Notes, abstracts, papers, exams and problems of French

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Literary Terms and Writing Techniques: A Comprehensive Guide

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Literary Terms and Writing Techniques

Compare or Contrast Organization

A pattern of organization in which an author compares two or more subjects by explaining how they are similar and different.

Word Choice

An author's selection of words.


The dictionary definition of every word.


The feeling or ideas that people associate with that word.


  • Introduction
  • An idea
  • The opposite of that idea
  • Conclusion

Informal Letter

  • Dear,
  • Agradecimiento por el letter
  • El body
  • Conclusion
  • Thanks for writing


  • Introduction
  • Nudo
  • Desenlace

Abstract Nouns

  • Belief = Creencia
  • Concentration = Concentración
  • Creativity = Creatividad
  • Determination = Determinación
  • Luck = Suerte
  • Success = Éxito
  • Development = Desarrollo
  • Agreement = Acuerdo
  • Fortune = Fortuna
  • Nature = Naturaleza
  • Intelligence
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The Impact of Electricity: A World Powered by Innovation

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Living Alone: The Glittering Truth

The Allure of Independence

As young adults, we crave independence. We long to break free from our parents' control and rules, often believing that living alone is the key to achieving true autonomy. We envision a "perfect lifestyle" filled with freedom and rights. However, this independence comes with its own set of responsibilities and challenges.

The Price of Freedom

When living alone, it's easy to neglect chores and embrace disorganization. After all, there's no one to complain about the mess. However, the need to clean and organize eventually arises, reminding us that freedom doesn't exempt us from responsibility.

While we relish the freedom to choose our meals, we also become responsible for grocery shopping... Continue reading "The Impact of Electricity: A World Powered by Innovation" »

Binge-Watching and Pollution: Impacts on Mental and Environmental Health

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Binge-Watching Effects

During lockdowns, binge-watching served as a distraction from negativity and filled excessive spare time, becoming a coping mechanism for overthinking.

However, excessive binge-watching can lead to mental health issues like insomnia and anxiety. Humans are social creatures, and compulsive binge-watching combined with social media overuse can cause loneliness and depression.

While occasional TV watching is relaxing, daily marathons risk addiction and social withdrawal. The negative effects often outweigh stress relief. It's crucial to find a balance in TV consumption.

Pollution's Impact on Wildlife


This report examines pollution's effects on local wildlife and proposes improvements and regulations to protect the... Continue reading "Binge-Watching and Pollution: Impacts on Mental and Environmental Health" »

The Impact of Electricity and Computing on Modern Life

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What Is the Most Important Invention Ever?

Electricity: Powering Our Modern World

How could one answer such a difficult question? Choosing the most important invention is a daunting task, considering the impact of electricity, genetic theory, penicillin, and Gutenberg's printing press. However, if we must choose one, electricity stands out as an integral part of our daily lives.

We realize electricity's significance when a power outage disrupts our routines. Without it, we lose access to television, computers, and essential appliances like microwaves, washing machines, and dishwashers. Our ability to function effectively comes to a halt.

Furthermore, electricity enables communication through telephones and the internet. It powers public transportation

... Continue reading "The Impact of Electricity and Computing on Modern Life" »

Understanding Domestic Violence: Warning Signs, Support, and Resources

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Understanding Domestic Violence


English - Spanish

  • To punch: golpear (con el puño)
  • To choke: estrangular (con las manos)
  • To strangle: estrangular (con cualquier cosa)
  • Isolated incident (single incident): incidente aislado
  • Long-term: a largo plazo
  • To cope with / to deal with: lidiar con
  • To know and understand: awareness (conciencia)
  • To look for or try to obtain: to seek (buscar)
  • Psychological help: counseling (asesoramiento)
  • To tell the authorities: to report (informar) NOT to demand
  • A husband or wife: a spouse (cónyuge, esposa o esposo)
  • Don’t get close to that person: a restraining order (orden de alejamiento)
  • Repeated abuse: battering - battered women (maltrato, mujeres maltratadas)
  • To support someone to do something: to encourage (animar)
  • A
... Continue reading "Understanding Domestic Violence: Warning Signs, Support, and Resources" »

The Failed Hero's Journey in Washington Irving's Rip Van Winkle

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The Failed Hero's Journey in Washington Irving's Rip Van Winkle

Male Flight from Home and Responsibilities into the Wilderness

According to Joseph Campbell, the story of the hero takes place in three stages: withdrawal, initiation, and return. The hero abandons his family or community, undergoes an initiation, which is usually an encounter with supernatural forces, and eventually returns to society, wiser than before.

A closer reading of "Rip Van Winkle" alongside Campbell's work will demonstrate that Irving was well aware of this pattern, and that he both followed and veered from it intentionally for his own purposes.

Withdrawal: Escape from Domestic Strife

As Campbell explains, the hero's story starts with a call to adventure. The hero does not... Continue reading "The Failed Hero's Journey in Washington Irving's Rip Van Winkle" »

The Worst Work Emails Ever

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Marcus Wood's Offensive Email

When Marcus Wood, the boss of a recruitment company in Australia, sent an email to his colleagues, he had no idea it would make headlines around the world. In the email, Wood used offensive language to accuse his employees of not being good enough. He claimed they were playing games instead of working, not wearing the correct attire, and taking too many sick days.

Wood gave his employees an ultimatum: improve your performance in three months, or you're fired. His employees got their revenge by posting the email on Twitter. The tweets were shared globally, and news of the email appeared in newspapers from Australia to the UK. The "worst work email ever," as some called it, had gone viral.

After his email became famous,... Continue reading "The Worst Work Emails Ever" »

Passive Voice, Reported Speech, Conditionals, Modals, Relatives, and Writing Tips

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Passive Voice

The man studies Latin in university. Latin is studied in university by the man.


  • Present Simple: is/are + past participle
  • Present Continuous: is/are being + past participle
  • Present Perfect: have/has been + past participle
  • Past Simple: was/were + past participle
  • Past Perfect: had been + past participle
  • Past Continuous: was/were being + past participle
  • Will/Can/Must: be + past participle
  • Going to: is/are going to be + past participle

Pronoun Changes:

  • I - me
  • You - you
  • He - him
  • She - her
  • It - it
  • We - us
  • They - them (always after "by")


  • 1st Conditional: Subject + verb (present simple), subject + will/won't + verb (base form)
  • 2nd Conditional: Subject + verb (past simple), subject + would + verb (base form)

Reported Speech

"I am making my... Continue reading "Passive Voice, Reported Speech, Conditionals, Modals, Relatives, and Writing Tips" »

The Impact of Social Media on Body Image and Self-Esteem

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In this article, we will explore the impact of social media on self-esteem and body image. This is a pressing issue, as social media's influence on these aspects of well-being is significant and often detrimental.

The Problem: Social Media's Influence on Self-Perception

This topic is increasingly important in teenagers' lives. Many are heavily influenced by the individuals they follow online. They may idolize people with surgically enhanced appearances or use filters to seek validation from others. This constant comparison can lead to feelings of inadequacy and a distorted self-image. When faced with their reflection, these individuals may experience distress, preferring the altered versions of themselves presented online.

The Consequences:

... Continue reading "The Impact of Social Media on Body Image and Self-Esteem" »

Comparative and Superlative Adjectives, Past Simple, Future Simple, and Present Continuous

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adj+er+than ejm: Oscar is taller than Blanca / Susana is more famous than Kia


the+adj+est ejm: Susana is the happiest / Eloddie is the most wonderful

Irregular Adjectives:

good / better than - the best; bad / worse than - the worst; far / further than - the furthest.

Past Simple:

+ed - didn't / did; Past Continuous: +was were - wasn't werent / ¿was were; ing en todos

Future Simple:

s+will+inf / s+will wont+inf / ¿will s+inf? ejm: I will go to the dentist.

Be Going To:

s+V to be+going to+inf / s+v to be+not+going to+inf / ¿v to be+s+going to+inf? ejm: I'm going to go to the dentist

Present Continuous:

s+v to be+v ing+ / s+vtobe+not+v ing / ¿v to be+s+v ing? ejm: I'm going to the dentist.