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Classified in Biology

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To sort the diversity of life using a rating system. Kingdom, phylum. sub class, super, order, sub groups, sub, genus, species, sub. Hierarchical binomial nomenclature, the greater the taxa categories. To reconstruct the phylogeny of a group uses a character that varies among members (ancestral character.) Is also used to compare outgroup (outgroup ) This is phylogenetically close, but not part of the study group. For any phylogenetic reconstruction we need to consider the characters that we use in our analysis and determine which is the primitive condition that presents the common ancestor of several. In this sense, we use the apomorphies that
refer to a derived or specialized character. In contrast, plesiomorphic, is a primitive character.

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Franco's Spain: A Comprehensive Analysis of the Regime

Classified in History

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The Franco regime emerged from the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939) and shared similarities with other totalitarian regimes of the era, such as those led by Mussolini and Hitler.

Despite the fall of fascism and Nazism after World War II, Franco's regime persisted until 1975.

Ideological Foundation

  • Fascist Representation: The Falange party represented fascist ideals, with all power concentrated in Franco's hands.
  • National Catholicism: Catholicism was the official religion, closely intertwined with the state.
  • Traditionalism: Inspired by the traditional monarchy of Habsburg Spain, rejecting Enlightenment ideas as the cause of Spanish decline.
  • National Unity: Autonomy statutes were abolished, and the state was centralized.

Internal Support


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Classified in Mathematics

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A definition must have the following requirements: 1. Be as concise as possible, that is, do not include properties that can be deduced from others already included in the definition 2. Do not contain contradictions 3. Do not contain only negative statement 4. Do not contain ambiguities Altura: Segment perpendicular to one side that joins a point on that side (or its prologation) with the opposite vertex, 3 alturas, ortocentro. Apotema: Segment that joins the midpoint of one side of the polygon with the center of this. Toulmin: fact ()- modal cualifier(always)-conclusion()-warrant()-backing(). Interior angle: The polygon of n sides can be decomposed into n-2 triangles. Therefore, the sum of the interior angles of the polygon would
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Glossary of Words: Creek, Soaring, Shack, Huddle, Garrulous, and More

Classified in Language

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Glossary of Words

  • Creek (n): A stream smaller than a river
  • Soaring (n): The sport of flying a sailplane
  • Shack (n): A rough cabin; shanty
  • Huddle (v): To gather or crowd together in a close mass
  • Garrulous (adj): Excessively talkative in a rambling, roundabout manner, especially about trivial matters
  • Brag (v): To use boastful language; boast
  • Unruly (adj): Not submissive or conforming to rule; ungovernable; turbulent; intractable; refractory; lawless
  • Sturdy (adj): Strongly built; stalwart; robust
  • Aloofness (n): The quality or state of being aloof, distant, or reserved; indifference
  • Clench (v): To close the hands, teeth, etc. tightly
  • Plea (n): An appeal or entreaty
  • Foyer (n): The lobby of a theater, hotel, or apartment house
  • Spool (n): Any cylindrical piece
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English Grammar and Vocabulary Guide

Classified in English

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Impossible: People DEFINITELY WON’T live on Mars. / Unlikely: People PROBABLY WON’T choose to have holidays in space. / IT’S UNLIKELY that the earth WILL be hit by a meteorite. / I DON’T THINK the use of smartphones WILL increase. / Possible: Food MAY become more expensive. / Tablets MIGHT replace textbooks. / IT’S POSSIBLE that everyone WILL speak English. / Likely: IT’S LIKELY that in the future we’LL import more. / The cost of mobile technology WILL PROBABLY fall. / I THINK the use of smartphones WILL increase. / Certain: The use of smartphones WILL DEFINITELY increase. / I AM SURE the use of smartphones WILL definitely increase.


Will: predictions about the future.
Might/May/Be Likely/Unlikely/Possible: degree... Continue reading "English Grammar and Vocabulary Guide" »

The Art of Persuasion: A Guide to Rhetoric from Ancient Greece to Modern Advertising

Classified in Social sciences

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Rhetoric and Poetica

As a general concept, rhetoric refers to the art of speaking or writing correctly and elegantly to move, delight, or persuade. Different authors have defined it in various ways:

  • Cockcroft: Art of persuasive speech
  • Lopez Eyre: Art of properly using language
  • Arist: Ability to achieve something
  • Quintilian: Science to work and take care of the ability to speak
  • Protagoras: Man as a measure of all things

The natural origin of rhetoric is legal and political. Its roots can be traced back to Syracuse in the 5th century BC when eloquence became necessary to persuade during land expropriation disputes. Rhetoric was the capacity for oratory, the art of persuading. The first discourse on this topic was written by Corax of Syracuse, but it... Continue reading "The Art of Persuasion: A Guide to Rhetoric from Ancient Greece to Modern Advertising" »

Irregular Verbs in English: The Ultimate List

Classified in English

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Essential English Irregular Verbs

Here's a list of common irregular verbs in English, with their base form, past simple, and past participle, along with a Spanish translation.

  • Be - Was/Were - Been - Ser, Estar
  • Beat - Beat - Beaten - Golpear
  • Become - Became - Become - Llegar a ser
  • Begin - Began - Begun - Empezar
  • Bend - Bent - Bent - Doblar
  • Bet - Bet - Bet - Apostar
  • Bite - Bit - Bitten - Morder
  • Bleed - Bled - Bled - Sangrar
  • Blow - Blew - Blown - Soplar
  • Break - Broke - Broken - Romper
  • Bring - Brought - Brought - Traer
  • Build - Built - Built - Construir
  • Burn - Burnt/Burned - Burnt/Burned - Quemar
  • Burst - Burst - Burst - Reventar, Estallar
  • Buy - Bought - Bought - Comprar
  • Catch - Caught - Caught - Coger
  • Choose - Chose - Chosen - Elegir
  • Come - Came - Come - Venir
  • Cost
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What is the time of the pet

Classified in Mathematics

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Expense: Will it cost a lot of money for the municipality? Is it worth it?

Inclusiveness: Is it just for young people?
Accessibility: Can people get to it easily? Public transport connections?
Versality: Can it be used for other activities or events?
Safety: Is the lighting good at night? What type of people go there?
Usability: Will people go there in summer and in winter?
Durability: Will it last? Are the materials good?
District, area, houses, flats, street, infrastructure, square, park, block, pedestrian, urban, growth, pavement, neighbourhood, industrial, space, bik-lines, services.

Accessibility and Connections: Can you see the space from a distance? Is its interior visible from the outside? Is there a good connection between
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Understanding Human Faculties and Freedom in Christian Morality

Classified in Philosophy and ethics

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Description of Human Faculties

Primitive Christianity made a huge effort to absorb the essential elements of Greek philosophy. A basic element is reason. According to the Platonic model, there are two different meanings or types of reason.

Universal Reason (LOGOS)

It governs the order of the world. According to Plato, this one lies in a superior world. Its supreme essences are the ideas: good, truth, and beauty.

Individual, Partial, and Limited Reason in Each Man

It allows captivating the superior order. However, the ascendance of the sensible world to the intelligible world is never produced completely. It is always done with difficulties.

Classical Notion of Human Freedom

It is the power, rooted in reason and will, to act or not to act, and so to... Continue reading "Understanding Human Faculties and Freedom in Christian Morality" »

Ancient China: From Prehistory to the Qin Dynasty

Classified in Geography

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Around 40,000 BCE, the first humans lived in China. Cultivation began around the Yellow and Yangtze Rivers. The Yangshao and Longshan cultures were the earliest settlements. There was a big difference between northern and southern agriculture. The Tibetan Plateau and the Gobi Desert were the natural barriers of the Chinese civilization.

The Shang Dynasty

The Xia was the first dynasty in China, around 2000 BCE. It was replaced by the Shang Dynasty around 1600 BCE. Shang China was governed by a warrior aristocracy. The rulers in Anyang ruled with local and central bureaucracy, but it wasn't hereditary. The king's position was demonstrated by the large sacrifices at his death. He was an intermediary between Heaven and Earth. Socially, the village/... Continue reading "Ancient China: From Prehistory to the Qin Dynasty" »