Notes, abstracts, papers, exams and problems of Economy

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A flow of people and organizations that move toward the same horizon from different positions.

Classified in Economy

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GLOBALISATION= Growing integration of national economies into a global

market economy, in which almost all areas on earth are interconnected.


-Increased free trade between nations

-Increased liquidity of capital allowing     

investors in developed nations to invest in developing nations.

-Corporations have greater flexibility to operate across borders.

-Global mass media ties the world together.

-Increased flow of communications allos vital information to be shared between individuals and corporations around the world.

-Greater ease and speed of transportation of goods and people

-Reduction of cultural barriers increases the global village effect

-Spread of democratic ideals to developed nations

-Greater interdependence of nation states


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Key Concepts of Marketing and Market Analysis

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1. What are the two perspectives of marketing?

Philosophy and Technique.

2. Who first mentioned the concept of marketing-mix?

Neil Borden.

3. What is the current concept of marketing?

The current concept arises from the customer's or user's needs which guide production.

4. Do all companies are marketing oriented?

No, companies can be Sales or Marketing oriented.

5. What is the difference between the four 'p' and the 'four c's?

From a customer's point of view, the 4 P's of marketing become the 4 C's.

6. What decisions include sales management?

  • Strategic decision
  • Selection training
  • Motivation
  • Supervision and compensation of sales team.

7. What is relationship marketing?

Relationship marketing is the establishing of long-term, stable relationship with a... Continue reading "Key Concepts of Marketing and Market Analysis" »

Employment Terminology and Definitions

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Applicant (solicitante): A person who applies or requests something; a candidate. Application form (solicitud de): A document to be filled out by an applicant.

Apply for a job (solicitar un trabajo): apply for a position; reply to employment advertisement. Be in charge of (estar a cargo de): having control of (sth); be responsible for.

Be responsible for (ser responsable de). Bonus (sobre sueldo): extra pay. Boss (jefa): manager. Casual job (trabajo temporal): temporary job. Day shift (turno de día): daytime work period.

Dismiss (despedir): sack; fire an employee. Dismissal (despido): the act of being fired from a job. Duties (deberes): job functions / tasks. Earn one's living (ganarse la vida): to earn the money needed for food, clothing, etc.... Continue reading "Employment Terminology and Definitions" »

TM's Marketing Mix and Unique Selling Proposition: A Case Study

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TM's Marketing Mix and Its Impact on Sales Targets

The marketing mix plays a crucial role in TM achieving its sales targets. TM offers a wide range of products, including hardware, home appliances, electronics, furniture, automotive parts, and office supplies. This extensive product range caters to diverse consumer needs, expanding its customer base and sales potential.

TM's primary aim is to offer the lowest prices in the market. This pricing strategy is supported by lean production methods, just-in-time (JIT) practices, and outsourcing to minimize costs. By offering competitive prices, TM attracts consumers and maintains a competitive edge.

TM effectively promotes its low prices and extensive product range through various marketing channels,... Continue reading "TM's Marketing Mix and Unique Selling Proposition: A Case Study" »

Business Operations: Costs, Ventures, and Integration

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Fixed Costs

Fixed costs are the costs of production that a business has to pay regardless of how much it produces or sells. Fixed costs exist even if there is no output. These costs remain unchanged in the short run. They can change, but these changes happen independently from the level of output.

Scale of Operations

Scale of operations is the maximum output that can be achieved using the available resources. It can be increased in the long term.

Variable Costs

Variable costs are the costs of production that change in direct proportion to the level of output or sales. These include commission earned by staff, raw materials, packaging costs, etc. In theory, if there is no production, then variable costs equal zero.


Contribution refers... Continue reading "Business Operations: Costs, Ventures, and Integration" »

Understanding Company Structure, Accounting, and Tourism in Panama

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Understanding Company Structure and Accounting Principles

A company is a legal entity made up of an association of persons, be they natural, legal, or a mixture of both, for carrying on a commercial or industrial enterprise. An accounting cycle is a set of steps applied in the accounting of a company. The general ledger contains all the accounts for recording transactions relating to a company's assets, liabilities, owner's equity, revenues, and expenses.

Elements of a Company

  • Merchant
  • Worker
  • Technology
  • Provider

Principles and Ethics Code of an Accountant

Accountants must adhere to a strict code of ethics, including:

  • Integrity: The accountant must be upright in all their acts. It is not allowed to make any act that could discredit their profession.
  • Discretion:
... Continue reading "Understanding Company Structure, Accounting, and Tourism in Panama" »

Key Accounting and International Trade Terms

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Key Accounting Terms

  • Entries: Journal analysis of the effects of a transaction on the accounts, usually accompanied by an explanation of the transaction.
  • Ledger: Single accounts kept updated by posting. Each is recorded with one debit and one credit.
  • Assets: Resources controlled by the entity as a result of past events and from which future economic benefits are expected to flow to the entity.
  • Liabilities: Obligations of the enterprise arising from past events, expected to result in an outflow from the enterprise of resources embodying economic benefits.
  • Equity: What is left of the assets after liabilities are deducted. Capital or owner's interest, withdrawals.
  • Expenses: Amounts that have been paid or will be paid for costs that have been incurred
... Continue reading "Key Accounting and International Trade Terms" »

International Trade and Specific Factors Model

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16) If the world terms of trade for a country are somewhere between the domestic cost ratio of H and that of F, then

B) country H and country F will both gain from trade.

17) If the world terms of trade equal those of country F, then

A) country H but not country F will gain from trade

18) If the world terms of trade equal those of country H, then

E) country F but not country H will gain from trade


37) In the specific factors model, a 5% increase in the price of food accompanied by a 10% increase in the price of cloth will cause ________ in the welfare of labor, ________ in the welfare of the fixed factor in the production of food, and ________ in the welfare of the fixed factor in the production of cloth.
A) an ambiguous change;... Continue reading "International Trade and Specific Factors Model" »

Problemas en las plataformas online y casos de estudio

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Problemas en las plataformas online

Las plataformas pueden realizar cambios repentinos e inexplicables en los términos y condiciones para las empresas, redactados en un lenguaje claro e inteligible. No se informa claramente ni se da una razón para la terminación o suspensión de una cuenta, incluyendo el motivo por el cual una oferta puede ser eliminada. Deben proporcionar a los usuarios comerciales la razón de la suspensión de servicios. Las políticas sobre el acceso a los datos no están claras, deben formular y publicar políticas generales sobre cómo se puede acceder a los datos generados a través de sus servicios. Las reglas de clasificación no están claras, deben informar claramente a las empresas. Favorecimiento del propio servicio... Continue reading "Problemas en las plataformas online y casos de estudio" »

Developing a Global Partnership for Development: Addressing Special Needs and Debt Problems

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Address the least developed countries' special needs:

  • Tariff- and quota-free access for their exports
  • Enhanced debt relief for heavily indebted poor countries
  • Cancellation of official bilateral debt

Address the special needs of landlocked and small island developing states.

Deal comprehensively with developing countries' debt problems.

Develop decent and productive work for youth.

In cooperation with pharmaceutical companies, provide access to affordable essential drugs in developing countries.

Activity: Global Public Good

i. Choosing one global public good. Argue why it should be considered as a global public good.

- Author defines global public good as a good, service, or resource that is available for all because it involves non-rivalry and non-excludability.... Continue reading "Developing a Global Partnership for Development: Addressing Special Needs and Debt Problems" »