Glossary of Words: Creek, Soaring, Shack, Huddle, Garrulous, and More
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Glossary of Words
- Creek (n): A stream smaller than a river
- Soaring (n): The sport of flying a sailplane
- Shack (n): A rough cabin; shanty
- Huddle (v): To gather or crowd together in a close mass
- Garrulous (adj): Excessively talkative in a rambling, roundabout manner, especially about trivial matters
- Brag (v): To use boastful language; boast
- Unruly (adj): Not submissive or conforming to rule; ungovernable; turbulent; intractable; refractory; lawless
- Sturdy (adj): Strongly built; stalwart; robust
- Aloofness (n): The quality or state of being aloof, distant, or reserved; indifference
- Clench (v): To close the hands, teeth, etc. tightly
- Plea (n): An appeal or entreaty
- Foyer (n): The lobby of a theater, hotel, or apartment house
- Spool (n): Any cylindrical piece or device on which something is wound
- Blare (v): To emit a loud, raucous sound
- Gust (n): A sudden, strong blast of wind
- Tousle (v): To disorder or dishevel
- Lurch (n): An act or instance of swaying abruptly
- Puffed up (adj): Feeling self-important; arrogant; pompous
- Loafer (n): A person who loafs; lazy person; idler
- Trundle (v): To cause a circular object to roll along; roll
- Twirl (v): To cause to rotate rapidly; spin; revolve; whirl
- Idle (adj): Not working or active; unemployed; doing nothing
- Scrawny (adj): Excessively thin; lean; scraggy
- Elopement (n): An act or instance of running off secretly, as to be married
- Ashen (adj): Ash-colored; gray. Extremely pale; drained of color; pallid
- Flock (n): A number of animals of one kind, especially sheep, goats, or birds, that keep or feed together or are herded together
- Trimming (n): Anything used or serving to decorate or complete
- Afterglow (n): The glow frequently seen in the sky after sunset; afterlight
- Avert (v): To turn away or aside
- Wispy (adj): Being a wisp or in wisps; wisplike
- Scorching (adj): Burning; very hot
- Stillborn (adj): Dead when born
- Ramshackle (adj): Loosely made or held together; rickety; shaky
- Pry (v): To inquire impertinently or unnecessarily into something
- Surly (adj): Churlishly rude or bad-tempered
- Forge (v): To form by heating and hammering; beat into shape
- Haunch (n): The hip
- Charred (adj): Burned or reduced to charcoal
- Ailing (adj): Sickly; unwell
- Frisk (v): To dance, leap, skip, or gambol; frolic
- Twirled (v): To cause to rotate rapidly; spin
- Panjpar (n): Card game
- Chubby (adj): Round and plump
- Bethought (v): To think; consider
- Jagged (adj): Having ragged notches, points, or teeth