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Energy sour7 | Renewable Non-renewable | Source | Advantage | Desanvantage |
Coal | NON RENEWABLE ENERGY | Coal accumulation of vegetable matter underground | High calorific power (gives a lot of energy) | Expensive to extract Highly polluting |
Oil | Organic compounds derived from the decomposition of animal and vegetable matter | It has a lot of uses (fuel, creation of products, electricity) | ||
Natural gas | Methane | More efficient than other fuels | ||
Nuclear energy | Uranium | Gives a lot of energy | It is risky because it creates nuclear radiation | |
Hydraulic energy | RENEWABLE ENERGY | Water | It is clean, does not generate waste and the water can supply the population | Transporting the energy is expensive |
Wind energy | Wind | Clean enerry | Intermittent energy | |
Solar enegy | Sun | Clean, free and high quality | Requires large |
Geography of the Developing World
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- Panama also has the world's second largest free trade zone, the COLON Free Trade Zone at the mouth of the Atlantic side of the canal.
- The trip through the Panama Canal from the Pacific Ocean to the Atlantic Ocean will take a little less than one DAY.
Haiti and Mexico
- Haiti is classified as a(n) LOW economy by the UN.
- Mexico is classified as a(n) UPPER MIDDLE economy by the UN.
Latin America and the Caribbean
- By 2050, the population of Latin America and the Caribbean is estimated to reach about 725 million.
- Humid subtropical climates are found in areas of Brazil and URUGUAY.
- Peru has large deposits of silver, tin, lead, and COPPER.
- Coffee and maize (corn), fruit trees, and vegetables are typical crops grown in Latin America's altitudinal life zone
Growth of International Trade and Industrial Development in Spain
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Growth of International Trade
Increased due to the growth in industrial production, the improvement of transport systems, and construction of tunnels and canals. Dynamite enabled the construction of large tunnels through mountainous areas and also made it possible to build huge canals.
Industrial Development in Spain
It was slower than in the rest of Europe. Foreign companies invested capital in mining. The most industrialized areas continued to be Catalonia and the Basque Country. The expansion of the railway network helped the growth of the iron and steel industry.
Anti-Colonial Protest
In some colonies, indigenous people revolted against European exploitation and the disregard for their traditional cultural values. In colonizing countries, socialist... Continue reading "Growth of International Trade and Industrial Development in Spain" »
The Impact of Revolutions and the Evolution of English
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Industrial Revolution
Several influences fueled the Industrial Revolution: Britain's industry, wealth, labor force, a greater demand for goods, new power sources, and improved transportation.
Increased food production made it possible to feed a large population. This created an opportunity to manufacture and sell goods, and a demand for people to produce those goods.
Machines were invented for basic jobs, which introduced the idea of division of labor. One invention led to another. Other countries bought British uniforms, equipment, and weapons, particularly after the invention of a cloth-making machine. Ultimately, Britain was exporting all of this to Europe.
Workers' Rights
Workers tried to join together to protect themselves against powerful... Continue reading "The Impact of Revolutions and the Evolution of English" »
The Crown of Aragon and the Late Middle Ages in Spain
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The Crown of Aragón
The Crown of Aragón was made up of the Catalan counties and the kingdoms of Aragón, Valencia, and Mallorca. Each territory maintained its own laws, institutions, and customs. The king had less power than in Castile. Each territory had its own parliament, and the king needed its approval to raise taxes or pass laws. In Catalonia and Valencia, a Generalitat had an administrative role. An official called the Justícia defended people's rights in Aragón. City councils developed considerable autonomy in the Crown of Aragón. The city council of Barcelona was especially important.
Expansion Across the Mediterranean
Aragón expanded on the Iberian Peninsula, although less than Castile.
- Alfonso I conquered the Ebro Valley.
Feudalism and Social Groups in Medieval Times
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- Serf: A person who serves a lord and works in exchange for protection.
- Lord: A noble who provides protection and rules the land.
- Vassal: Lesser nobles/peasants who provide a service for protection.
- Arabs: The dominant social group who owned large states (latifundia).
- Berbers: They had converted to Islam and worked as livestock farmers, agricultural workers, or soldiers. They felt discriminated against.
- Muladíes: Natives of the peninsula who had converted to Islam. Most of them worked in agriculture.
- Mozarabs: Natives of the peninsula who had not converted to Islam and maintained their Christian beliefs.
- Bellatores: Those who wage war and defend the rest of society in times of war.
- Oratores: Those who pray and guarantee the salvation... Continue reading "Feudalism and Social Groups in Medieval Times" »
Iron and steel industry -China
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-Problems: >Oligarchism and caciquism (a way to manipulate the results of election though some local governors or social leaders that used different ways,such as buying votes,arbitrary restrictions or the suffrage):marginalization of other parties from the power(democrats,republicans,carlist,socialists).The 2 main parties controlled the elections through oligarchist and caciques. >Radicalisation of the opposition to the system:working class association,socialism,anarchism.Sometimes with terrorism and 'magnicidio'(assassinations) (Cánovas y Canalejas) >Nationalism:they come from Carlism,were fear to industrialisation,were opposed to the central power and were against the centralisation;In Catalonia:Liga Regionalista and Unió Catalanista;... Continue reading "Iron and steel industry -China" »
Medieval Europe: Kingdoms, Society & Economy
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Norman Dynasties and Feudal Peace
What could people establish in several kingdoms? Norman dynasties (Vikings). Was there any agreement between lords to maintain peace? Yes, there was an agreement to maintain peace on the roads and limit the effects of wars between feudal lords.
Main Changes in Productivity
- New cultivation methods: such as triennial rotation.
- New farming tools: such as the mouldboard plough and the use of horses.
- The use of windmills and watermills, which made grinding grain easier.
Population Growth and Land
What was the reason for population growth? The increase in agricultural production meant an improvement in diet and health. How did they get land? Peasants resettled old abandoned land and cleared new land for farming.
... Continue reading "Medieval Europe: Kingdoms, Society & Economy" »Environmental Regulations and Measures in Bahrain: Addressing Air and Water Pollution
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Chemical Plant Emissions and Violations
In Bahrain, chemical plants have been found to emit harmful pollutants into the atmosphere, violating environmental regulations.
Measures Implemented in Industries
To address air pollution, measures have been implemented in various industries, including:
- Reducing sulfur content in diesel fuel
- Recycling and converting carbon dioxide into useful products
Untreated Water Discharge
Chemical factories have also been inspected for discharging untreated water into the surrounding environment, violating environmental standards.
Waste Management Laws
Bahrain has enacted laws to manage hazardous waste, including:
- Management of hazardous healthcare waste
- Management of hazardous waste from factories and industries
Chemical Substances
... Continue reading "Environmental Regulations and Measures in Bahrain: Addressing Air and Water Pollution" »Conceptual delimitation" "social work
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