World War I: Key Battles, Treaties, and Aftermath
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Trench Warfare
Trench warfare describes combat based on defense by both contenders in fixed positions, consisting of lines of trenches dug into the ground for troops to parapet within them.
War Reparations
War reparations are compensation for damage caused by war. The defeated party must satisfy the victor under clauses in the peace treaties.
War Economy
A war economy is a set of restrictions and economic measures designed to meet the civil and military requirements of a country in wartime, so it can continue the struggle. Characteristic measures of a war economy are rationing and the use of women in the workforce.
Treaty of Versailles
The Treaty of Versailles imposed harsh territorial, political, and economic conditions on Germany.
Battles of Verdun and the Somme
The Battle of Verdun was a bloody fight for position, which resulted in heavy casualties on both sides. At the Battle of the Somme, the British first used tanks, although their dispersed use made them useless for breaking the German front.
Triple Alliance
The Triple Alliance was a defensive commitment between Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy against France.
War at Sea
After a naval battle in which neither of the contenders achieved a clear victory, the Germans torpedoed enemy submarines and neutral ships, provoking the US entry into the war, with disastrous results for Germany.
Total War
Total war differs in its dimensions and scope. It involved all world powers, especially in Europe, and the civilian population. Key aspects include:
- A war economy led by the abandonment of economic liberalism.
- States obtained participation in the control of production.
- Increased power of labor organizations in companies.
- Workers were so scarce that female labor was used.
- Increased influence of women and their work outside of the home.
- The USA was the most benefited.
The human cost was incalculable, with many deaths among Germans, Turks, Russians, etc. The rearguard also suffered from hunger and disease.
Paris Peace Conference
The peace after World War I offered the victorious European powers a chance to create a new order. The Russian political regime was rejected, and Russia was accused of having signed a separate peace with Germany. The USA was called to lead a new world order after the war. The objectives were:
- To confront the danger of the Russian Revolution.
- To control Germany.
- To plan restructuring.
- To attend to the interests of the vanquished.
World War I: General Aspects
World War I was the first truly great war. It differed from previous conflicts in the direct involvement of the civilian population. It began in the Balkans in 1914 when the heir to the Austro-Hungarian Empire was assassinated by a Serbian of Bosnian origin.
The war began in Europe, and the initial contenders were the European powers. Due to their colonies all over the world, there were clashes on other continents. Countries including Japan, the USA, Brazil, and China participated.