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English Verbs, Adverbs, and Adjectives: Usage and Examples

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A verb is one of the main parts of a sentence or question in English.

Linking Verbs

Linking verbs connect the subject of the verb to additional information about the subject. They do not express action. Examples include to be (is, being, are, was, were), to become, and to seem.

My cats are content to nap on the couch. After drinking the old milk, Vladimir turned green.

Action Verbs

Action verbs describe what the subject of the sentence is doing.

Sam and Eric ride the bus to school each morning. Jan wants a horse for her birthday. John reads a chapter in his book each night.

Transitive Verbs

Transitive verbs are action verbs that have an object receiving the action. I baked some cookies. I rode the bicycle. I moved the chair. I stitched a quilt.

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Write logical sentences to follow each one below. Pay attention to the words in bold.
1.I can barely hear the music.
please turn it up
2.Watch out for pickpockets.
there are a lot in this area
3.The police lost track of the thieves.
the thieves had everything planned
4.Please don’t lean on me.
it hurts my shoulder
5.They didn’t safeguard their house.
then they broke into it
6.He had to break into his car.
because he had lost the key

2 Rewrite the sentences by forming a suitable phrasal verb with the verbs below. One verb is used more than
back • give • go • bring • turn
1.I don’t think Jimmy will come tonight.
He may not turn up .
2.The witness recognised the suspect because of his tattoo.
The tattoo gave the suspect away .
3.You shouldn’t
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1. Vicente Lopez: 9, 30 € dia, 5€ dia, 120€ mes, plus dist 18€ mes, 2 pagas de 30 dias, SMI 707.7€ A) BCCC= 30 + 5 + 18/21 + (30 x 2 x 30 / 365)= 40.79 € dia

comprobacion: 27.51 < 40.79 < 125.04 ---> 4.079 x 21 = 856.59 €
B) 120/21 = 5.71 € dia; BCCP= 40.79 + 5.71 = 46.5 € dia
comprobacion: Tope minimo: 825.5 x 21 / 30= 577.85 // tope maximo: 3751.2 x 21 / 30 = 2625.84 //  577.85 < 976.5 < 2625.84
CC: 856.59 x 4.7%
desempl= 976.5 x 1.55%      62.02€
FP: 976.5 x 0.1%
HE= 120 x 4.7 %
D) IRPF  0%
CC=856.59 X 23.60%
DESEm:976.5 x 5.50%
Fogasa: 976.5 x 0.20%
HE: 120 x 23.6%                308.60
FP: 976.50 x 0.60
IT: 976.5 x 0.90%
IMS: 976.5 x 0.80%

2. Calcula la bccc y bccp, g-1, 1200€,60€,
... Continue reading "hfdh" »

Rosa Parks and Julia Butterfly Hill: Activists Who Made a Difference

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Rosa Parks

  • On January 15, 1955, she was arrested because she did not give up her seat on the bus for a white passenger.
  • At 19, she married Raymond Parks, a frisör, and worked at NAACP.
  • Rosa worked as a secretary at NAACP and part-time as a seamstress.
  • On December 5, 1955, the bus boycott began with Martin Luther King Jr. as the leader.
  • The bus boycott led to the lifting of segregation in buses and trains.
  • Due to threats, Rosa and her husband moved to Detroit.
  • She died on October 24, 2005.

Julia Butterfly Hill

  • She is an environmental activist.
  • From December 14, 1997, she lived on a tree named Luna for 738 days.
  • She demonstrated against deforestation.
  • In 1999, an agreement was reached with the company that wanted to cut down the trees in the forest.
  • They
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Romeo and Juliet: Servants, Love, and Conflict in Verona

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Who are Sampson and Gregory?

They are Lord Capulet's servants.

Why are they bored, aggressive, and playful?

Because they like fighting, but now there is peace in Verona, so they have to clean and do things that they don't like.

What is love for them?

Love for them is only sex.

Who is Abram?

He is a Montague's servant.

Who starts the fight? How? Why?

The fight began because Sampson and Gregory wanted to fight with Abram, and Abram started the fight because Sampson and Gregory were causing it.

Who is Benvolio? And Tybalt? Are they Montagues or Capulets?

Benvolio is Lord Montague's, Romeo's cousin. Tybalt is a Capulet and Juliet's cousin. They are enemies because they hate each other and they want to fight.

Why does Tybalt say it is not appropriate for Benvolio

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English to Spanish Vocabulary: A Comprehensive Guide

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English to Spanish Vocabulary

A Comprehensive Guide


Ability - Skill: Habilidad - Destreza
According to: Según
Although: Aunque
Ancient: Antiguo
Aware, Conscious: Consciente, Sabedor
Barely - Nearly: Apenas
Beneficial - Positive: Beneficioso - Positivo
Board Games: Juegos de mesa
Boundaries - Limits, Frontier, Borders: Límites, Frontera
Brain: Cerebro
Burial: Entierro
Chains: Cadenas
Charm: Encanto
Close to - Next to, Near: Cerca de, Junto a
Concentrate on - Focus on: Concentrarse en, Enfocarse en
Council: Consejo
Countless - Many, Infinite: Incontables, Infinitos
Customs - Traditions: Costumbres - Tradiciones
Dairy Products: Productos lácteos
Damage: Daño, Perjuicio
Depressing - Sad, Miserable: Deprimente - Triste, Miserable
Discussion - Conversation: Discusión
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Rasselas's Quest for Happiness: A Summary and Analysis

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Samuel Johnson (1709-1784)

The History of Rasselas, Prince of Abissinia (1759)

Rasselas, the son of an emperor, is confined to the idyllic Happy Valley until he is ready to rule. However, he resents this confinement and longs to experience the world beyond. Determined to discover the true meaning of happiness and his"choice of life" Rasselas devises a plan to escape. Throughout his journey, he displays intelligence, wit, and a rational mind, often seeking guidance from the wise Imlac.

Rasselas's Discontent

In a conversation with his former instructor, Rasselas confesses his dissatisfaction with the pleasures of the Happy Valley. He admits to feeling stagnant and lacking aspirations. The old man, taken aback, suggests that experiencing the world'... Continue reading "Rasselas's Quest for Happiness: A Summary and Analysis" »

The Importance of Collecting and Sharing Ideas in the Digital Age

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To collect commodities are products that can be bought and sold. It refers to a useful quality or thing. Ideas make bad commodities because you can't know whether they are useful or not until you know them. The author is in favor of the democratization of knowledge (enlarge) because current developments such as the internet allow ideas to be available for everyone. So, saying that we are mean when dealing with sharing ideas is a contradiction against the present times and its advancements. Tagging ideas that are not your own.

Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie: The Danger of Single Stories

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How does Chimamanda define 'the single story'?

She defines 'the single story' as the tendency to reduce individuals or groups to a single narrative or perspective, often based on stereotypes, preconceived notions, or limited information. A single story shows a group of people as one thing and only one thing over and over again until that is what they become.

Name four 'single stories' that she discusses in this talk

Chimamanda's roommate who had a single story of Africa. She had a single story of catastrophe. In this single story, Africans weren't similar to her at all. She just felt pity for them. She stereotyped Chimamanda as a woman who shouldn't know how to speak English, listened to tribal music, and not well-known authors...

Chimamanda's... Continue reading "Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie: The Danger of Single Stories" »

The Strength and Loyalty of Penelope in The Odyssey

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Character Analysis: Penelope

Penelope is a very strong character in the poem, having faced many challenges throughout. Her main role is to be equal with Odysseus. The ploy with the bed not only showcases Penelope's wisdom but also sheds light on why she could not bring herself to remarry and why Odysseus could not stay and build a new life with Calypso. Their love is immortal, just like the unmovable wedding bed.

Penelope's Waiting

Penelope has been waiting for 20 years for her husband to come back from the Trojan War. During his absence, she has been managing his estates. However, she has recently become a host to many suitors who want to marry her and possess everything Odysseus had. These suitors have been depleting Telemachus' inheritance... Continue reading "The Strength and Loyalty of Penelope in The Odyssey" »