Verb wiht the past tense and past participle
Classified in English
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Past continous: was/were You were studyingwhen she called. Wereyoustudyingwhen she called?
Past simple: You calledDebbie. DidyoucallDebbie? You did not call Debbie.
Past perfect: had + past participle] You had studiedEnglish before you moved to New York. HadyoustudiedEnglish before you moved to New York?
Present simpple: You speakEnglish. DoyouspeakEnglish?You do not speakEnglish.
Present continous: [am/is/are + present participle] You are watchingTV. AreyouwatchingTV?
Present perfect: [has/have + past participle] You have seenthat movie many times. Haveyouseenthat movie many times?
Be going to : am/is/are + going to + verb] You are going to meet Jane tonight. Areyougoing to meetJane tonight?
Future continous: will be + present participle] You will be waitingfor her when her plane arrives tonight. Willyoube waitingfor her when her plane arrives tonight?