Vocabulary and English Grammar for Beginners

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Afford: permitirse, antique: antigüedad, barahona: ganga, barter: trocar, bill: cuenta, borrón: tomar, brand ñame: marca, bring in: traer, cash: efectivo, cheap: barato, cheque: cheque, coín: moneda, computer science: informática, credit card: tarjeta de crédito, customer: clienta, deal with: ocuparse, discount: descuento, earn: ganar, environment: medio ambiente, exchange: intercambio, expensive: caro, gift certifícate: cupón, half-price: mitad de precio, keep: guardar, last: durar, lend: prestar, lift: viaje, look after: cuidar, look into: echar un vistazo, make money: ganar dinero, manage money: administra dinero, mobile payment: pago con el móvil, note: billete, offline: fuera de internet, pay back: devolver, pay for: pagar, pay out: pagar, pick on: meterse con, pick out: elegir, plan on: tener pensado, pocket money: paga, produce: rentar, purchase: compra, purse: monedero, receipt: recibo, refund: reembolso, rent: alquiler, sale: venta, save: ahorrar, stay alive: sobrevivir, swap: intercambiar, yield: rentar, worth: valor, window display: escaparate, waste money: malgastar, voucher: vale

Achievement and Adjectives

Achieve one’s goals: lograr, admit: admitir, announce: anunciar, beat an opponent: ganar a un oponente, before you know it: antes de darte, blood: sangre, benefit: beneficio, bone: hueso, brain: cerebro, bring together: reunir, cell: célula, challenge: desafío, championship: campeonato, chase: perseguir, check for drugs: hacer un análisis, chew gum: mascar chicle, coarse: ordinario, complain: quejarse, concerned: preocupado, determined: determinado, dietician: dietista, disadvantage: desventaja, disease: enfermedad, distrust: desconfiar de, elbow: codo, endurance: resistencia, find guilty: declarar culpable, find it hard: costar, gene: gen, impolite: descortés, improve: mejorar, inaccurate: impreciso, inexpensive: no caro, issue: tema, keep fit: mantenerse en buena forma, knee: rodilla, lower: inferior, mention: mencionar, out of shape: en mala, overweight: obeso, performance: rendimiento, put on weight: coger peso, remind: recordar, risk one life: arriesgar la vida, set goals: establecer objetivos, succeed: tener éxito, take drugs: tomar drogas, take part: participar, take up: empezar hacer, threaten: decir contar, unwilling: poco dispuesto, upper: superior, warn: advertir, well-balanced diet: dieta equilibrada, wonder: preguntarse

English Grammar

First conditional: suj + verb (1), suj + will + verb, second: suj+verb ed o 2, suj would + verb, el preports cambios: now-then, yesterday-the day, last week/year, the week/year before, tomorrow-next day, next week:year, the following week/year, today-that day, tonight-that night, this week/year, test week/year, this-that, these/those, here-there, ... I go, P.Simp- I went, Pas S. / I’m going P, contiunuos, I was going Pas.C /I’ve gone P.perfect, I Had gone, Past perfect, I went P.simple - past perfect, i had gone / past c. i was going- i had been going past lerfec/ past p i had gone- past p., I will go - I would go, I would go - I would go, I am going to go - I was going to go, I can go - I could go, I must go- I had to go, I have been going - I had been going, Whre do you live, “I asked Ana,” I asked Anna where she lived, do, dos, did..., Have you gone to this park this week? I asked the children, I asked the if they had gone to that park that week, Imperative, Study hard, please, the teacher said to me, the teacher said to me study hard, aff, I am making my lunch now, Jon said, Jon said that he was making his lunch then, threatened, amenazar, complained, quejarse, admitted, admitir, insisted, promised, explained, mentioned, announced, wondered, wanted to know, suggested, give up, rendirse, take up, comenzar, put on weight, engordar, work out, look after. Nowadays, tema (most children antenna years play a sport in them there are many esport which are playing in times), in my opinion, I believe, playing in Pham, he said, wait to be with butter, alert to be a good person, however, do you agree with it? On the one hand, on the other hand, to sum up, I personally think.

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