or behaviors that can be compared
  • Information: analyzes the degree of respondents' knowledge on specific topics
  • Opinions or Judgments: such as perceived service quality
  • Attitudes or predispositions of mind: We are looking for what is thought in relation to something
  • Motives or explanations for specific behaviors: the question is, why certain views or acts?
  • Possible future behavior: it may ask whether or not to consume a prepared product.

Concept and Structure of Questionnaires

The questionnaire is a way... Continue reading "Effective Questionnaire Design for Market Research" »

Key Concepts in Health, Nutrition, and Statistics

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Food and Nutrition

Food is the act of providing sustenance to the human body, while nutrition encompasses the physiological processes by which the body receives, transforms, and utilizes the chemical components in food.

Inherited Diseases

  • Hemophilia
  • Huntington's disease
  • Cystic fibrosis
  • Color blindness
  • Phenylketonuria

Measures of Dispersion

Measures of dispersion indicate how close the data are to the average.


Vaccines are preparations containing killed or attenuated microorganisms. They are introduced into our bodies to produce antibodies that kill the organism, providing immunity.

Common Pathogens

Pathogens such as bacteria and fungi are the most common causes of infectious diseases.

Health and Disease

Health is a state of complete physical, mental,... Continue reading "Key Concepts in Health, Nutrition, and Statistics" »

Audit Procedures and Working Papers: Key Concepts

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Working Papers

These are the documents in which the auditor records the data and information obtained during their review, as well as the results of the tests performed.

Summary Warrant

A sample of major accounts that are an item.


This is the card that shows the groups or items that comprise the financial statements.

Decree of Detail

The items that comprise an account balance of a major account or any other account.

Certificates of Verification

The work performed to verify the correctness of an item or transaction.

Situations for Audit Work Plan

  • Ensure that the service is clearly controlled.
  • Be fully aware of what is being offered.

Conditions to Perform the Audit

  • Maintain independence of mind regarding the specific client.
  • Possess the ability to
... Continue reading "Audit Procedures and Working Papers: Key Concepts" »

Auditor's Opinions: Types and Implications

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Types of Auditor Opinions

Unqualified Opinion

An unqualified opinion is issued when:

  • The audit was performed without limitations in scope and in accordance with the National Technical Standards (NTA).
  • The annual accounts have been prepared in accordance with accounting rules and Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP), consistent with prior years.
  • The information, including supporting documentation, is sufficient for adequate comprehension.
  • The financial statements, taken as a whole, fairly represent the company's business in accordance with the information available to the auditor.

Qualified Opinion

A qualified opinion is issued when the auditor concludes that there are significant circumstances that prevent the annual accounts from presenting... Continue reading "Auditor's Opinions: Types and Implications" »

Effective Document Classification and Archiving Methods

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  • Rating Alphabetical: Documents are classified based on the name of the person or the reason for the company shown in the document.
  • Geographical Breakdown: Documents are classified by place of residence of the person or entity, as the province-city-street and finally the name.
  • Classification of Materials: Documents are grouped according to the topic at hand, understood as a common feature field.
  • Alphabetical Materials as Logical Categories:

a) Number: Each field is assigned a number, and each subdivision a number.
b) Alphanumeric: Each field is assigned a letter or number, and subdivisions another letter or number that is added to the first component.

  • Rating Chronological: Ordering progressively, by date of entry or maturity.
  • Decimal Classification:
... Continue reading "Effective Document Classification and Archiving Methods" »

Adverbs, Prepositions, Verbs, Pronouns & Conjunctions

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An adverb is a word that acts as the core of an adverbial phrase. It modifies a verb, an adjective, or another adverb.

Classification of Adverbs

  • Place: out there, here, up close, in front, within, above, across, away, etc.
  • Time: now, before, even yesterday, after, today, then, tomorrow, never, soon, always, yet, etc.
  • Quantity: something, pretty, almost, too much, well, nothing, just, so, so much.
  • Manner: agile, well, good, bad, fair, bravely, and so on.
  • Order: before, after, later, first, respectively, and so on.
  • Affirmation: true, certainly, of course, actually, probably, yes, indeed, and so on.
  • Negation: never, no, never, no, etc.
  • Doubt: perhaps, possibly, probably, maybe, perhaps, etc.
  • Question: how, when, where.
  • Relative: how, when, where.


A... Continue reading "Adverbs, Prepositions, Verbs, Pronouns & Conjunctions" »

Financial Statements: Identification, Characteristics, and Inventory Accounting

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Identification of Financial Statements

The financial statements shall be clearly identified and distinguished from any other information published in the same document.

Characteristics of Financial Statements

  • Accuracy: Displaying information in a clear, precise, and true manner.
  • Opportunity: Must be submitted on time.
  • Relevance: Only present information unique to the company's operations.
  • Integrity: The information submitted must be complete and not incomplete or unreliable.
  • Frequency: Financial statements should be made with a fixed periodicity.

Notes to Financial Statements

Clarifications or explanations of events or situations, quantifiable or not, are an integral part of every financial statement. They must be read together for correct interpretation.... Continue reading "Financial Statements: Identification, Characteristics, and Inventory Accounting" »

Secondary Data Analysis: Sources, Types, and Elaboration

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Secondary Data Analysis: Sources and Elaboration

Secondary data analysis considers both qualitative and quantitative perspectives. It uses references like coding sheets in quantitative designs and identifies interviews or focus groups for qualitative data. Official statistics and public sources are used to verify field data.

Desrosieres argues that statistical indicators from official sources reflect social reality in institutions. These indicators are presented without analysis, as tables of results. This means the original data has been elaborated, which is typical of secondary sources. Secondary sources have developed, summarized, and synthesized the data. The degree of elaboration is the key difference between secondary data analysis and... Continue reading "Secondary Data Analysis: Sources, Types, and Elaboration" »

Decision-Making Under Uncertainty: Criteria and Tables

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Hurwicz Criterion: Coefficient of Optimism

In this approach, a decision-maker may have an intermediate attitude. Since no probabilities are associated with each state of nature, this author suggests using a coefficient of optimism, simultaneously called C, and a coefficient of pessimism, (1 - C), where 0 ≤ C ≤ 1.

The coefficient C indicates the decision-maker's stance toward risk. When it is closer to 1, the decision-maker will be more optimistic, while closer to 0, the decision-maker is more pessimistic.

This criterion focuses only on the extreme scores of each alternative, weighing the result of maximum optimism with the coefficient C and the result of minimal value with the coefficient of pessimism (1 - C). The sum of these two products... Continue reading "Decision-Making Under Uncertainty: Criteria and Tables" »

Understanding Contribution Base, Payroll, and Benefits

Classified in Mathematics

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Contribution Base Calculation

The contribution base amount, calculated monthly for each worker, is the foundation for determining both employer and employee contributions to Social Security. It's calculated as follows:

  1. Base monthly contribution: This is the sum of all earnings charged to the worker in the month.
  2. Extra payments: Any additional payments are added, divided by 12, and included in the base.

A rate of 6.35% is applied to this total amount to calculate the worker's monthly Social Security contribution. Different percentages are applied to calculate the company's contribution for each worker. Furthermore, all Social Security benefits are calculated based on this contribution base.

Payroll Management

Payroll is the official record of

... Continue reading "Understanding Contribution Base, Payroll, and Benefits" »