Notes, abstracts, papers, exams and problems of Competitive examination

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Innovation: Characteristics, Types, and Cultivating Creativity

Classified in Other subjects

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Innovation is the process and outcome of creating something new and valuable. Schumpeter argued that innovation arises from new combinations made by an entrepreneur, resulting in:

  • A new product
  • A new process
  • Opening a new market
  • A new way of organizing the business
  • New sources of supply

Characteristics of Innovation

  • Object or Target of Change: Innovation involves changing an object or target, which can be a product, process, individual's lifestyle, organization's strategy, or a society's culture.
  • Magnitude of Deviation: Innovations vary in extent or magnitude, representing the degree to which they deviate from the past.
  • Problem-Solving Focus: Innovation is closely related to problem-solving, as generating and implementing ideas for change
... Continue reading "Innovation: Characteristics, Types, and Cultivating Creativity" »

Marxist Theory and Post-Marxist Perspectives on Society

Classified in Social sciences

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Marxist Theory

Human beings are trying to cover basic need, biological necessities. Men are compelled to produce those things. Life from a Marxist point of view is the process where human beings first make products to satisfy their needs, and secondly make themselves making products. Marx defines us as workers. We express ourselves in labor, working. When the product of workers' labor belongs to other people, the workers' humanity is stolen or abducted. In private property, his product is separated from workers, he looks himself alienated. In human history, human life has had:

  1. Material needs and scarcity poverty
  2. Alienation

He is following Feuerbach to establish his idea of original religion, is the fact that human beings live with basic necessities,... Continue reading "Marxist Theory and Post-Marxist Perspectives on Society" »

Understanding Value Chain Analysis: A Comprehensive Guide

Classified in Economy

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Value Chain

Primary Activities

These activities relate directly to the physical creation, sale, maintenance, and support of a product or service.

  • Inbound Logistics: All processes related to receiving, storing, and distributing inputs internally.
  • Operations: Transformation activities that change inputs into outputs sold to customers. This is where operational systems create value.
  • Outbound Logistics: Activities that deliver your product or service to your customer, including collection, storage, and distribution systems. These can be internal or external to your organization.
  • Marketing and Sales: Processes used to persuade clients to purchase from you instead of competitors. The benefits you offer and how well you communicate them are sources of value.
... Continue reading "Understanding Value Chain Analysis: A Comprehensive Guide" »

Modal Verbs and Reported Speech

Classified in Electronics

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  • Obligation: MUST STUDY/ HAS TO HELP
  • Absence of obligation/necessity: DON’T HAVE TO GO/ NEEDN’T WEAR
  • Prohibition: CAN’T SMOKE / MUSTN’T TAKE


  • Regret, criticism, or past advice: SHOULD HAVE ASKED /SHOULDN’T HAVE LEFT/ OUGHT TO HAVE TOLD
  • Past obligation: HAD TO SAVE
  • No past necessity: NEEDN’T HAVE RUSHED
  • Absence of past obligation: DIDN’T HAVE TO GIVE/ DIDN’T NEED TO GO

Present Deduction

  • Possibility or speculation: COULD RAIN/ MAY BE/ MIGHT NOT BE
  • Affirmative deduction: MUST BE
  • Negative deduction: CAN’T BE

Past Deduction

  • Past possibility: MAY HAVE LEFT/ MIGHT HAVE GIVEN
  • Past possibility that didn’t happen: COULD HAVE MADE
  • Logical conclusion about a past action:
... Continue reading "Modal Verbs and Reported Speech" »

Organization of the SSM and Banco de España

Classified in Economy

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1.2 Organization of the Single Supervisory Mechanism (SSM)

The SSM comprises the ECB and the National Competent Authorities of the participating Member States. The ECB is responsible for the effectiveness and consistency of its operations.

For the organization of the supervisory function, credit institutions have been classified as "significant" and "less significant". The criteria for this classification are based on the size of each institution, its economic importance, the volume of its operations, and whether it receives financial assistance. In Spain, many institutions are integrated into 12 groups classified as significant. Smaller-sized banks, saving banks, and rural saving banks have been classified as less significant.

The ECB supervises... Continue reading "Organization of the SSM and Banco de España" »

English Language Practice: Vocabulary and Grammar

Classified in English

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  • 1. Trash
  • 2. Voyage
  • 3. Avoid
  • 4. Landfills
  • 5. Shortcut
  • 6. Amount
  • 7. Harmful
  • 8. Halfway
  • 9. A drop in the ocean
  1. E
  2. F
  3. D
  4. C
  5. A
  6. B
  1. Carbon footprint
  2. Renewable energy
  3. Litter
  4. Fuel


  1. Could do / Could have done
  2. Shouldn’t wear
  3. May / Can / Could … have
  4. Can’t believe
  5. May / Might not have seen
  6. Needn’t / Don’t have to pay
  1. Susan shouldn’t / needn’t have brought so many bottles. / Susan didn’t have to bring so many bottles.
  2. Otherwise, I would have mentioned it.
  3. That’s why I didn’t have to get up so early.
  4. Could / Can we give you a lift?
  1. We had better leave immediately.
  2. He shouldn’t wear pale colors.
  3. You had better not say a word to anyone!


  1. Went bald
  2. Picked up
  3. Ingest
  4. Inhabit
  5. Used up
  6. Emits
  7. Fool
  1. Caught the waiter’s eye
  2. Pick up so many languages
  3. Cut
... Continue reading "English Language Practice: Vocabulary and Grammar" »

International Market Selection: A Comprehensive Guide to Systematic Approaches and Entry Modes

Classified in Economy

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International Market Selection: A Systematic Approach

Expansive Approach

Firms gradually move into international markets, starting with markets similar to their domestic market. This approach reduces perceived risk and information requirements.

  • Lower cultural distance: increased confidence
  • Lower costs associated with unfamiliar markets

Screening Approach

Involves systematically filtering the global market using criteria to identify the most suitable market for the firm.

Aim: Identify the market with the greatest marketing opportunity.

Stages of Screening Approach

Stage 1: Initial Screening

Objective: Identify national markets for further analysis.

Stage 2: Analysis of Potential Sales for an Industry in Country


  • Forecast of future sales
  • Minimum scale
  • Transport
... Continue reading "International Market Selection: A Comprehensive Guide to Systematic Approaches and Entry Modes" »

Common Irregular Verbs in English with Examples

Classified in English

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be - was, were - been - ser o estar

fight - fought - fought - luchar

beat - beat - beaten - golpear - find - found - found - encontrar

become - became - become - llegar a ser - fly - flew - flown - volar

being - began - begun - empezar - forget - forgot - forgotten - olvidar

bend - bent - bent - doblarse - forgive - forgave - forgiven - perdonar

bet - bet - bet - apostar - freeze - froze - frozen - congelar

bite - bit - bitten - morder - get - got - got - conseguir

bleed - bled - bled - sangrar - give - gave - given - dar

blow - blew - blown - soplar - go - went - gone - ir

break - broke - broken - romper - grow - grew - grown - crecer

bring - brought - brought - traer - hang - hung - hung - colgar

build - built - built - construir - have - had - had -... Continue reading "Common Irregular Verbs in English with Examples" »

Understanding Verb Tenses and Expressions in English

Classified in Electronics

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Verb Tenses and Expressions in English

In this article, we will explore various verb tenses and expressions commonly used in English.

Past Perfect Tense

The past perfect tense is used to express an action that occurred before another action in the past. For example, 'I wish I had studied more for the exam.'

Conditional Sentences

Conditional sentences are used to express hypothetical situations. They can be formed using different verb tenses and expressions. For example, 'If I had more time, I would have gone to the party.'

Causative Verbs

Causative verbs are used to indicate that someone or something caused an action to happen. They are formed using the structure 'subject + have + object + verb (past participle)'. For example, 'She had her car repaired... Continue reading "Understanding Verb Tenses and Expressions in English" »

Developing a Bionic Eye: A Breakthrough in Research and Innovation

Classified in English

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We had our photo taken. I will have the computer repaired. All the windows had been cleaned before the storm. All the milk has been drunk. A story was being told at six o'clock. A bionic eye has been developed by researchers at Melbourne University. Is the article being rewritten now? The scientist won't be paid a lot of money by them.

Mary asked me when her mother could visit me. Peter asked me if I could go home. Tom warned Mary not to touch his computer again. Angie asked me why they didn't watch a DVD after dinner.

The book, which we ordered, was very expensive. The paint of the beach, which we are sitting on, is still wet. The photographer, who had taken them in Australia, could not develop the pictures. The limb, which you haven't emptied... Continue reading "Developing a Bionic Eye: A Breakthrough in Research and Innovation" »