Notes, abstracts, papers, exams and problems of Geography

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Top Energy-Producing Countries in Africa & Britain's Geo-Economic Policies

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Top Energy-Producing Countries in Africa

In Africa, there is a diverse range of energy sources and production capabilities. Several countries play a significant role in meeting the continent's energy needs and driving economic development:

  • Natural Gas

    • Algeria

      Algeria is the largest producer of natural gas in Africa, exporting to Europe and other parts of Africa.
    • Nigeria

      Nigeria is the second-largest producer of natural gas in Africa, exporting to other parts of Africa and Europe.
    • Egypt

      Egypt is the third-largest producer of natural gas in Africa, exporting to Europe and other parts of Africa.
    • Libya

      Libya is the fourth-largest producer of natural gas in Africa, exporting to Europe and other parts of Africa.
    • Mozambique

      Mozambique is the fifth-largest producer
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Feudal Society: The Three Estates & Feudal Economy

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Feudal Society

1. The Three Estates

Feudal society was organized into three distinct social groups, known as the Three Estates. These groups were largely closed, making it difficult for individuals to change their social status.

Nobles: Bellatores

Nobility was determined by birth, and knights dedicated their lives to warfare. The nobility was further divided into two categories:

  • High Nobility: This group held significant power and influence, shaping the decisions of the kingdom.
  • Low and Middle Nobility: This group consisted of knights and lords with fewer possessions compared to the high nobility.

Nobles resided in castles and had the authority to assemble their own armies.

Feudal Castles

Castles served as residences for lords, their families, knights,... Continue reading "Feudal Society: The Three Estates & Feudal Economy" »

The 1855 Spanish Railway Law: Boosting Construction and Attracting Foreign Capital

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TYPE OF TEXT: Primary Source

As regards the form, it's a law - legal text/terms. For content - economic text.


Liberal Progressive Government, at the proposal of the Ministry of Development + approved by Cortes + Isabel II (Queen)


All the Spaniards, so it is a public text.



Attract foreign capital to boost the construction of the railway in Spain.


Aranjuez, published in “”/Located in the process of “Vicalvarada” to Progressive Biennium 1854-56

Main Idea

Boost the construction of the railway in Spain + the need to attract foreign capital.


The law - approved in Cortes is ratified by Isabel II, Queen of Spain.


Their object is to regulate the general service of the rail network.... Continue reading "The 1855 Spanish Railway Law: Boosting Construction and Attracting Foreign Capital" »

The Consequences of the Revolution and the Roaring Twenties

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The Consequences of the Revolution

1.3 The consequences of the revolution. The USSR. Lenin's government (1921-1924). Lenin held all the political power. In 1922, he created a political organization called the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR), made up of Russia and other Asian republics. It was organized as a federal state and adopted a New Economic Policy (NEP), which combined communist and capitalist policies. Thanks to this policy, the Soviet economy made a recovery.

• Stalin's government (1927-1953). Lenin's successor began a new era, called 'Stalinism'. A totalitarian political system was established which used state violence to purge society of his opponents. The economy became controlled by the state. Land was collectively owned... Continue reading "The Consequences of the Revolution and the Roaring Twenties" »

Commercial Fishing Techniques and Methods

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Commercial Fishing

The aim of this modern form of fishing is the large-scale sale of the catch. It is common in developed countries. In commercial fishing, there are also different techniques for catching the fish. Two are especially worth noting: trawling and electrofishing with suction.


Coastal fishing:This is done in large bodies of fresh water or in the ocean near the coast. Boats go out for one or two days. They are small and use nets and paternoster lines, long fishing lines with several branches ending in a hook. This type of fishing does not employ a lot of technology.

Deep-sea fishing: This is done exclusively in the open sea by fleets equipped with sonar and radar to detect shoals of fish. The ships are very large

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Agriculture and Livestock in Spain

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Agriculture in Spain

Wheat: It is the most widely cultivated cereal in the world and characteristic of the Mediterranean diet.

Rice: It is the second most consumed cereal and the first in Asia.

Corn: 116,307 hectares, Aragon is the main producer.

Others: Oats and Barley.

Olive Oil Production

The value of production of olive oil in Spain represents 4.6% of the production of the agricultural industry. Spain is at the top of the world production and it constitutes a 75% of the production in the EU and 45% of global production. The surface dedicated for this in Spain is over 2 million hectares. In the last ten years, the production has increased by 23%.

Vineyards and Wine Production

Spain has almost 1.2 million hectares of vineyards, which makes it the

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Oak Processionary Moth (OPM): Risks & Control in the UK

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Oak Processionary Moth (OPM) in the UK

Threats to Oak Trees and Public Health

The oak processionary moth (OPM) is an invasive pest that poses significant threats to oak trees and human and animal health. Accidentally introduced to England in 2005, OPM larvae (caterpillars) feed on oak leaves, potentially defoliating entire trees and making them susceptible to other diseases and stressors.

Government Control Measures and Protected Zones

The UK government has implemented a comprehensive program to monitor, control, and minimize the spread of OPM. Most of Greater London and some surrounding counties are established OPM areas. To prevent further incursions, the rest of the UK is designated as a Protected Zone (PZ) under European Union regulations,

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The Roaring Twenties: Societal Changes and Cultural Shifts

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They were sustainable because of the continuous floods of immigrants. As it stopped, working conditions had to be improved.

There were jobs available for black people as a consequence of the huge demand for American products.

There was a movement of black people from the South to the North which received the name of Great Internal Migration and it had a sociological, demographic and cultural effect. They went to industrial centres such as Chicago, New York etc. They took their music with them.

The Roaring Twenties (Jazz Age)

The music of the period is the consequence of the Great Internal Migration.

People were tired from war and wanting to enjoy life. It was a period of music.

It had some negative aspects:

  • Red Scare: the Soviet Revolution made American
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Mediterranean, Atlantic, and Baltic Trade Routes in Medieval Europe

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mediterranean route:

Spanish or Italian towns to Islamic and Byzantine ports, imported luxury, perfumes, silks, porcelain.

atlantic and baltic routes:

Portuguese, Cantabria, Germany, Russia: Spanish and English wood, French wine, English tin, leather.


Artisans of the same trade formed craft guilds, they have strict laws.

romanesque :

Fisrt appearance in France, Italy, became an international style in 11th and 12th century, churches, cathedrals, monasteries made of stone, human representation: figures were rigid, unrealistic, Romanesque sculptures were polychrome, they were painted in bright colors.


Began in France and spread widely from the second half of the 12th century, developed when cities were expanded, civil buildings, cathedrals,... Continue reading "Mediterranean, Atlantic, and Baltic Trade Routes in Medieval Europe" »

Ancient China: From Prehistory to the Qin Dynasty

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Around 40,000 BCE, the first humans lived in China. Cultivation began around the Yellow and Yangtze Rivers. The Yangshao and Longshan cultures were the earliest settlements. There was a big difference between northern and southern agriculture. The Tibetan Plateau and the Gobi Desert were the natural barriers of the Chinese civilization.

The Shang Dynasty

The Xia was the first dynasty in China, around 2000 BCE. It was replaced by the Shang Dynasty around 1600 BCE. Shang China was governed by a warrior aristocracy. The rulers in Anyang ruled with local and central bureaucracy, but it wasn't hereditary. The king's position was demonstrated by the large sacrifices at his death. He was an intermediary between Heaven and Earth. Socially, the village/... Continue reading "Ancient China: From Prehistory to the Qin Dynasty" »