Notes, abstracts, papers, exams and problems of Language

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Analyzing Boccaccio's Decameron: Narrative Structure and Style

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means of "you" or a number of nicknames: "hilarious ladies, dear ladies, young ladies, young valuable..."

The Youth:

  • Their meeting
  • Their decisions
  • Their adventures

It is a well-defined framework, characters, scenario, historical time.

Narrative Planes:

  • The 'own stories, each with its own characteristics. The first two planes are related by the main narrator, but from different functions.
  • In the foreground, the first-person narrator fully identifies with the author and has no narrative function, but expository or argumentative: Boccaccio not "tells", but reflects and expresses his ideology, world view, and value of literature itself.
  • In the second, an omniscient third-person voice acts as narrator. This map is dotted with the first interference, as comments
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Language and Thought: Signs, Systems, and Theories

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Item 8: Language and Art

1. The Sign and its Components

A sign is anything that represents and communicates something. This includes all signs that humans use, such as language, art, and mathematics. Linguistic signs can be differentiated into:

  • A signifier: the "perceptible" part of the sign, whether sounds (phonemes) or graphics (letters).
  • A meaning: what the sign represents. This meaning can be an object (referent) or a "mental concept."

2. Syntax, Semantics, and Pragmatics: Parts of Language

  • Syntax examines combinations of signifiers.
  • Semantics focuses on the study of the meaning of linguistic signs.
  • Pragmatics is concerned with the use of language in terms of the relationship established between utterance, context, and actors. It analyzes how speakers
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Effective Communication Techniques and Information Resources

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Communication is a process whereby the issuer prepares and transmits a message, which is then received and decoded by a receiver.

Elements of communication: the code, the channel, the transmitter, and the receiver context.

Feedback: Feedback is the response or reaction of the receiver to the message sent by the transmitter.

Interaction: Reciprocal activity between two or more people.

Group Discussion Techniques

Phillips 66 is a technique where six people discuss a particular issue, exchanging views on a subject for a maximum of six minutes.


  • 1. Presence of a moderator, who leads and guides the discussion, ensuring that ideas relate to the topic.
  • 2. A topic is chosen on which participants agree, and this is presented by the moderator.
  • 3. Each
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Understanding Literary Genres, Grammar, and Writing

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Norms and Instructions

Norms are rules established to determine how something or a specific behavior should be.

Highway code regulations or laws contain rules.

Novel Subgenres

Historical, Detective, and Learning Novels

In some novels, the events recounted are fictitious but plausible, i.e., they did not actually occur but could have happened.

  • Detective Novel: Narrates a crime whose author is unknown and the inquiry that leads to the clarification of the case.
  • Historical Novels: Recreate past events.
  • Novels of Apprenticeship: Feature a child or a teenager whose personality is formed throughout the story.

Chivalry, Terror, and Science Fiction

In other novels, the events recounted are unlikely or wonderful, that is, they did not happen or could not happen... Continue reading "Understanding Literary Genres, Grammar, and Writing" »

Valle-Inclán's Bohemian Lights: Analysis and Structure

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Valle-Inclán explained that there are "three ways of seeing the world, artistic or aesthetic: kneeling, standing, or built in the air." The first involves characters that are of a "superior status to the human condition." The second way "up" would be used by Shakespeare, which includes the characters "as if they were our own, like splitting the character of our self, with our own virtues and our own defects." The third way is "a very Spanish way, a way of the demiurge, who does not believe in any way made of the same clay as their puppets."

Bohemian Lights: A Closer Look

Bohemian Lights was serialized in a magazine in Spain. Its book version, published in 1924, shows very significant variations, as it added three scenes with a high content of... Continue reading "Valle-Inclán's Bohemian Lights: Analysis and Structure" »

Spanish Golden Age Theater and Literature

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Lope de Vega's Theater

From its early development, Lope de Vega's theater catered to popular tastes, achieving immense success. His works can be classified as follows:

  • Plays on Spanish History and Legends: Examples include Fuenteovejuna and El Caballero de Olmedo.
  • Comedies of Manners: Often called "entanglements," these plays focus on love, typically divided between urban (Madrid) and rural settings.
  • Religious Comedies: Including mystery plays and comedies of saints.
  • Mythological Comedies: Such as The Labyrinth of Crete.
  • Comedies of Foreign Stories and Legends: Like The Punishment Without Vengeance.


This play explores popular rebellion and two conceptions of honor: an inherent quality and one acquired through virtuous acts. Love is... Continue reading "Spanish Golden Age Theater and Literature" »

Journalistic Language and Irregular Verbs: Key Concepts

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Journalistic Language: Key Principles

Journalistic language should always be concise, precise, and clear. Avoid excessive adjectives, long sentences, and overloaded paragraphs. A standard register is commonly used. It is important to create a narrative of current events written with the intention of informing in an objective way. The content of a story should usually answer the questions: who, what, when, where, how, and why.

Structure of a News Story

  • Headline: Captures the reader's attention with the most important and powerful data.
  • Subheading: Develops the ideas contained in the headline.
  • Body: Presents the facts in descending order of importance.

Journalistic Genres

  • Chronicle: A story about recent events, often told in chronological order by a
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Theatrical and Literary Language: Characteristics

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Theatrical Language

Theatrical language can be:

  • Vanguard: The author aims to challenge the theater, allowing for the free flow of unknown emotions. Objects have a symbolic value; they are not real or intended to be.
  • Realistic: The theater shows elements that could be possible, reflecting the real world.

The characters that appear in a play have their own language, sometimes not exclusively verbal:

  • Nonverbal language: Uses extralinguistic elements, such as gestures.
  • Verbal: The basis of the action lies in dialogue, which may also include monologues and asides.

Regarding the formal aspects, the following must be taken into account:

  • The tone in which the piece is written (comical, realistic, worship, etc.).
  • The syntactic structure of paragraphs provides
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Don Quixote: Adventures, Characters, and Literary Analysis

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Don Quixote: A Literary Masterpiece by Cervantes

Don Quixote is the most famous and celebrated work of Miguel de Cervantes. It tells the adventures of Alonso Quijano, a gentleman from La Mancha who, driven mad by excessive reading, decides to embark on a quest for adventures similar to those of the characters in chivalric novels.

External Structure

The work is divided into two parts:

  • Part 1: Titled The Ingenious Hidalgo Don Quixote de la Mancha, it consists of fifty-two chapters. It recounts the first two sallies of Don Quixote:
    • Don Quixote is knighted by an innkeeper and returns home after being beaten.
    • He finds a squire, Sancho Panza, and they travel together to the Sierra Morena in La Mancha. This part includes famous episodes like the windmills,
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Privacy Protection and Data Security in the Digital Age

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Privacy Protection

The information society reveals vast amounts of personal data through networks. Consequently, numerous companies gain access to this data, including information about our tastes and hobbies. This information can be illegally sold to third parties, and sometimes legal vacuums exist.

Crimes Against Privacy

  • Logging onto another person's computer without permission.
  • Unauthorized data transfer interception.
  • Email address harvesting.
  • Electronic harassment.

European Legislation

"Data collection should be clear, legitimate, and never excessive in relation to its intended purpose."

  • Data must be accurate and up-to-date.
  • Data controllers should allow users to correct or remove their data.
  • Identifying data should not be kept longer than necessary.
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