Understanding English Grammar: Phrases, Clauses, and Word Formation

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Verb Phrase

It's composed of at least one verb and the dependents of that verb.

Adjective Phrase

Refers to a phrase built upon an adjective, which functions as the head of that phrase. "much quicker than I".

Adverbial Phrase

Term for a group of two or more words operating adverbially. "I'll go to bed soon".


Uses coordinating conjunctions, conjunctive adverbs, or punctuation to combine short independent clauses into a simple sentence. "The football game has been postponed, so we will have to do something else"


Transforms independent clauses into dependent clauses. The football game has been postponed. We'll have to do something else.

Correlative Conjunction

"either...or", "nor...only", "but...also", "so...as", "whether...or".

Direct Object

It may become the subject of the passive. It answers the question what.

Indirect Object

The person who receives something (Direct Object).

Adverbial Adjuncts

Establishes the circumstances in which the word or state expressed by the verb takes place. (complemento circunstancial).

Coordinating Conjunctions

and, but, or, yet, for, nor, so.


ah, ouch, aha, hey, eh.


on, in, at, since, before, to, by, etc.

Transitive Verbs

Requires both a subject and one or more objects. You pushed the car. I gave you the magazine.

Intransitive Verbs

A verb that has no object. To die, To sleep.

Ditransitive Verb

Takes a subject and two objects which refer to a recipient and a theme. I made my mom some cookies.


  • Object: me, you, her, him, it, us, them.
  • Subject: I, you, she, he, it, we, they.
  • Reflexive & Intensive: Myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself, ourselves, yourselves, themselves.
  • Possessive: mine, yours, his, hers, ours, yours, theirs.
  • Interrogative: who/whom, what, which, whose.
  • Indefinite: Everyone, no one, someone, anyone, everything, nothing, something.
  • Relative: that, who, which, whom, whose, what.


  • Reduplication: so-so, see-saw.
  • Blending: motel (motor + hotel).
  • Clipping: Ron (Ronald), sci-fi (science fiction).
  • Acronyms: VIP, UFO.
  • Eponyms: Proper nouns that become common nouns.
  • Coining: Ketchup, Nylon.
  • Onomatopoeia: Bang! Splash.

Compounding Nouns

  • Noun + Noun: wallpaper.
  • Noun + Adjective: greenhouse.
  • Verb + Noun: jumpsuit.
  • Preposition + Noun: indoors.

Compounding Adjectives

  • Noun + Adjective: nationwide.
  • Adjective + Adjective: Afro-American.
  • Preposition + Adjective: outspoken.

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