Analyzing Boccaccio's Decameron: Narrative Structure and Style
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means of "you" or a number of nicknames: "hilarious ladies, dear ladies, young ladies, young valuable..."
The Youth:
- Their meeting
- Their decisions
- Their adventures
It is a well-defined framework, characters, scenario, historical time.
Narrative Planes:
- The 'own stories, each with its own characteristics. The first two planes are related by the main narrator, but from different functions.
- In the foreground, the first-person narrator fully identifies with the author and has no narrative function, but expository or argumentative: Boccaccio not "tells", but reflects and expresses his ideology, world view, and value of literature itself.
- In the second, an omniscient third-person voice acts as narrator. This map is dotted with the first interference, as comments