Web Security: Confidentiality, Authentication, and Protection Measures

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Web Security

Confidentiality: only authorized users should have access to the data

Authentication: each user must be confirmed to be who they say they are through their digital identity

Authorization: access to the different services must be conditioned by the identity and permissions attributed to each user

Integrity: the data sent must be the same as those received, avoiding manipulation or corruption

Availability: quality or condition of the information to be available to those who must access it.

Security Threats: the security of a network is exposed

Logical Causes:

This is the software that can attack the computer: malware, spam, viruses, programming errors…

Human Causes:

These are users who can damage the system: inexperienced users, hackers, spies, social engineering

Physical Causes:

These are related to device failures, power supply interruptions, meteorological phenomena, which can render the network inoperative.

Security Measures


Viruses have been one of the main security risks. Some protective measures include the use of strong passwords, access permissions, firewalls, anti-malware, and secure connections


A program that detects, blocks, and removes malware.


A program or hardware device used to control communications and prevent unauthorized access to a computer or network. It does this by filtering the data on the connection, allowing only authorized data to pass through.


Designed to recover data when the system has been damaged

Back-up Copies:

Duplicates of all data that allow the original information to be recovered if necessary. Made on storage media, such as external disks

Information in the Cloud:

Can be accessed from any device, they are already commonly used on mobile devices in applications such as Dropbox

SAN (Storage Area Network):

Is a network of devices that provides high-capacity, high-speed storage for enterprise networks.

LOPD: Ley Orgánica de Protección de Datos de Carácter Personal

LPI: Ley de Propiedad Intelectual

LSSICE: Ley de Servicios de la Sociedad de la Información

LAECSP: Ley de Acceso Electrónico de los Ciudadanos a los Servicios Públicos

ESL: Electronic Signature Law

Software Licenses

  • Free Software:
    • Gives users freedom to run, copy, distribute, study, change, and improve the software. Among them:
    • Open Source Software: Software where you don't have to pay for it. 2 types:
      • Public Domain Software: The one that is not copyrighted and can be used without limitation
      • Copyleft: Software that allows its free distribution as long as the modifications are also distributed as free software.
    • Non-free Software: The software allows freedom of use, but it is not necessarily free.
  • Proprietary Software: It is any software that can only be used, modified, or distributed under the terms specified in the purchased license. Among them:
    • Copyright: The use of this software is subject to the permission of the owner, either free of charge or commercially (by acquiring the license).
    • Shareware: It requires you to pay for the license after an initial trial period. It is not free software because its source code is not available and it is not licensed for distribution.

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