Understanding Philosophy: The Pursuit of Wisdom and Truth

Classified in Philosophy and ethics

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Philosophy: Is a critical examination of reality characterized by rational inquiry that aims at the Truth for the sake of attaining wisdom. The etymology of the word is derived from two Greeks words: philo (love) and sophia (wisdom), literally means the loves of wisdom.

Wisdom is the proper understanding about nature of reality, a person is wise if he has a correct understanding about how things actually are and lives his lives accordingly. The philosopher seeks the truth to all people at all times, because it is not restricted to individual perceptions of what is true or false. Philosophy asks us to be able to justify why we hold these opinions, feelings or beliefs, we need to support our views using rather than emotions.Is not: A science because do not have a list of facts or formulas to memorize and mathematical precision, both are focused on good reasoning but philosophy is based in dialogue and argument. A religion Both want to answer questions about the human being and how we should behave, but religion is based on tenets and philosophy appeal to reason. Art is intuition and feeling, privacy and individuality, spontaneity and creativity are primary in any basic experience. But philosophy is ultimately based on dialogical reasoning and not on private, ineffable experience, so philosophy is not a science, religion or art.Branches: There are five, metaphysics is the study of reality, epistemology is the study of knowledge, ethics is the study of right and wrong in human action, aesthetics is the study of beauty and logic is the student of principles of right reasoning. The writing process: The writing process has four stage, first getting ideas, second organizing the thoughts, then writing clearly and logically and finally correcting the final version. In the stage one consist in the accumulation on facts, opinions and ideas. The students recognize clearly the importance of generating ideas. In the second stage is too see the innate relationship between ideas and thus system for essay organization. Involves finding a focus for their essay and placing all other ideas in relation to it and identify the purpose for which there writing. In third stage you have to write whom it is addressed and what is the message you want to communicate. In very case an organized, logical, piece of writing showing the understanding of the assigned subject is called for They have written and each sentences is full of mistakes. And fourth stages is corrected by himself or a friend.

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