Vocabulary of Minerals, Animals, and Verbs

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Vocabulary of Minerals and Metals

Precious metals: silver, gold

Handmade jewelry: Pearl necklace, expensive watch; luxury clothing: fur coat, silk shirt; precious stone: diamonds, emeralds

Body Organs

Large intestine (intestino largo), small intestine (intestino corto), liver (hígado), pancreas (páncreas), lungs (pulmones), kidneys (riñones), bladder (vejiga), heart (corazón), brain (cerebro)

Vocabulary of Animals

A kind of animal or plant species (especies)

The place where an animal usually lives: habitat (hábitat)

Animals that kill other animals: predators (depredador)

An animal that other animals kill to eat: prey (presa)

To look for animals and kill them: hunt (cazar)

In nature, not controlled by people: wild (salvaje)

To keep safe from danger: protect (protector)

Doesn't exist anymore, all dead: extinct (extinto)

Irregular Verb Conjugations

Infinitive - Past Simple - Past Participle - Translation

Be - was, were - been

Become - became - become - convertirse en

Begin - began - begun - empezar

Bite - bit - bitten - morder

Catch - caught - caught - capturar

Do - did - done - hacer

Drink - drank - drunk - beber

Fall - fell - fallen - caer

Hide - hid - hidden - esconder

Make - made - made - hecho

Simple Present vs Present Continuous

For verbs that end in an 'e', only add a 'd'

Change > changed, believe > believe

If the verb ends in a short vowel and a consonant (except 'y' or 'w'), double the final consonant

Stop > stopped, commit > committed

With verbs that end in a consonant and a 'y', change the 'y' to an 'i'

Study > studied, try > tried

Present Perfect

I have worked for my uncle. (Yo he trabajado para mi tío)

He has returned my car at last. (El ha regresado mi automóvil al fin)

She has finished her homework. (Ella ha terminado su tarea)

It has rained once a week for the last month. (Ha llovido una vez a la semana)

We have loved each other for twenty years

You have invested in something revolutionary

They have completed the project. (Ellos han completado el proyecto)

Passive Voice

Present: Jim writes a letter. (Jim escribe una carta)

Passive: A letter is written by Jim. (Una carta es escrita por Jim)

Past: Jim wrote a letter. (Jim escribió una carta)

Passive: A letter was written by Jim. (Una carta fue escrita por Jim)

Future: Jim will write a letter. (Jim escribirá una carta)

Passive: A letter will be written by Jim. (Una carta será escrita por Jim)


Bob lives in a small flat in London. In the mornings, he wakes up and has a shower. Then he makes breakfast. He usually has a typical English breakfast with eggs and bacon. After that, he goes to work

On my next holiday, I’m going to Thailand. I’m going to buy my plane tickets tomorrow. I’m pretty sure I’m going to fly into Bangkok on the 5th of April, and I’m going to stay in a hotel in the city center. I’m going to visit all the important sights, and I’m going to spend some time at the beach

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