Vocabulary and Adjectives for Sports and Opinions

Classified in English

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  • Catch – agafar
  • Dance – vallar
  • Dive – cabusar-se
  • Hit – golpear
  • Jump – saltar
  • Kick – passar
  • Win/Lose – guanyar/perdre
  • Run – correr
  • Score – marcar
  • Shout – cridar
  • Throw – tirar
  • Train – entrenador
  • Walk - caminar

Adjectives of Opinion

  • Amazing – marevillos
  • Boring
  • Dangerous – perillos
  • Difficult – difícil
  • Easy – fácil
  • Exciting – fantastic
  • Fun – content
  • Interesting – interessant


  • I 'm
  • YOU 're
  • HE/SHE/IT 's
  • WE 're
  • YOU 're
  • THEY 're


  • I 'm not
  • YOU aren't
  • HE/SHE/IT isn't
  • WE aren't
  • YOU aren't
  • THEY aren't


  • Am I ...
  • Are you ...
  • Is he/she/it...
  • Are we ...
  • Are you ...
  • Are they ...

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